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Retopology goes flat for no reason.

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This behavior occured sparattically halfway through retopologizing a model. I saved it and reloaded it, it seemed corrected, but then
went crazy again when any change was made (ie upon the completion of drawing a rect on the shape. Note that prior to saving, when
this happened, going back in history did not remove the problem.

snip 1 is what it looks like after loading the previously saved file.

snip 2 is what it looks like after I try to make any modification (in this case I was drawing a lone rectangle somewhere, but quad tool does the same.



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Firstly you may want to update to a newer version of 3D Coat, there have been quite a lot of changes since 4.7.24.

That being said this sounds similar to an issue I've encountered a few times recently where, upon reloading a saved file, the retopo mesh no longer snaps to the surface of the sculpt object.  Right-clicking the corresponding layers in the VoxTree and selecting the To Global Space option before trying to adjust the retopo mesh seems to fix it, but the same issue will sometimes reoccur the next time the file is saved and reloaded, despite no alterations being made to the voxel layers in question.

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Got it sometimes on older versions.

Click on symmetry and go to paint room!!! , then come back if its not auto fixed click again on the symmetry and it will be fixed.

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