Pencil Tool. Allows to paint sharp pixelated shapes and separate pixels. It may be used for precise and low-res painting when each pixel is important. Use CTRL with depth turned off to erase. It is recommended to turn off "View->Linear texture filtering" in this mode
Shift Tool. This tool allows you to smudge, collapse, and expand areas in the current layer in tangent space
All operations will be applied in screen space so be sure to adjust your view of the area to be edited accordingly. This tool is intended to move only small details over the layer, don't use it to move large areas
Clone Tool. Clones surface attributes from one area to another. Disabled channels are ignored. Select a Clone type from the dropdown menu to modify the tool behavior
In this mode points will be copied from one side of model to another. You should be close to the painting point if you want to preserve quality
Transform/Copy Tool. Import or grab image using rectangle. Move it using LMB. Scale using corner green points, use SHIFT to keep it uniform. Rotate with LMB outside the bound box. Press ENTER to apply.
Drag a rectangle around the area to transform or copy. Once selected, you can drag, rotate and scale the box. Use SHIFT to preserve proportions. Press ESC to cancel and ENTER to apply. It is helpful to use contours and circles ## (press #ID_PENOPS to display the draw modes) with this tool. The border width determines the edge softness during the transformation. You can translate specific channels (depth, color, Glossiness) by disabling the channels you do not wish to affect
Copy/Paste Tool. Copy and paste parts of a surface
Press CTRL+C to copy parts of a surface to the clipboard. Place the cursor where you want the paste to occur, then press CTRL+V to paste the contents of the clipboard there. If the cursor is not over an object, the copy is pasted to its original location. Images in the clipboard can be edited with the external graphics editor, then placed back to the clipboard and pasted onto the surface of the object. The copy command only records the currently enabled channels. In this way you can copy and edit any of channels - depth, Glossiness or color. Press CTRL+SHIFT+C to add the copy as a new alpha. Press CTRL+SHIFT+V to mirror the paste. Please note that copying and pasting depends on the currently selected alpha, and that only the features beneath the cursor are copied. Although the copy and paste hot keys are active in every tool mode, this tool is provided solely to display this hint
Eraser Tool. Erase the color, depth, and Glossiness in the current layer depending on the enabled options
Select the channel to be erased by enabling it in the right side pane. Disabled channels are not affected by the eraser tool. Adjust the opacity using the Eraser opacity slider above. Use CTRL + RMB to restore (undo) previously erased areas. The eraser tool affects only the currently selected layer
Use LMB to hide faces while painting. Use CTRL+LMB to reveal them again. Use '+' and '-' on the number pad to expand or collapse the hidden area. Double click to hide the connected area, and CTRL+Double click to unhide connected areas. Use CTRL+X to unhide all
Freeze Tool. Freezes selected or painted areas. You will be unable to paint on frozen areas. Use the freeze menu to select specific surface conditions
Freeze bulged, flat or colored parts depending on the selected criteria. Freeze keeps the brush from altering selected areas of the model. Press SHIFT to smooth the frozen boundaries
Fill Tool. Fill flat areas with the currently selected color or Smart Material
Fills an area bordered by the color sampled at the cursor, excluding frozen areas. You can also use contours to create fill borders. ## (press #ID_PENOPS) to open the paint modes menu
Magic Wand Tool. Freeze areas with color tolerance. Use SHIFT/CTRL to add/subtract areas. Click Invert Freeze/Selection if you want to operate over frozen areas in other tools
Click on object to freeze areas with similar color. Use CTRL/SHIFT to add/subtract areas. Click Invert Freeze/Selection if you want to operate over frozen areas in other tools
Sampler Tool. Extract the Color, Glossiness and Depth from the surface of an object. Use the V hotkey to select the primary color and depth outside this tool. You can change picking preferences using this tool. Use H to select the top layer
Extract the Color and Glossiness from the surface of an object. The surface color at the center of the cursor is selected
Normal Flatten Tool. Flatten the painted normal map surface details beneath the Brush cursor as you paint
Use LMB to flatten the surface within the brush cursor. The reference plane is determined by the first click or by the current point, depending on the tool's mode. Press and hold CTRL to limit flattening to raised surfaces only. ## You can also flatten inside different shapes. (press #ID_PENOPS to bring up the brush types)
Click to add points. Use SHIFT to align lines horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Press ESC to stop measure guide creation. New click will start new guide. Click on lines and points to split lines or drag points. Measure guides may be used in other tools as visual markers or snapping guides. Doubleclick to erase point. Move nearby points together to erase captured point. Use CTRL to avoid snapping to existing points or lines, for example when you need to start new line from existing point or line.