3DCoat  3D-COAT 4.9.xx
3DCoat is the one application that has all the tools you need to take your 3D idea from a block of digital clay all the way to a production ready, fully textured organic or hard surface model.
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cMeshContainer Member List

This is the complete list of members for cMeshContainer, including all inherited members.

cMeshContainer(const figures_t &, float fusionDistance)cMeshContainer
Contains(const cVec3 &) const cMeshContainer
Contains(const cVec3 &a, const cVec3 &b) const cMeshContainer
Contains(const VecArray &figure) const cMeshContainer
CorrectFaces(int beginRawBlockEtalon, uni_hash< bool, int > *fixed=NULL)cMeshContainer
Divide(int a, int b, float tAB, int c, int d, float tCD, int *beginRemovedRawBlock=NULL, int *sizeRemovedRawBlock=NULL,::std::pair< int, int > *changedBeginRawBlock=NULL)cMeshContainer
Divide(int a, int b, const cVec3 &m, int c, int d, const cVec3 &n, int *beginRemovedRawBlock=NULL, int *sizeRemovedRawBlock=NULL,::std::pair< int, int > *changedBeginRawBlock=NULL)cMeshContainer
DivideMesh(MeshDivider< int > &) const cMeshContainer
DrawDbg(const cMat4 &T, DWORD Color, DWORD FillColor=0, DWORD DetailColor=0)cMeshContainer
Erase(int beginRawFigure, bool withOptimize=false)cMeshContainer
EraseByCount(int n)cMeshContainer
EraseByCount(int a, int b)cMeshContainer
EraseClearConfluent(float tolerance)cMeshContainer
Find(const cVec3 &nodeCoord) const cMeshContainer
Find(const edgeI_t &, const edgeI_t &) const cMeshContainer
Find(const VecArray &figure) const cMeshContainer
FindClearConfluent(float tolerance) const cMeshContainer
FlipEdge(int V1, int V2, int *valence=NULL)cMeshContainer
GetFaceCoord(int pos) const cMeshContainer
GetFaceNormalByNubmer(int indx)cMeshContainer
GetNeighboursForFace(int beginRawFigure, cVec3 *avgNormal=NULL, cVec3 *avgCenter=NULL) const cMeshContainer
GetNormal(int vertex) const cMeshContainer
GetNormals() const cMeshContainerinline
GetPosition(int vertex) const cMeshContainer
GetVertex(const cVec3 &) const cMeshContainer
Insert(int a, int b, float t, cList< int > *beginRawFigures=NULL, cList< int > *beginRawForRemoved=NULL)cMeshContainer
Insert(int a, int b, const cVec3 &m, cList< int > *beginRawFigures=NULL, cList< int > *beginRawForRemoved=NULL)cMeshContainer
Insert(const figureI_t &, int *beginRawFigure=NULL)cMeshContainer
Insert(int a, int *beginRawFigure=NULL)cMeshContainer
Insert(int a, int b, int *beginRawFigure=NULL)cMeshContainer
Insert(int a, int b, int c, int *beginRawFigure=NULL)cMeshContainer
Insert(int a, int b, int c, int d, int *beginRawFigure=NULL)cMeshContainer
Insert(const figures_t &, float fusionDistance=-FLT_MAX)cMeshContainer
Insert(const figure_t &, figureI_t *=NULL)cMeshContainer
Insert(const cVec3 &a, int *ai=NULL)cMeshContainer
Insert(const cVec3 &a, const cVec3 &b, int *ai=NULL, int *bi=NULL)cMeshContainer
Insert(const cVec3 &a, const cVec3 &b, const cVec3 &c, int *ai=NULL, int *bi=NULL, int *ci=NULL)cMeshContainer
Insert(const cVec3 &a, const cVec3 &b, const cVec3 &c, const cVec3 &d, int *ai=NULL, int *bi=NULL, int *ci=NULL, int *di=NULL)cMeshContainer
Insert(const cMeshContainer &)cMeshContainer
Invert(int beginRawFigure)cMeshContainer
IsClearConfluent(const figure_t &, float tolerance) const cMeshContainer
IsClearConfluentByIndexOnly(int beginRawFigure) const cMeshContainer
IsClockwiseOrder(int beginRawFigure, const cVec3 &observer) const cMeshContainer
IsValid(const bool ShowWarning=false) const cMeshContainer
IsValidRawSequence() const cMeshContainer
MergeFaces(float fusionDistance)cMeshContainer
PerformBooleanOp(cMeshContainer &src1, cMeshContainer &src2, int operation, cList< ::std::pair< comms::cVec3, comms::cVec3 > > *dividers=NULL)cMeshContainer
PickObjectEdges(cSeg &Ray, const cMat4 &M, cVec3 &RayPt, cVec3 &ObjPt)cMeshContainer
QuadQuantSubd(const cMat4 &M, float quant, float dotp,::std::function< int(int, int)> *divider=nullptr)cMeshContainer
TriSubd(int N, SubdSnapEdgeCallback *dive=NULL, SubdSnapMiddlePointCallback *divm=NULL, void *context=NULL)cMeshContainer