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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. lol... was my fault... I change assigned from Andrew to me in my own reports i do it to have My View clear... but didnt know that any change in reports list it to first place. //edit A Category SCRIPT could be added ? ty
  2. Ty Chris I tested it... now i can change the status of reports made by another users, after test it if are listed -like resolved- in the changelog. ty I found that some new reporters are enthusiast to made new ones... but lack time or perseverance to test if their reports was resolved and... go to mantis, find it and change the status. Is at this point where the admin can help for sure... tedious yeah, but needed
  3. highlight one island copy highlight the second island paste
  4. around 1000 bucks is a good price... and 2 can be used in SLI... render engines that only use CPU must move fast to GPU or hybrid fast, lol Now the move is app related... to use for tasks cpu+gpu processors at the same time. I dream to have a supercomputer at home, lol... (who does not want that ) //edit erhhhhh... no
  5. Hi Which version and from where do you get the app ? The last stable v3 version is this 3.7.18H http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8887 And there is a new v4 -at beta state- if you like to try http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10395
  6. Hi Javis, so you are the Mantis superadmin ? There is some old Mantis request Resolved, will you or another superadmin change its to resolved ? ------------------------------- Another: Mantis Category is outdated. There is no tweak room and some names are redundant.... can be changed too ? ty
  7. Solved in Beta12 And UVlayouts are preserved !! nice ! ty
  8. Go to your own reported issue at mantis an edit it Change status to Resolved --------------------------------- Andrew: ty --------------------------------- Note: possibility to render blended states between several saved scenes Hey ! this will be the beginning of render passes, yeah ! hmmmm... with a good script can work... ----------------- one more... Script Create your Script function was always here !? cooooooool i was blind...
  9. i forgot to say that need to install the same license in V3 and V4 nice you solved it
  10. From the early voxel sculpt implementation until today the computers are more and more powerful Voxel Sculpt becomes a really good way to sculpt models... but the tools are few. Now is time -for my POV- to add more tools (similar to surface mode tools when possible) just to expand the Voxel sculpt possibilities ty ------ Additional Information Its an idea for the new cycle that begin after V4 release. ------ mantis request (to add your support if you like the idea) http://3d-coat.com/m...view.php?id=967
  11. yeah you right... we need a roadmap The big deal with Mantis is... who admin the Severity ? Let the users to use their own criteria to do it is a BIG NO NO We need a filter in between (Admin) Report Issue -> Admin discriminate the Severity -> Andrew kill the bug -> Admin report to the BTesters the changes -> BTesters try it and report -> Admin confirm to Andrew if is resolved or not. and so on and so on...
  12. after clicked "uninstal license" under "Help" in the menu bar if you open 3DC again in demo mode, click "instal license" under "Help" in the menu bar. copy the serial number before do it Is there an instal license option ?
  13. what i found too... some bugs are project related if i found a bug at B5 -like example- opening the same old bugged project using an new upgraded Beta reply the bug... BUT if i make a new project and try to reproduce it... the bug is gone.
  14. what can i say... like beta tester... my only experience was in games Andrew told about some holes issues fixed in BETA12 im just waiting to test it ------------------------- note: Roadmap link http://3d-coat.com/mantis/roadmap_page.php
  15. sure there is http://3d-coat.com/f...showtopic=10395 the big news is LiveClay... do you know sculptris or dynamic tessellation ? same principle v4 is at beta stage... is a WIP, there is bug fixes... some GUI improvements... ------------------------------- How many computers can I register 3D coat on? 3 you can install/uninstall the license. But only One 3DC can be opened at the same time. The registration is online. All the others question can be resolved mailing support@3d-coat.com And about 3DC Steam: http://3d-coat.com/f...showtopic=10451 Q: How can I get my existing license onto Steam? A: Not at the moment, but is being looked at. you welcome
  16. holes and mesh explode in my test not always, BUT sometimes... only happened over meshes that was painted directly in surface mode -no retopo, no baking- from voxel rooom -in surface mode- to paint room and... this is weird... only when i use brushes with radius > 1.00% if i work at radios <0.99% is ok... changed to >1.10% = holes and explode
  17. paint room textures Export .exr I get this result (pic attached)
  18. 3d-Brush 2.0 was released in 2008 Zbrush demo version 1.55 was released in 2002 3DMAX Was released to the public in 1990 Maya -know before like Alias Wavefront in 1984- v1.0 was released in February 1998 Lightwave Released at 1990 ----------------------------------------------------------- I understand your feeling, but from my POV, i cant lost the focus about software longevity ALL the programs listed have bugs. ALL. And some have historic bugs too (im talking about > $ 3.000.- apps that destroy your work too) Its impossible to get a software without bugs. Some developers give free updates, like LWave. Some subscription like Softimage. And some inform the bugs was solved in new versions like 3DMax, Maya or Adobe. v4 is Beta and i dont use it for my daily work... I suppose your software needs are superior that mines... and -like new user- i dont have knowledge about history talk and feature request. So from a fresh view... i think that the development time is good, will be better ? SURE will be I like to see a faster dev time ? lol yeah I hope to see Raul back soon and I hope Pilgway hiring a new dev to the team.
  19. @BeatKitano lol man, right... you made me out a laugh @AbnRanger good point, thats why we need a MACRO RECORDER just to perform some action and read in the CONSOLE the log to learn
  20. The GUI reorganization must be the priority after V4 release "almost" bug free. We have a long way to v5 after v4 release
  21. ty wave of light Egyptian Scribe (morning doodle)
  22. Do you have Edu version ? There is a report about 32 bit export solved in beta12 http://3d-coat.com/mantis/view.php?id=921
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