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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. philnolan time ago give the solution about this feature request http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9818&st=0&p=75575&hl=armature&fromsearch=1entry75575 You draw the outline of the shape you want and it creates a mesh similar to the E-Panel tools in 3DC. But it also automatically generates bones. and can make fairly complex shapes with full rigs.
  2. lol take note that atm we are focused to find bugs just to help the V4 release... this tweaks are good roadmap schedule points just to improve the user experience after it
  3. hmmm paulrus have same problem using softimage... and he is using win8 too http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11343&hl=&fromsearch=1
  4. remember to downgrade the volume before to use poser tool.
  5. Ty AbnRanger for your reply: Sliders let to see easily a range lower valor begin at left... higher valor ends at right but with actual design... user must try to know which is the range of... -example- <Specularity Modulator> default is 1 but range can be 0 to 2... ok im at middle compared to <Contrast> default is 0 but range can be 0 to 1... oh ok, now im at the lower range <Brightness> default is 0 but range can be -255 to 255... oh well... Contrast is 0 to 1 and Brightness is -255 to 255 ? A more clear design can be: <Specularity Modulator> <............Contrast............> <..........Brightness..........> A slider or ANY alternative graphical design let easily to see which is the range. We work with images... we need to see to know and understand... ------------------------------------------------------------- And what about When we press one of these buttons then we see appropriate list of the tools for this group was a UI design decision too ? Which is your opinion about it ? ty again
  6. phil had same problem http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11331&hl=&fromsearch=1
  7. activate rotate along motion direction
  8. sorry im digging the 3DC dev history but... i need enlightenment i was asking about features that was implemented in early version and then changed i need to know why. -------------------------------- first is popup tool library: User only can interact with a tray showing ONE element, the active element. (see image below) When the user press over the element thumbnail... a windows popup show ALL the elements in the library... ready to be selected. I found that was implemented in version 2.05 Why this option was changed ? for my POV will be a radical time saver, and let to optimize the UI layout... why was changed ? ----------------------------------- Then i found a second surprise... sliders ! and now are gone... v2.05 too source http://3d-brush-dev....es-part-in.html why ? any help is welcome
  9. This feature was implemented and then changed 3DC v2.05 had TOOLS POP-UPS source http://3d-brush-dev.blogspot.com.ar/2008/01/i-thank-to-everyone-who-takes-part-in.html can i ask when was this navigation option changed and why ? ty
  10. i think that post can help... time ago i had some similar troubles: http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11157&view=findpost&p=86447
  11. but apparently we have some troubles exporting .obj from 3DC to another apps is anything changed ? relative vertex-numbering is now an important option ? links to reports: export to maya using ptex http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5073&view=findpost&p=87335 export to LW 11.5 http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11331&view=findpost&p=87338
  12. hi are you talking about rotate along motion direction ? source http://3d-coat.com:8081/wiki/index.php/Doc:Manual
  13. Do you have 3DC installed to some other place than the C drive ?
  14. yup we have a lattice deform but... may be the next step is to have curve deform to warp the model in any axis
  15. hmmm thats weird... because Zeddicus at other post talk about the same I/O issue... http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5073&view=findpost&p=87335 The key is to not use any meshes exported from 3D Coat...
  16. this happens after LW upgrade install ? sounds like a vertex order altered during mesh export/import
  17. Paint room File Import Model for per pixel painting Import the obj add a new layer -dont use layer0, 3dc use it to bake displacements- so over layer1... Texture Import Diffuse map Go to Retopo room you can see the model with texture like reference mesh ready to be retopologized
  18. i had some time ago same problem... was gone after i upgrade the graphic card drives. what if its open with opengl version ?
  19. Do you have a a surface mode object painted ? i find holes AFTER paint layers at surface paint mode... -------------------------------------- Andrew talk about reduce tool: http://3d-coat.com/m...view.php?id=841 Andrew 2013-02-05 15:28 I managed it, seems Reduce may create too big triangles that causing wide set of problems. Not I limited triangles size growing, it works now much better. Andrew 2013-02-05 15:29 I set it as resolved, if it will appear again in beta12, reopen issue.
  20. erhhh nope i found it at mantis http://3d-coat.com/mantis/view.php?id=864 big warning: dont use it wait for B4.12 http://www.3d-coat.com/files/V4B11A.rar
  21. sorry but... all operations -besides rendering- are currently threaded to take advantage of multiple processing cores ? switch rooms, change opacity level, save, merge layers... i had opened task manager... and only can saw one processor running at 100% and the another idles
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