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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. the lowres have the 3 UVmaps done and is one object ? if yes... and if i remember well... With the highresmesh go to paint room > textures > textures baking tool Input mesh mesh to receive projected textures select the external lowpolymesh
  2. Official 3D-Coat channel - YouTube there is a lot of good tutos that can be applied to any sculpt https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=3d+game+resources+3d+coat&oq=3d+game+resources+3d+coat hope it help
  3. hope it helps Normal Map Projection Correction
  4. more ? Pixologic buy Sculptris, right ? Why there isnt 1 code line implemented from sculptris to ZB ??? They add Dynamesh like a big news... c'mon, dynamesh was in the code forever... ZB always make cache to disk, just now users can change the settings
  5. ty all ajz3d, the cloth is traditional modeling. DIABO
  6. I don't know why Maybe send Andrew an e-mail with the same question (support@3d-coat.com) can help.
  7. hmmm, are you using the version 3.7.00 ? can be a bug. please try the v3.7.18H http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8887 hope it help
  8. Zbrush over 3DC have only 1 killer PRO Render-Shader settings & Render Passes ANY model rendered in ZB look awesome in the first try. Using 3DC you need more time and an external composition app to get same result Zbush Cons ? The code implementation is OLD. Do you thinking why still there isnt a ZB 64bit version ? 3DC have far away more potential development future, taking note that is a young software -half aged that ZB-
  9. Hi Can you tell us which version you are using and what your computer specs are? These things will help.
  10. i used to scale the exported obj x10 --------------------------------------------------- sometimes i use blender applink too http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6706
  11. Well, at final stage -before to add pores- i need to polish the skin which is the best tool/workflow to make this clean continuos surface ? ty reference pic
  12. what about to let the user to LOCK the windows location ? the bar is very sensitive, and sometimes a little move -when you select an item- undock the menu making it float
  13. right, i saw its... but are fixed values the old system let to customize - Define Steps - Detail - Smoothing well, May be Raul could add more option when back ty
  14. will be great to have a "macro recorder" where user can read every click pressed in a log text like example... and using this table http://3d-coat.com/i...anguage=English Left side USER ACTION = Right Side SOFTWARE COMMAND Select Brush shape = SELECT_PEN_SHAPE Radius = PEN_RADIUS Load a new material = ADD_MTL --------------------------------------------------------------- There is a EDIT > Customize UI but never used it, i dont know how it works
  15. Hi Plase any1 knows where are the old Clean Clay parameters ? - Define Steps - Detail - Smoothing Look top left at 0:52 ty
  16. recently found this good tutos 3D Coat hard surface modelling tips
  17. looks good ! ;D yeah, from my pov... voxel sculpt feeling when you sculpt is superior to surface mode... so bad there is few tools. note Happy BDay man !
  18. any 1 have better display frame rate ? from B10 to B11 i have almost double fps, working at same project
  19. another shader hope it help outline_shader.3dcpack
  20. wow there is much more videos that i can learn lol never saw this ones, ty so much
  21. nice can i ask how many polys cthulu have ? ty
  22. Transform Center in local space and then uncheck Leave rotated axis scale object in Z axis to cero please will any1 check it ? ty
  23. A user is selling used Javis Jones training bundle http://3d-coat.com/f...l=&fromsearch=1
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