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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. i was reading the format supported http://sketchfab.com/faq and they have exporters for 3dmax, maya, blender, solid works and sketch up... are you using any of this programs ? and last which format are you using for export ? any export format used needs uv channels
  2. Ty people, friendly and helpful like always ----- <--- same feeling here
  3. The normal map baked cant be exported as a displacement map for displacement, microvertex is better remember > microvertex requires a good uv map, to prevent projection errors guides http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10482&hl=%2Bnormal+%2Bdisplacement&fromsearch=1 http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10137&st=0&p=78406&hl=+normal%20+displacement&fromsearch=1entry78406 Normal to displacement thread http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10018&st=0
  4. 1. How can I combine several UVs into one to be shared among several Paint room objects? same question, any help is welcome ty
  5. will you please to try to put the UV limits inside the texture map ? in the pic posted the uvset limits are outside the trunk... just a test, nothing more ty
  6. (0000545) Andrew 2011-04-12 20:14 This problems happens ofthen if model have random or incorrrect UV set. This modet has square of UV set = 130. It is really huge. Like 130 UV sets. So such models should be loaded with Auto-mapping and then get UV set correction. To avoid such problem in future I made detection of incorrect UV sets. In this case warning will be shown - "The square of UV set is too big. It may mean that UV set is incorrect or tiled too much. It may lead to long loading time or crash because of lack of memory. We recommend you use auto-mapping and then use UV tools to create correct UV set."
  7. and... - File -> Export Model > In the Export options window that pops up there is a check box for "Create Padding". gl
  8. There was a bug report with some workarounds http://3d-coat.com/mantis/print_bug_page.php?bug_id=516 http://3d-coat.com/mantis/print_bug_page.php?bug_id=203 http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9873&st=0&p=75939entry75939
  9. http://www.xnview.com/en/download.html You can see the complete list of supported formats here: XnView Formats.
  10. open the same project with version3 version4 is a beta highly experimental
  11. are you using microvertex painting ?
  12. File > Merge object i suppose
  13. Keep the brush info position Description Please keep the brush tip information position if the toolbar scrolls up or down. Don't scroll the brush header too, please. See my screenshot for additional infos. http://3d-coat.com/mantis/view.php?id=617#bugnotes
  14. i found the same... the normal map baked cant be modified i just make a new one when need to add more detail effect are accumulative
  15. just a specific one i take an early version and MOVED the object to a new empty layer never happened again
  16. after I open back a file<<< voxel object is gone, retopo is gone.... no idea why same here, when you try to open the file... 3dc load it and BAM... only show the startup menu
  17. references... hmmm Draco Movie Dragonheart
  18. Full list of features: http://www.makehuman.org/features7 Download: http://www.makehuman.org Enjoy!
  19. sorry im asking again but how can i set color operation to modulate or modulate2x ? ty
  20. to see wireframe use: paint room layers export color -only export current layer selection- open the saved psd file in photoshop or gimp you can see 2 layers: - one with the color with multiply blend - the another one the wireframe UV map
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