same problem here
now downloading and installing 3d-Coat-V37-01B stable
but i have same error *our of memory*
-GL or DX same error-
i have a gforce 9800GT
is better to work with 3d-Coat-V37-01B-SIMP64.exe ?
ty in advance !
Version:3D-COAT 3.7.01B(CUDA)(DX64)
Memory status: OK
pointers: 25101
Video: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT
NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT
nproc: 4 (1)object: ()
vert: 0 poly: 0 rt:256x256
undo: (0)
NumMeshLoads: 1
Time since mesh loading: 8 s
VoxelTool: 0
RetopoTool: 3
UV_Tool: 1
41EED9DC classengine\classengine.hpp, line 2994 [+28], FILE_ReadBinStream::Read+460
4196608B 3d-coat\mc\mcubes.cpp, line 39409 [+0], RefSaver::LoadData+379
41968711 3d-coat\mc\mcubes.cpp, line 29049 [+0], VoxelSculptTool::LoadData+241
41CACE16 3d-coat\polymesh.cpp, line 10534 [+0], PolyMesh::LoadMesh+23158
41D9C140 3d-coat\peninterface.cpp, line 3921 [+0], PenInterface::OpenMesh+240
4001C0C9 3d-coat\simplewidgets.h, line 491 [+17], wpcallback<PenInterface>::call+537
41BD5BF3 3d-coat\simplewidgets.cpp, line 847 [+24], BaseWidget::CallCallbacks+179
41BE3280 3d-coat\simplewidgets.cpp, line 1427 [+21], Widgets::ProcessWindowsMessages+1024
40140965 3d-coat\simplewidgets.cpp, line 5722 [+10], IntfWidget1::OnButtonDown+293
419AAA20 comms\cwidget.cpp, line 465 [+44], comms::cWidgets::HandleInputEvents+1424
4155C655 main.cpp, line 117 [+0], comms::cMain_OnRender+181
419945C9 comms\cwinmain.cpp, line 601 [+0], cWinMain_OnRender+217
419946C4 comms\cwinmain.cpp, line 1439 [+0], cWinMain_OneIterationOfMessageLoop+228
4199702C comms\cwinmain.cpp, line 1668 [+0], WinMain+4924
403C4967 f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_64_amd64\crt\src\crt0.c, line 263 [+33], __tmainCRTStartup+391
76C6F56D , line 0 [+0], BaseThreadInitThunk+13
76DA3281 , line 0 [+0], RtlUserThreadStart+33
76DA3281 , line 0 [+0], RtlUserThreadStart+33
General information:
Exception code:C0000005
3D-COAT 3.7.01B(CUDA)(DX64)
Memory status before run:
Memory load: 29
TotalPhys: 2077577216
AvailPhys: 207007744
TotalPageFile: 4153212928
AvailPageFile: 1639940096
TotalVirtual: 4294836224
AvailVirtual: 4112199680
Memory status after crash:
Memory load: 32
TotalPhys: 2077577216
AvailPhys: 26755072
TotalPageFile: 4153212928
AvailPageFile: 1341140992
TotalVirtual: 4294836224
AvailVirtual: 3864932352
AvailVirtual: 3864932352