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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. - BackGround images always show when jump to render room - Render room showed grid, and it wouldn't turn off.
  2. Page 73 The manual use the old Shaders Preview Pics
  3. Do you mean SKETCH function ? Sketch: This new tool is a very important addition the the toolset. It lets you create a volume object with 2 or 3 images -- if you use 3 images, the voxel object will be more detailed.
  4. News about this implementation Very Sorry but I have a LOT of work to do now with release of V4 Please remind me little bit later (after 10 days at least) So... we need to wait a little more
  5. Time to ask againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!
  6. can i ask if tomorrows begin the... ? FEATURE REQUEST TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  7. Thanks to Andrew and the entire team, and also special thanks to Raul "Farsthary" for the great effort. And thanks largely to the greater community of 3D-Coat that even in times of instability in the development of code always showed their mettle, while bug hunting had to continued.
  8. The overall sculpt feeling is far superior to anything i was tested until now. ty for that. //help I still see the old shader icons How can i reset the icons preview without delete the old V4 folder ? ty
  9. Back again sorry I found a very interesting approach today... Please any adds/comment are always welcome Was used for this test: Shader = Cook-Torrance AO = 0 Ligh Scattering = 0.5 --------------------------------- Upper light icons in render room: 1 - Adjust the ambient intensity just change the... well... the overall ambient light For display preview Adjust primary light intensity = 10, dont show any Ambient light changes You need to have this #value > 10 to see the ambient changes For Real Time preview Lightness must be > 0 to see ambient light/difusse light dont matter lights intensity... Lightness is the master output light value 2 - Adjust primary light intensity adjust the HOTSPOT intensity, the bright circle in the center is the hotspot. The outer extremity of the light, where it meets the darkness -or where the ambient light influence begins- is the falloff and is controled by the LIGHTNESS. The difference in circumference between the hotspot and the falloff determines the relative sharpness of the pool of light. For example, put LIGHTNESS = 300, and Adjust primary light intensity from 10 to 200 to see the difference in sharpness. 3 - Adjust the light angle has not action in this room, is used for Display Preview. At Render Room Adjust the light angle its override with Rotation Angle and Light height This overraid is valid for any Environment Sphere map selected in your View port Preferences, and is showed selecting: View > Environment Shade. Final note: Light in Render Room affect the SHADER properties. If you are using a MatCap shader, take care about the hot spot location in the texture used to build the MatCap Hope this lines add light to the darkness.
  10. about shaders... was Greg feature request, i think http://3d-coat.com/mantis/view.php?id=471
  11. Note The V4 license is take like V3 license in the online registration web page.
  12. Please will any1 confirm if Clone instance is working ? In my version every Clone instance is take like PURE CLONE in memory, the frames drop to 1FPS and all the system is get down on knees. ty
  13. direct painting: model must be in Surface Mode
  14. http://krita.org/ http://mypaint.intilinux.com/ amazing paint apps* and are free *both have windows version
  15. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh never used it
  16. i use Krita for overall MyPaint for fine painting Gimp for final compo and layer blend retouch krita and mypaint can share brushes and all are out or this world
  17. sorry me again 32bit on/off dont change nothing here and without RT in old versions... if you have 2 lights and move the second one... the render display refresh any changes in light position bypassing the anothers lights but now it only show changes over the light with more intensity ---------------------- Another question Tool option rotate along curve... is working ? (v16) Here rotate the brush randomly in any direction ty
  18. any 1 have troubles with realtime render in render room ? or display refresh time ? or light changes ? im using v16 and render room is a mess
  19. Voxel mode first i made the basic contour using primitives then move to fit the overall shape then merge then move and move and move then add resolution move in voxel mode is like dynamic resolution... for my work is really fast, very fast... the clay feeling is great
  20. Hi To add height option to brushes: Mantis request open http://3d-coat.com/mantis/view.php?id=1153 Using V4_16 / win7_64 I hav done a surface sculpt over and object surface... a leaf like example. But if i drag and drop the layer over the STRIPES tab, nothing happens Now back to my object in VOXELS mode Whats im doing wrong ? -i think- so i select a stripe brush and try to paint over a [V]Layer -a sphere-, nothing happens extrude airbrush build... nothing happens stamp- no stamp...nothing happens Is there any tut about stripes uses/creation ? ty in advance
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