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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. Try the V4 Beta. There is a setting called "Normals calculation method" Set to "Maya normals" instead of "3D-Coat normals". Try too normal maps: force-set to a gamma of 1.0
  2. http://forums.cgsociety.org/archive/index.php/t-751821.html
  3. Phil just do one http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10633&st=0
  4. Hi Is there any warning to travel with hard drives full of data for one country to another ? Any1 knows what happens when hds cross the metal detectors at airports ? Will data be erased in any way ? any help is welcome ty
  5. Painting Spec Maps http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7840&hl=specularity&fromsearch=1 hope it help
  6. .obj had overlaps UVs try now please you can edit the old .obj UVlayout in UV Room
  7. Are you using the last stable version ? http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8887 is not educational limitation
  8. wait ! why THOUSANDS of artists paint/sculpt monsters ? Because CG business need its why CG business pay for its ? Because monsters born to be killed the BIG film/game business is based to kill someone is more easy to kill monsters that to kill fairies taadaaa
  9. If any1 need this... Moving your assets around in a 3DCoat <> Blender Pipeline This tutorial was recorded by Daniel Yarmak whom is an invaluable member of the Pilgway team! Thank you Daniel for recording this video. In this video Daniel covers: - Exporting model from Blender - Importing model in 3D-Coat - Exporting textures from 3D-Coat - Applying created textures in Blender
  10. im in the land of confusion too feature requests to make it easier will be good for sure
  11. Import Model for Per Pixel Painting CANCEL the import The model is not loaded... but ALL the material list (bad named UV-set) are loaded and listed in the windows popup: Object Material (Surfaces)
  12. new spline e-mode is an incredible time saver, ty ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- People, i request support +1 for a Taros mantis issue. Its still here at beta7 http://3d-coat.com/m...view.php?id=797 - Materials and UV-Sets have the same meaning, but you are using different words. Reference image: 3dc_uvsetproblems1 - What happened when i imported an .obj that have ONE UVset but Multiples materials ? Reference image: OBJECT_MATERIAL_SURFACES - And the POPUPS WINDOWS: Pictures Materials and Object Materials (Surfaces) are named the same. any +1 is welcome ty
  13. im doing a basic cube assign 1 material by face... 6 faces = 6 materials Scene > 3DCoat Applink > transfer then at Paint Room Windows > Popups > Object Materials (Surfaces) Only one material listed: default Do the same test exporting the obj, importing at 3dc All materials listed warning Materials are named like UVset_name... is a bug ty for your time
  14. Click on the mouse icon next to your depth value. Oh My... never saw this icon before lol ty very much !
  15. Hello I duno how... Never done it but may be this tools help you... trial and error Paint Room Textures > Adjust > Color to Specular Transform Color Brightness to the specularity channel Layers > Copy Channels Copy any channel of one layer to any other of this or other channel (this operation respects freeze, you can mask/freeze select parts) gl
  16. Mamurk Will you please post the same post in another CG artist forums like polycount, gameartisans,eat3d, cgsociety -like examples- and come back sharing your experience there ? appreciated
  17. There is an applink for 2013 only http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6692 but duno if works with 3DC_v4 was done for 3DC_v3 --------------------------------------------
  18. Hi Haikalle Using Blender 2.64.9 Blender Render Model have more than 1 material When i transfer to 3DC take only 1 material Textures used are not exported If i save the same model like .obj And load it in 3DC All the Material used are listed ty
  19. INCREDIBLE !!! could the spline points be hidden behind the object when we rotated it ? using this mode to paint a dense point curve around an object will be a little difficult to handle ty !!
  20. is like Substance Designer but better ? http://www.allegorit...signer/features To add this feature to 3DC will be the next winner winner dev future. Imagine to convert UV to SVG and use the paths to generate Procedural Painting adding a mantis request lol http://3d-coat.com/mantis/view.php?id=813 ty !
  21. hope it helps http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10711
  22. yeah ! Edge flow looks good good good
  23. Actually our living times are humanity bad times... Just read the newspaper or watch tv... - Some type of Art reflect reality - Some type of Art make an alternative reality influenced by the environment - Some type of Art make an alternative reality NOT influenced by the environment... this is the art that lasts forever
  24. Pasting geo_n request: Reference Point - Please add centerpoint or marker when using materials for projections. If its there sorry for request. But having to constantly scale and move the material projection takes time because there's no reference point. ty
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