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Posts posted by Carlosan

  1. 3DCoat will read polypaint information.


    To convert the vertex paint to an uv texture retopology is mandatory.


    At Voxel (Sculpt) room, switch the layer to surface mode which is true polygons.

    When import select merge without voxelizing -voxel is dynamesh equivalent mode, but cant be polypainted-


    Make your low model at retopo room, and then bake (merge) the imported polypainted object over the low object to go to Paint Room



    In order to have a texture map, you need UV coordinates (UV map). In order to get a UV Map, you will likely want to use a lower poly version of your model, to apply UV seams > Unwrap. That's where the Retopology tools (including Auto-Retopo) come into play. So you have a more manageable version to work with and bake all your texture maps onto. The last few videos in the "Intro to 3D Coat" series (3DC Youtube channel) covers the texture baking options in some detail. You may want to name your Vertex Color paint layers, using a "Vox" prefix or suffix so they are easily distinguished from the layers that will be created when you merge (baking process) from the Retopo Room to the Paint room.


  2. 1) Import reference mesh
    2) Perform retopo


    If need
    3) Mark seams and unwrap


    At Sculpt (Voxel) room

    4) Switch the layer to Surface mode



    use Merge Tool



    Pick from retopo without voxelizing (voxelize merge the object in dynamesh mode)



    Select a shader


    RMB over the surface layer



    Bake shader color to all visible layer



    5) Retopo menu->Merge into scene (Choose Keep UV or automapping in dependence on have you unwrapped before or no)



    Now you get your model in paint room ready



    6) Export low poly mesh

  3. You can only apply shaders to surface mode objects, which is true polygons.



    work on volumes

    voxel mode = dynamesh equivalent -but witout resolution limits-, cant be polypainted or bake color



    work on surfaces

    surface mode = surfaces equivalent - can be polypainted and bake color



    work on surfaces

    Live Clay mode = sculptris equivalent (dynamic tessellation) - can be polypainted and bake color

  4. Is free now ?  :huh:



    Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014


    Pricing for Houdini Engine
    The thing you will have to pay for is the Houdini Engine itself: a licence for which is required to interact with content created in Houdini inside another host application.

    As is increasingly the case in the industry, it’s rental-only: a node-locked licence costs $495 per year, while floating licences start at $795 per year. Users of Houdini and Houdini FX can use their existing licence keys.

    A single Engine licence can be used with multiple host applications, and is only required when a Houdini Digital Asset is actually open in another application.

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