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Posts posted by Carlosan
Point the cursor onto “Type of drawing” menu or press E-key to see 15 drawing modes available. The first five modes are Pen Modes
select another type of drawing
Hi all
Recently I´ve been doing some ground work, polishing FillHoles tool and other internal tools. Nothing fun to show but definitelly improving robustness and inbetween added here and there small useful new features, like the one I´ve being showing in this quick and dirt video series.
Like proportinal inflate, I´ve recently added too in Separate disconnected functionality a treshold to delete smaller parts. Very common when we import noisy meshes with lots of floating parts.
One of the most important feature is the possibility to bridge and connect seperated meshes manually, like I show here: http://farsthary.wordpress.com/2014/07/15/fillholes-revamp-test-1/
So stay tunned because the real fun my start soon for me :P
Raul -
Merman Adapa
0001557: Switching layer visibility on/off seems to take quite some time
reported, ty
a +1 is welcome
Its a feature request
0001013: Add support for welding all nearby vertices
a +1 is always welcome
Mac version ?
try to delete
and reinstall
all the HD permissions are ok ?
Disk Utility: Using Disk Utility to Repair Hard Drives and Disk Permissions
Marmoset Toolbag 2
1 - Maya. Tangent Space Maya
1 - Max. Tangent Space Max
Triang Maya - NM1
Triang Maya - NM2
Triang Maya - NM3
Triang Maya - NM4
Best result
Triang Maya = NM2
Triang Max - NM1
Triang Max - NM2
Triang Max - NM3
Triang Max - NM4
Best result
Triang Max = ?
The layer was set to global space ? (RMB over layer)
will you please add a wireframe picture ?
Xnormal provides feature smooth normals in HP slot (use exported normals, avarage and harden)
Will be -please- this option added at merge options ?
use exported normals is the hard edges/groups user set up on max/maya/softimage modelsty !
After updating to 4.1.11A, when i open up a voxel sculpt project from previous versions, the "Pick-Layer" key H doesn't work, unless i switch over to the paint room, use it once, and then switch back to the voxel room. Not really a big deal, but a workaround.
H key only works in between layers of same type of sculpt
If you press a surface layer... can pick any other sculpt layer but voxel
If you press a voxel layer... can pick any other sculpt layer but surface
confirmed, reported, ty !
a m a z i n g n e w s t y f o r s h a r i n g !
Our channel at youtube have all the info you need to know about
hope this help
V4.1 (auto) Retopology not producing results like 4.0
in General 3DCoat
creator, will you please add a pic with your model and settings used to autotopo
i always use voxelize for better result in big models