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Posts posted by Carlosan

  1. E-on software is hosting the 3D environment competition 2014 on its website and is offering many prices. You can use any version of e-on software Vue, i.e. including the PLE, Trial, and free versions to design natural environments. Other software can be used in conjunction with Vue to work on projects. You can find the details through the following link.


    Just thought I will let you know in case anybody is interested in participating.



    Create an image of any kind of environment!

    Images can be in any style and genre, realistic or imaginary, as long as the natural environment is visually predominant. You can use imported objects and figures, but keep in mind that the judges will focus primarily on the quality of the 3D landscape.

    Authorized Software Packages

    You may use your application of choice, in combination with any of the e-on software products. This includes any version of VUE (Theme-Packs, 3D SuperHero, Frontier, Esprit, Studio, Complete, Infinite or xStream), including the free Personal Learning Edition and the free VUE Pioneer.

    You may also use Plant Factory, Carbon Scatter, Ozone, and LumenRT or their respective PLEs and trial versions!

    The 3D Environment competition is open to everyone, hobbyists and professionals alike. The judging will be based solely on the quality, originality and artistic merit of the images, not on the software used to create them.

    In the first stage of the competition, e-on’s Picture of the Day contest team will select 10 finalists from all submissions in each category. The finalists’ images will be displayed on the e-on website, with links to their personal website/gallery. In the second stage, our judges will pick the winners out of the finalists.

  2. the shader system... for me, the shader system...

    why to learn GLSL or OSL if CGFX is industry standard ?


    do you worked with cycles nodes ?

    to work with is complex, very slow and harder to optimize


    compared to vray or arnold...



    artist need fast responses,

    3DC shader system must avoid 100s sliders or unintuitive values


    Aim for

    Common language and work "out of the box" (your link to ShaderFX is a great example)


    all this points can be watched in this slides



    why to focus only in cycles ?


    why not to put force to develop a strong API to let developers make plugins for any renderer in market ?

    • Like 1
  3. can i ask...


    Ranger, what do you think about the actual shader creation inside 3DC ?


    what do you think about Bretch -the cycles developer- not more working at blender institute so he stop his work in any future cycles development ?


    do you know there is 2 cycles version ? cycles working internally inside blender (Bretch development, gpl license) and cycles working externally as standalone app (DingTo development, apache license)

  4. http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?341805-Cycles-Standalone-with-maya&highlight=cycles+standalone

    As far as I know, the standalone is still a work in progress and is not exactly the highest priority at the moment (though it's far enough along to render a wide array of scenes in).

    Like J said, you will need to write a plugin for it if you want to use it with Maya.



    - Im asking at blenderartist forum what happend with apache license now that Brecht -the full time Cycles developer- left Blender Institute to join Solidangle - Arnold render dev-



    One thing is cycles inside blender with CPL license, and another one Cycles standalone with Apache license. Still no official reply.




    Brecht van Lommel napisał:


    Many thanks to all contributors and users. I’m especially grateful to Ton for supporting my work on Cycles. I think we have pushed open source production rendering quite a bit further, and I hope to see you all continue doing awesome things with Cycles.As for other Blender development, I’ll continue to be involved as a volunteer.Many important features in past releases have already been implemented by other contributors, and I expect that the improvements will keep coming.In July I will start a new job at Solid Angle, working on the Arnold renderer. This unfortunately means I will no longer be able to add new features to Cycles, though I’ll still be around and happy to assist other developers.



  5. its not new,

    may be its new how SD and DDo implemented it



    at polycount is dated 06/2010


    - February 1, 2007. xNormal v3.10.0 patch add it too:

    Added the possibility to output convexity, thickness and proximity maps


    anyway, any confrontation is a waste of time ^_^


    to add the possibility to output convexity, thickness and proximity maps in 3DC is a goal for everyone... pass away and add a +1 to support it :D

  6. SIGGRAPH 2012 Course: Practical Physically Based Shading in Film and Game Production




    Physically based shading is becoming of increasing importance to both film and game production.


    By adhering to physically based, energy-conserving shading models, one can easily create high quality, realistic materials that maintain that quality under a variety of lighting environments.


    Traditional ad hoc models have required extensive tweaking to achieve the same result, thus it is no surprise that physically based models have increased in popularity in film and game production, particularly as they are often no more difficult to implement or evaluate.






    • Like 3
  7. Object space normals can be used to create curvature maps: images where black pixels represents planar surface points, and white pixels represent points of high curvature on the mesh.


    0001532: Create a curvature map



    please add a +1





    A map that stores the convexity/concavity of the mesh. Also called Concave, Convexity, Pits & Peaks, Worn Edge.

    The colors can be used to mask where the surface would get more wear, where it would accumulate more dirt, where sub-surface scattering might occur, to check for surface continuity, etc.



    Convexity tool in Xnormal

    you can also generate cavity/curvature map in xnormal



  8. big trouble... 3DC use the shader system to bake...


    need the users to learn cycles just to bake anything ? :wacko:


    and... which gameengine or renderer use Open Shading Language ???

    OSL is not a common language...


    ... i hope no, please dont force the userbase to learn it...


    is not a smart play, not at all. <_<

  9. If anyone is wondering what's going on with DingTo's GSoC project, here are the latest reports.

    Exams are taking a lot of time right now, so he hasn't had a lot of time to work on the optimization of areas like BVH traversal. His next main target meanwhile seems to be optimizing the environmental sampling to not waste time on black backgrounds

  10. Beta lasts until September 8. It may be used commercially.

    Special thanks to the folks at Blur, Valve, Blizzard, ILM, Rockstar, Infinity Ward, Riot, 343 Industries,
    Sony Santa Monica, Respawn, Crystal Dynamics and Neversoft
    for the invaluable feedback sessions.


    wow ! :blink:

  11. http://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/learn/pbr-practice




    Similar layering functionality can be achieved with applications such as dDo, Mari and Substance Designer.


    ->>>> To add 3DC to this app list must be the goal




    I think an equally exciting prospect would be to partner with Quixel to incorporate elements of their suite directly in 3D Coat. Plug dDo into the Paint room the same way it is in PS, and have 3Do work in the viewport.



  12. cycles standalone with apache license system (not cycles internal GPL) is not finished... is still in early development, the BIG Cycles developer left Blender to join Solid Angle - Arnold


    and are thinking to add it to 3DC ?


    what about support, development, fix bugs or new features ?


    users talk about consistence, unify UI, unify workflows, fix bugs... and the idea is to add a very early development, with no support and really very unclear future ?


    sorry but for this idea, my vote is -1






    was a

    Brecht van Lommel & Ton Roosendaal idea


    But NOW the big news are:

    Brecht van Lommel leaves Blender Institute, will work on Arnold renderer


    see... the panorama had changed, the situation is another... VERY different... stop beating a dead horse... another way is needed... this is closed.

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