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Posts posted by Carlosan

  1. my model have one uvmap

    it contain all polygons from the chest, pants and shoes


    following your steps... when export


    the model have one UVset or tree ?


    anyway im trying to test it with a model clone



  2. i have an obj ready for PPP


    is a simple cloth model  with chest, pants, shoes

    - 1 Object

    - 1 UVmap

    - 1 Material


    -inside paint room- i need to create one material by cloth zones

    always is 1 object but now i need one chest material, one shoes material, one pants material.


    easy to hide, easy to export by psd layers


    how can i achieve this ?


    ty in advance and sorry necropost

  3. C++ like script language (called Angelscript) is available within 3D-Coat's shell.

    It allows you to perform batch actions, create macro commands and interactive tutorials.

    It has very basic functionality now and will be extended on requests.

    C++ like scripting was choosen because of speed and the possibility to include good scripts directly into 3D-Coat's engine.

  4. use voxel for fast medium sketch, 3/4M

    surface for details

    sculpt paint to add base shape colors -NEVER use the layer0 for paint, create a new one-

    bake -the layer0 is used internally to paint transparency-

    paint depth to add fine detail


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