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Posts posted by Carlosan

  1. Voxels > Define Measurement units

    Tools > Adjust Measure

    Im working in meters... the size of my models when import/export its are ok in another apps

    View > Grid Size > Customize Grid... i duno how to set it

    The default unit is pixels... if i remember well

    • Like 1
  2. Hi welcome

    import no, but you can define hotkeys ;)

    Wiki onlinemanual:


    To define a hotkey is actually quite simple. All you need to do is point your mouse cursor over the item you would like to set a hotkey for and then press the END key, you will then see the following prompt. You can now press the key you would like to assign to the function. Keep in mind nearly every button or menu item you see in 3D-Coat be have a custom hotkey. Also, if a hotkey is already taken, it is no problem to go ahead an re-assign the key to whatever you like.

    11.2 Customize User Interface


    9.5 Preferences


    Mouse WHEEL. Which parameter to change with MOUSE WHEEL.

    CTRL+WHEEL. Which parameter to change with CTRL+WHEEL.

    SHIFT+WHEEL. Which parameter to change with SHIFT+WHEEL.

    ALT+WHEEL. Which parameter to change with ALT+WHEEL.

  3. I think this film really proves that an open source piece of software, if combined with an appropriate budget and team size, could be a viable alternative to the industry standard software. Maybe not for the biggest studios that require a lot of in-house software, but for small to medium sized studios... I don't see a significant reason they couldn't use it.

    Smoke/Fire/Fluids need BIG improvements

    Animation system need too

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