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Posts posted by Carlosan

  1. http://3d-coat.com/3d-coat-33/

    Voxel Mode changes:

    - New Measure tool in voxels:

    It allows to measure and define everything in Voxel Mode using physical units like inches or meters. It is extremely useful for real production and prototyping.


    - Improved 3D grid. It can be customized to work with real units. 3D-Coat will fit much better for precise works:


    - Voxel primitives will follow grid points while moved with SHIFT (use CTRL, CTRL+SHIFT for smaller step of movement).

  2. What is Grease Pencil?

    The ability to draw in and/or on viewports using freehand strokes to form sketches and annotations has many benefits for collaborative communication and planning.

    This can be linked back to traditional 2D-workflows with pencil and paper, where rough 'guideline' sketches were often used for planning and also for communicating ideas quickly. It is often useful to be able to directly scribble on to a work in progress, instead of having to do so in a separate place (i.e. another part of the window, or even in a different application altogether).

    The name "Grease Pencil" is derived in homage to the wax crayons/pencils that early CG Animators used to draw arcs and other planning notes on their CRT's with.

    In addition to uses for animators in planning their poses and motion curves, Grease Pencil can also be useful in a number of scenarios, including but not limited to:

    Planning topology and/or layout of models

    Director's shot review tool

    "Whiteboard" and assignment review tool for educators




    i know, i know... there is a loooooooooooooooot of another priorities, :D

    will be may be in a near future ? ;)


  3. Hi

    sorry but i think isnt a good option to buy old software.

    The difference with new version are huge

    And if you cant afford upgrades, the software comes obsolete very soon.

    I wish to purchase a 3D package with in mind to work on 3D modelling

    Why not to use free alternatives ?



    and Blender*


    Are good alternatives and you can catch its for free. ;)

    * Blender have a nodal compositor very powerful included

  4. Marmoset support replied my plugin request:

    As far as plugin support, I am sorry to report that no, we do not have an SDK available to create .mesh exporter plugins for other software packages, such as 3DCoat.

    Our .mesh format is quite simple though, so I'm going to make note of this request and see if we can put together a simple SDK to release with upcoming software updates.



    - Alias|Wavefront Object (.obj)

    - Autodesk FBX (.fbx). Mesh data only; does not currently support animation data.

    - Marmoset Mesh Format (.mesh) This is Marmoset’s proprietary mesh format for the Marmoset Engine.

    This format can contain vertex positions, normals, tangents, bitangents, colors, vertex weights, and a full complement of texture coordinates.

    ATM only Maya have a marmoset exporter plugin (mel) stoogeExport_maya

    3DC to .mesh exporter will be awesome !

    <--- happy recently owner :)

  6. - V3 estable version bug free, encourage V3 users to use Mantis.

    - V4 final development stage need closed Beta List, devoted old users can test RC under their own responsibility. Add new V4 filter at Mantis.

    - Disabling the 4.x feature after V4 release ok. You have given time to v3 users to take decision to upgrade or not.

    - Pre-order cool

    My POV.

    V4 release isnt the final stage... is the begging of a new 3DC development until 3DC V5. Upgrade is the way to support it.

    Like V3 development was a travel to arrive to V4...

    regards ! :)

    and WB RAUL !! :D

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