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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. H key is used on Paint room to select layers if you move the cursor over the model painted zones and press it. - This function request was sent to the developers. Thank you.
  2. Yes, it isnt anymore. Sorry. Can someone have the file that they can share?
  3. There is another way to solve your workflow. Hope this help.
  4. When you export the maps and select another Normal Map Software Preset in the export dialog, then 3D Coat recalculates. Please try this on both game engines.
  5. This video demonstrates 2 methods for adding additional texture resolution once you've already started the texture painting process.
  6. Try testing the workflow in a new fresh scene without surface paint any model before.
  7. Hi ! You can find more info about it here Transform Gizmo Allows you to transform the Smart Materials or Stencil, by moving, rotating and scaling. You can also squash/stretch. There is also a more visual Transform Gizmo that works directly in the 3D Viewport. When activating either a Material or Stencil (and the 2D Grid), a yellow circle appears in the center of the Smart Materials or Stencil. RMB Clicking the yellow circle will bring up more control icons for the Transform gizmo. You can move, rotate and scale directly from this gizmo in a more intuitive way, and also align the center of your gizmo for more advanced painting and sculpting techniques.
  8. The Decimate autoRetopo feature is really great as it manages to preserve any sharp edges on your models -access this command pressing RMB over the layer-. Then in Retopo room, use Autoseams to create the uv islands, bake and paint the model directly in Paint Room. Hope this help.
  9. Please contact sales@3dcoat.com to check if your actual license changed from Professional to Amateur after the upgrade -if yes, can be resolved- In the painting room, using the command Mesh and texture resolution... Can you change the texture to 4 or 8k ?
  10. Everything depends on the use for which you are building your model
  11. Glad to help. Search option is in todo list. Hope to have it working in next releases.
  12. Use the depth slider to adjust the amount of extrusion to apply while drawing.
  13. Try modifying Shift value or changing object pivot point to center mass before import it.
  14. 3D-Coat already comes with a wide variety of stencils that you can use for both sculpting and painting. You can also easily make your own stencils. You might have found that when you do, the edges can be less than ideal. Turns out that there is quite a simple fix for this. Anton Tenitsky shares a simple discovery that can make the edges much cleaner with your homemade stencil. Blur. If you blur the edges in your favorite editing program, it will appear much cleaner within 3D-Coat. Sounds a bit counter intuitive to degrade an edge with a blur to get a cleaner edge, but as seen in Tenitsky’s tip… It works! Anton is mentor at the CG Spectrum College of Digital Art & Animation.
  15. Hello Voxel mode is good for Boolean blocking operations. Try not to exceed 1M per layer. Voxels are good up to medium detail but really fine detail is where surface mode shines. I will say that it depends upon the model too.
  16. You can adjust the near clipping plane under Preferences / Viewport / Near plane modulator
  17. Hi. Switching the camera to parallel projection should help. or You can adjust the near clipping plane under Preferences / Viewport / Near plane modulator http://3dcoat.com/manual/general/11-overview02/#camera-settings
  18. Hi, Is Ignore Back Faces switched on ?
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