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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. https://www.creativebloq.com/features/best-monitor?utm_source=Adestra&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=23895&utm_term=12788494&utm_content=408990 Choosing the best 4K monitor for creative work when you're a designer can be difficult and time consuming. You'll want to make sure that you get a 4K monitor that does your artwork justice. You also need one that can keep up with the rest of your hardware. After all, you might be armed with a great laptop for graphic design or a brilliant video editing computer – not to mention a top-class Creative Cloud subscription, but if you're not seeing the right colours on your screen, don't have enough inputs or simply have the wrong size monitor, it doesn't matter how good you are: your work will suffer. This guide will help you choose the best monitor for you, no matter what creative discipline you work in. (Make sure you pick up a quality monitor calibrator as well.) As you'd expect, all the monitors here are 4K or above, making them an excellent choice for creative professionals and serious hobbyists alike.
  2. Switch on the option Through all layers on tool options. On this example i cloned layer1 and layer2 color and depth channels in layer3
  3. Carlosan


    лицензия меняется с выпуском новой версии
  4. I prefer to leave it, it is a great example that can help other members of the community. If you like, please remember to add your final work to our gallery. Thx
  5. Since "pure" voxels include the entire volume of an object, surface "masking" doesn't really address the aspect of interior volume (a surface shading mask has no way to convey how deep the mask should penetrate into the volume).
  6. May be Virtual mirror mode can help your current workflow ?
  7. OK Now check this video, are you following this steps ? Which 2D app are you using ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sidenote: For proper use of this functions meet the following requirement: Be shure your external tool is compatible to the photoshop file format The reason: 3D-Coat is sending paint layer information to external 2D-tools in photoshop file format only! Additional HINT for Adobe Photoshop Elements users: When you use the synch layers function the first time Adobe Photoshop Elements starts, but no document will be opened. The layer information from 3D-Coat will be unfortunately deleted at the starting process of PS Elements. To correct this go back to 3D-Coat and execute the function anew there. When you switch back to Photoshop Elements now all should work and you see the selected 3D-Coat layer. The solution For proper use of layer synchronisation in 3D-Coat you have to start Adobe Photoshop Elements before using the sync functions.
  8. Press right mouse button over C:\Users\Jesse\Documents\3D-CoatV48 Select Properties If Attributes > Read-only is ON, switch it OFF Press apply //edit Or try to relocate 3DCoat data to other folder
  9. Voxel layer / Coat tools and merge later will help ?
  10. So your bottleneck is very clear, i suggest to wait GTX1170 release date to buy any new card. https://www.pcgamer.com/gtx-1180-release-date/
  11. Hi Do you have installed any hardware usage meters app display to know your current limitations ? If not try Rainmeter, it can help.
  12. Yes I understood. Its difficult to know if strips are activated or not using the current UI. Some features was asked time ago making some changes to current schema, please feel free to add a +1 http://3dcoat.com/mantis/view.php?id=1629
  13. Hi Delete the Options_Windows.xml file from your user folder. That should do the trick.
  14. Use "Apply Symmetry to current Layer" . You should see in retopo menu.
  15. Send any feature requests to Andrew Shpagin at support@3dcoat.com Will be better to contact him directly.
  16. Hi In Blender assign one material by object: 10 separate objects, every one must have their own material. Export as fbx At import, switch on the option Treat materials as separate textures. Check windows > Paint objects and Surface materials UVroom, check if there is one uv-set by object. Hope this help. cubeconesphere.blend
  17. HI Normal maps are commonly stored as regular RGB images where the RGB components correspond to the X, Y, and Z coordinates, respectively, of the surface normal. So you cant use normals maps with any mesh. The colors in a normal map represent the normals at each point coordinates of the mesh. Work best when tiled across 3D models that have a uniform direction in tangent space, like terrains or walls. On these models the UVs are not rotated; they are all facing roughly in the same direction. To get seamless lighting, rotated UVs require specific gradients in the normal map, which can only be created properly by baking a 3D model. If you need to create widgets try adding one map by layer (creating new layer). * Example attached BrickTest.3dcpack
  18. If someone wants to give it a go...
  19. Please remember send scene to support@3dcoat.com
  20. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nrqDX Over the last month I did pretty much a brain dump of the main things I think about as a modeller working on the biggest films in the Industry. I am putting the first 5 blogs together here if people feel like a read. There is about 10,000 words of information straight from my experience the last 5 years working in such studios as Industrial Light & Magic, MPC and Method studios. I also provide images and paint overs of my examples. These seemed quite popular so comment below if there is something you would like me to cover in the future. Andrew Hodgson https://www.artstation.com/andrewhodgson/blog/BNAd/modelling-blog-01-preparation https://www.artstation.com/andrewhodgson/blog/1q6P/modeling-blog-02-maya-tricks-and-tricks https://www.artstation.com/andrewhodgson/blog/4aZN/modeling-blog-03-approaching-the-asset https://www.artstation.com/andrewhodgson/blog/WebY/modeling-blog-04-thinking-ahead-and-reuse https://www.artstation.com/andrewhodgson/blog/nLq8/modeling-blog-05-finishing-the-asset
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