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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. This video concludes the introduction to working with symmetry in 3D Coat, by demonstrating some unique Symmetry tools in the Paint Room.
  2. Are you opening the app from the default alias or from old shortcut in desktop ?
  3. Yes, the procedure between UVpaint vs. Vertex Paint modes is very different.
  4. These tools are used to make larger adjustments to the Paint Object geometry. Pose limbs using Drag Points, change a thin character into a larger one, and even create morphs maps for export. All of the adjustments or tweaks done in this room, do not create new geometry. Only modify existing Paint Object geometry. These are just some of the uses for this direct polygonal manipulation set of tools. Most of these tools respect brush Alphas and parameters from the Brush Options panel.
  5. I open your project. I switched into Paint room. Created a new paint layer - gave the object the Smart Material: Bronze Add a new layer above Bronze called Paint Applied the white paint Smart Material The preview shows the bronze peaking through the worn edges of the paint, because the option more in convex show how the final look can be. After applied it with the paint bucket the worn edges are black and the bronze is not showing through like the preview because you need to change the Paint blending mode or use the layer Paint as mask condition for Bronze layer. Hope this help. Sidenote: Surface material is used on Uvmapped meshes. May be an early test? .Can be deleted.
  6. Please feel free to add opinion here 0001347: Expand Surface noise generator Thx
  7. Can you share the model please. I like to take a look about this issue. Thx
  8. Hi If you hide layer 0 before export, you'll get transparency, assuming you've left some "holes" in the other paint layers. Sounds like you have. Hope this help
  9. Hi The main window of 3DC is the application window. Windows Popups are organized in this window by Rooms -Tabs- in an arrangement called Layouts. The default Workspace contains groups of panels -:Layouts- for all rooms. You customize a general workspace by arranging panels in the layout that best suits your working style. As you rearrange panels, the other panels resize automatically to fit the window. You can create and save several custom workspaces for different tasks.
  10. 3DC have 3 sculpt modes: Voxel, Surface and Liveclay. When you had done with rough voxel sketch and want to definitely switch to surface mode press over letter V (voxel mode). The layer prefix change to S (surface mode) To switch back press S again, layer becomes V. -when switch back to V, you loose definition, be careful- Voxels models cant be painted, if you switch to Paint Room any voxel model switch automatically to surface mode and allow to be painted using vertex paint. Please try painting using any primitive, not your model. This video demonstrates some of the advantages of using Voxel (Vertex) Paint, in 3D Coat, as opposed to the standard UV based texture painting tools.
  11. Hi Are you using latest version 4.8 ? If not, please give a try Thx
  12. Are you uploading a new version with uptodate information added ?
  13. Send support-related question to Andrew Shpagin at support@3dcoat.com He probably knows the solution.
  14. It is considered good practice to build your models and worlds to a real-world scale. This simplifies the import and export workflow for both Blender scenes and interoperability between Blender and other 3d packages or external game engines. You need to set the scene unit scale in Blender to 0.01 to get correct result.
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