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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. One option will be to split the retopology islands in groups and use this option. Another is to hide islands and perform 2 bakes then merge. * Is a workaround because islands are the same but overlapped
  2. Yes the layer is empty, as you said. Unfortunately unless you have activated autosave the information is lost. I dont remember any issue as this one reported as bug. Sorry.
  3. Thx Gary. I did some tests on my side and got your same wrong results. I reported this problem as bug.
  4. Un-check Retopo > Virtual mirror mode too
  5. Yes, i see... please try using latest version
  6. I see you enabled symmetry on X-Y axis Are the seams symmetric on X-Y axis too ?
  7. Hi Are you using latest version 4.8.18 ? I'm on .18 and it works ok.
  8. There is some old videos about. Hope it help
  9. Instead of using reference mesh, this way works better.
  10. Sometimes happen if the model is very small. Please try on any new project with default cylinder please.
  11. Hi Can you follow this steps to test if his workflow its working ? Thx
  12. Hi Will be a bug, please test latest version. Thx
  13. Hi You mean Create Volume for Hidden ?
  14. Hello Switch ON the option Invert Normals and Swap axes on Import window.
  15. Hello Change Opacity to 100 for better result
  16. Hi ! This video demonstrates the usage of multiple UV sets in 3D Coat, and briefly touches on the new UV tile support.
  17. Hi, development team is working on it. We need to wait for next release.
  18. Cat head contour is ok for me, only need to have more clear eyes contour.
  19. Hi I was testing and can be a bug, let me inform developers. Thx
  20. Volodya Liubchuk talked about the key things you need to pay attention to during character production for games.
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