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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. Retopo room is linked to sculpt room and is used for - retopo external objects or - to create retopo meshes for Sculpt objects before baking process. UVroom is linked to Paint Room. Is used to change uvlayouts of object imported in Paint Room. Retopo room and UVroom are not interconnected.
  2. We got a new release recently.\ macOS [4.7.21]: http://www.3d-coat.com/~sergyi/3D-CoatV4-7-21.dmg Ensure to check "System Preferences > Security & Privacy > click the "lock" > select "App Store and identified developers" (when only "App Store" is selected error message is displayed "3D-Coat" can't be opened because it was not downloaded from the App Store)
  3. Can you try this ? Uninstall the license and install it again. Yo need to have internet connection on that machine to register your key.
  4. The Sub-Materials are relative to the UV maps you have in the scene. If you have 2 Sub-Materials, then you have 2 UV maps. UVset => Surface Material Retopo group => Paint object
  5. Do you mean you want all the uv sets combined into one uv set and then export the objects in the paint room as one obj file ? or you want to export the maps and objects has one obj file with all the separate uv maps created upon export ? Look at this video on using Multiple uv sets. Shows how to create multiple uv sets and move uv islands between. It will give you the understanding of how 3DCoat handles uv sets.
  6. Hi ! There is a new version 4.7.20 Are you using Constructor preset to export ?
  7. Reported, and this is the answer from dev team: I disabled line drawing in this tool. It is better to use Spline Stroke. Andrew
  8. We got a reply for support team Please try to combine all islands withing 0..1 range. Copy left islands over ones in 0..1 range. Andrew
  9. Hi ! can you use the latest version ? There is several upgrade s in the I/O options. Ty
  10. Overlapping UVs are giving error, right But if you paint using Texture Editor everything is fine. reported too, ty.
  11. Hi ! Please try the latest version And check if Scene Scale value is =1
  12. The density modulator is a Frozen Area paint. Try using this command Hope that help
  13. Before import assign a material in your external app, this solve the issue. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Door.obj If i begin the project at 1K and change the resolution to 2K using the command Paint Room > Edit Mesh > paint and texture resolution everything is ok. But... if i import model For Paint pixel painting selecting texture size 2k, some issues occurring. Confirmed and bug reported. ty Doorwithmaterial.mtl Doorwithmaterial.obj
  14. In you project i found Scene Scale = 0 Please change to 1 and try again
  15. We dont have that issue reported as a bug, but can be. can you test latest version please ?
  16. The new sculpt shader let you edit settings (RMB over the shader) to select flat shading visualization.
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