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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. Hi Camera Customize Navigation helps ?
  2. Hi are you using 4.1.17D version ? http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10395 that was a know bug on 4.1 dev cycle
  3. This is the Unity Master Thread. You can throw your questions in here, as this will be a sticky. Get unity3d: http://unity3d.com/unity/download/ Useful resources and learning materials: Forums http://forum.unity3d.com/ Semi-official Wiki http://unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page Q&A http://answers.unity3d.com/index.html Scripting tutorials http://www.unity3dstudent.com/ Scripting tutorials http://cgcookie.com/unity/ Popular Plugins & tools: Strumpy Shader Editor: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/56180
  4. This is the Unreal Master Thread. You can throw your questions in here, as this will be a sticky. Get it here: https://www.unrealengine.com/
  5. - Voxels are dots in space with a value between 0 and 1 - A marching cubes algorithm allows you to modify the actual volume of an object rather than just the surface. If you scale non_uniform the geometry, the voxels distribution change. A red warning appear at middle down display. RMB To global Space or To uniform Space Redistribute the voxel proportion ------------------------------------------ What IS a Voxel?? old thread, hope it help
  6. Carlosan


    Great tuto, very helpful. https://bartoszstyperek.wordpress.com/ Ty !!!!!
  7. There is a feature request ticket open Add an option in preferences to select which path is wanted for user folder Alphas (exBrushes) add existing folder Let you add any folder from any location All the info about paths is in the archive Options.xml Hope this help
  8. Hi My \Documents\3D-CoatV4 size is 22GB. You can delete the brush. If there are in psd format, could be converted to png.
  9. How much work would it be to just make a new paint room with PBR only workflow ? How to save out my custom pbr materials ? Post and thread related moved
  10. Texture > import > external AO Texture > import > external curvature Mine works fine with any PBR material... may be im losing something about your request.
  11. blue light is very blue wood looks very shiny screwdriver is floating in air rivets don't look transparent enough screws need more reflection my humble opinion
  12. Hi If you distort the voxel distribution, need to transform the space to uniform Use To Global Space for that -RMB over the layer-
  13. Yes, need to register again to get it.
  14. yes yes, not same thing, oc. i think is a very good ask, a fast mask system will be a GREAT time saver. +1 feel free to open a ticket at our Mantis bug report/feature request database. ty
  15. You can mask-freeze- a surface model at paint room too and use conditions to mask Back to sculpt just sharing more info for your feature request and, an open ticket about 0001516: Unify-Merge Freeze Paint and Freeze Sculpt tool option
  16. Hi This is an open beta. Please send file to support@3d-coat.com and let Andrew check the file. ty
  17. If you are working i surface mode could switch to Paint room and use the Freeze tool over the surface model BUT with conditions //edit
  18. 8192x8192x4x2=536 870 912 bytes by layer for 8k painting you need more that 2GB GPU VRam
  19. GTX 650 cuda DX64 mesh YES disappear at orthographic mode IF surface model at sculpt room is hide AND show voxels in paint room is ON BUT appear IF sculpt room > show poly object in sculpt room is ON
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