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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. Press Shift+M Select Surface > TiledBox Helps ?
  2. Hi I cant replicate, sorry could you share the model ? if not... please do a test with a base model like this (Shift+M to open project browser)
  3. This ? http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11454
  4. Hi Will you please share your model ? Some very small models have troubles with autopo.
  5. Hi Tser Your post about autopo issues was splited here: I just cannot get good results from the Autopo Ty
  6. Sorry but painting without any troubles The brush cursor "stop" displaying the paint area in the non-uved zones, but still is working are you testing painting with wacom and mouse just to check ? *remember to delete the retopogroup sub-Object unused
  7. If you have a gmail or outlook mail account, you have free storage in the cloud. You will upload the file, and get the share link for it to post here. Live Drive https://onedrive.live.com/about/en-us/ Google Drive https://www.google.com/drive/
  8. Hi If you post more info about the project, will be more easy try to help. Is symmetry OFF Will you please attach a display capture which app version are you using, which OS... Gizmo Axis are used to scale the Cut area (in this example... Patch type = round patch) is intersecting only one mesh section ? Then select join type (in this example Cylinder) After apply * im using 4.1.17D version
  9. Hi Will you please attach a screen capture ? (Help > Upload Screenshot) If you dock the Texture Editor windows to other display position, same problem ? Do you have any Surface-Material or subObject locked ? The uv-set selected (upper right corner) is correct ?
  10. Mantis request 0000295: Zoom In/Out under mouse cursor Trello card to vote https://trello.com/c/O75VBydP
  11. Tutorial: Physically Based Rendering, And You Can Too! By Joe “EarthQuake” Wilson This tutorial will cover the basics of art content creation, some of the reasoning behind various PBR standards (without getting too technical), and squash some common misconceptions. Jeff Russell wrote an excellent tutorial on theTheory of Physically Based Rendering, which I highly recommend reading first. Additional help from Jeff Russell, Teddy Bergsman and Ryan Hawkins. Special thanks to Wojciech Klimas andJoeri Vromman for the extra insight and awesome art. Contents A New Standard PBR FAQs Inputs and Terminology Energy Conservation Albedo Microsurface Reflectivity Fresnel Ambient Occlusion Cavity
  12. Physically Based Rendering -Garage Games- by Pierre (DragoFire) Hay · in Torque 3D Professional · 03/05/2014 I've been slowly reading up on this and wonder if anyone else has looked into this or done any work with it and T3D yet? For those who don't know what Physically Base Rendering or as some call it Physically Based Shading is here's a topic over at RSI covering what is physically based rendering, this covers most aspects of PBR without getting to technical. What is PBR or sometimes refered to as PBS or BRDF The most trivial explanation of a PBR/PBS/BRDF (physical based renderer / physical based shader / bidirectional reflectance distribution function) is that it is the bit of shader code describing how a surface reacts to light. Generally, it is responsible for calculating the specular highlights and diffuse characteristics of the surface material. They are mathematical approximations of how surfaces react to light in the real world. In computer graphics, we try to model the physical world as accurately as possible, but we are constrained by computation. For this reason, the mathematical efficiency of BRDFs is very important. Some of the better known BRDFs - Blinn, Phong and Lambert, for instance - are well known for this reason: they are computationally inexpensive to calculate and intuitive to adjust. However they compromise efficiency for accuracy. If we concern ourselves with more expensive and more accurate models, we uncover a second layer of shading models: Oren-Nayar, Cook-Torrance, Askikhmin-Shirley, etc. There is no single model that fits every situation, but there are some better than others. The Cook-Torrance model has been shown to be a top performer, when compared against actual acquired BRDF data. Of course, with the good comes the bad and Cook-Torrance is one of the most expensive models to compute. But for overall results, it is hard to beat. So this is our target; a nice implementation of the Cook-Torrance reflectance model. Now this maybe an issue when using Cook-Torrance model on mobiles and consoles due to hardware limitations, so it's a question of which module to use. What's required? Base PBR implementation consists of 3 things; Gamma-correct rendering Shading inputs (textures, light colors, vertex colors, etc.) naturally authored, previewed [li]and (often) stored with nonlinear (gamma)encoding Final frame buffer also uses nonlinear encoding This is done for good reasons [li]Perceptually uniform(ish) = efficient use of bits Legacy reasons (tools, file formats, hardware) Support for HDR values [ul] Realistic rendering requires handling values much higher than display white (1.0) Before shading: light intensities, lightmaps, environment maps Shading produces highlights that affect bloom, fog, DoF, motion blur, etc. Cheap solutions exist Good tone mapping (ideally filmic) Difference between textures and materials. There are few fundamental distinctions between textures and materials. For example, you cannot apply a texture on a static mesh or BSP geometry. Textures have to be a part of a material. The material is what you would use to texture your environment and apply to Static Meshes. Here are the differences between a texture and a material: Textures is a single file, a 2d static image. It is usually a diffuse, specular or a normal map file that you would create in Photoshop or Gimp, as a tga, tiff, bmp, png file. These can be manipulated photographs, hand-painted textures or textures baked in an application such as xNormals. Materials are made up of various textures combined together inside a Material Editor(in-engine or 3rd party editor). Materials include various textures and material expressions that creates a network of nodes. The final result is a material you can use to apply on your BSP geometry and on Static Meshes. Materials are what you see rendered in-game. It should be noted that Specular map on a texture, is connected to the refractive index and as such describes a physical property. The shading model then varies this reflectance based on view angle and surface roughness. Thus the surface roughness is adjusted to create variety and specular not be varied for a given material.
  13. //edit i forgot to ask what about Smart Materials non-PBR based ? how pbr-sets apply so ? remember that now 3DC accept to work in pbr and non-pbr paint modes
  14. Javis Do you opened a side by side project in 3DC and Marmoset toolbag ? - > Dont we need Toolbag anymore ? <- confused Example Scenes: Diving helmet - metalness map workflow and transparent/glass material - By Joe Wilson Eyeballs - additive specular and parallax mapping - By Joe Wilson Scale reference mesh - roughly the size of a 6 foot tall human M7 rifle highpoly render scene - By Joe Wilson
  15. Marmoset has a cyber monday deal going on so if you ever wanted toolbag now is the time to get it. https://www.marmoset.co/toolbag %40 discount auto applies in checkout.
  16. Sorry, which tutorial are you learning ? after V 4.1.17D i always use this option hope it helps
  17. LW 2015 FBX --> Unreal Engine - FBX export to UDK is working - Imported a rag doll from the 2015 samples, and the physics from the bones of the dolls is applied automatically - EndoMorphs work - Exported FBX genoma2 humanoid work
  18. This contest has become vacant. //edit Added one month more to finish time
  19. Has it merely been renamed in new version ? yes the last experimental -Nightly build but very stable one- is this: http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10395
  20. Hi Umberto When you had done with rough voxel sketch and want to definitely switch to surface mode press over letter V (voxel mode). The layer prefix change to S (surface mode) To switch back press S again, layer becomes V. -when switch back to V, you loose definition, be careful- Info related: from The Candyfloss Kid Here's a quick video for those new to 3DCoat to explain the additive nature of voxel mode compared to surface mode. Voxel modes can be used to create voxels in empty space on empty layers as well as build information on empty layers based on existing voxel information on existing layers - surface mode effects and adds topology to the existing surface polygons per surface layer. In this video I demonstrate the additive voxel modes that you can use in a more "drawn" facility not the voxel primitives which all clearly add voxel information in an empty layer.
  21. Hello Symmetry axis popups pressing the S key
  22. virtual mirror mode... mirror snapping... symmetry settings... everything ok ?
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