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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. Javis Jones ‏@JavisJones 4h4 hours ago @AndrewShpagin And just so people know, there is an option to invert gloss to get roughness at export. 0 replies0 retweets0 favorites Reply Retweet Favorite More Andrew Shpagin ‏@AndrewShpagin 4h4 hours ago @JavisJones of course - roughness is one of export channels, so no worryness there. 0 replies0 retweets0 favorites Reply Retweet Favorite More Javis Jones ‏@JavisJones 3h3 hours ago @AndrewShpagin Sounds great! People are going to love it. 0 replies0 retweets0 favorites Reply Retweet Favorite More Mr.Brooks ‏@captn_brooks 59m59 minutes ago @AndrewShpagin When can I get my hands on it? I will be teaching texturing w/3D coat soon+would prefer to do it in PBR 0 replies0 retweets0 favorites Reply Retweet Favorite More Andrew Shpagin ‏@AndrewShpagin 4m4 minutes ago @captn_brooks In 1-2 weeks beta expected.
  2. Hi! Sorry i dont understand very well... any pic will be welcome To resize radius,,, Camera > customize navigation, helps ? Sliders will help too
  3. Hi! what do you expected ? try circle or others shapes or... may be you need sphere tool ?
  4. Andrew Shpagin‏@AndrewShpagin PBR visual explanation - Reply Retweet Favorite More
  5. 0001674: Add Manipulate only Gizmo to Preview Option Menu Trello vote card Kirkl: Will you please respect the thread topic, keeping all info related to Original PBR question ? If you need to ask or suggest about 3DC feature requests, fell free to open new thread about. Ty
  6. WHAT !?!?!?! OH MY GOSH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Es ist eine gute Frage und mehrere Benutzer dieselbe angefordert. Bitte senden Sie Fragen zu Anfragen für neue Funktionen in Andrew Shpagin support@3d-coat.com
  8. Please take your time to email support asking about your license. to check your actual user data info -in the license server- will be a good start to avoid any future issue. Ty
  9. - Do you have a steam version ? - Do you have 2 computers running 3DC at same time ? - Do you uninstalled the edu license before to install the pro key ? - Do you buy the edu license with one mail, and registered the pro with another mail ? Please inform license support all this info to, will be helpful Ty
  10. Hi! Yes, the v4.5 had PBR support more info related here http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17076 Andrew Shpagin ‏@AndrewShpagin And it is done via layer-based system, not node based. It is more suitable for understanding by artists.
  11. Send any technical and support-related questions to Andrew Shpagin at support@3d-coat.com
  12. manual page 144 or Official Youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/PILGWAY3DCoat
  13. Hi Its a new experimental build and nobody knows but Developers and betatesters fell free to join this thread adding your question http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=4372&page=37
  14. link broken - new link location from this source
  15. More links Using Photoscan + Maya + 3DC http://www.akewt.com/category/3d-coat/ Rock modeling techniques (using 3DC and another apps)
  16. Sorry im out of ideas but here some links to perform this task Transfer texture map http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8299 http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10373
  17. My job is to repair the geometry (not losing the texture coordinates the original model, had vertex paint color data when performed 3d scan ? You can transfer the existing surface color to a new a texture map, with no rework necessary. At retopo room Use the same mesh as retopomesh base modify the old mesh to follow the new model surface -if needed- and bake
  18. Yes, looks really ugly. Manual talk about it at page28 cleaning up messy scanned meshes Open project selection using Shift+M ------------------------------------------ This operation import the same model in sculpt room selecting without voxelization ------------------------------------------ May be to perform a manual cleanup is needed. -From my pov there isnt an automatic way... only craftman work- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another post, same issue http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16325
  19. Voxel view Voxel wireframe View Surface view Surface wireframe view Clean surface tools Surface after cleansurface Surface wireview after cleansurface Surface view using another shader try to retopo-bake the same object using voxel or surface mode to compare differences -if any-
  20. The central innovation described in the paper and that is at the heart of the new renderer – called Hyperion – is to find a way to path trace a scene with a lot of geometry. But unlike most approaches, it does two things differently. Firstly, the renderer sorts large potentially out-of-core ray batches, effectively lumping similar ray bounces together, and secondly and most importantly, the renderer does not do the actual shading of the ray hits until the rays are sorted and grouped. This allows for a cache free system of doing large model global illumination, irradiance, radiosity and/or physically based lighting inside the memory constraints of a practical renderer on a chip. Source
  21. Do you think it's a good idea to send the whole model to Andrew anyway to check it out? yes, will be very helpful for future users with same issue sound as bug 4me ty !
  22. Hi Send the model and related questions to Andrew Shpagin at support@3d-coat.com The model have 4ngons, but thats not the problem At import 3DC create an internal wall face at local symmetry joining both sides model cleaned test2.obj note: what if you try to import another file format ?
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