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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. Will you please try v 4.1.17D and use DX version ? http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10395 ty
  2. obj file format store polypaint color information at export. 3DC assign it to layer 0 -in surface mode- try to export in another file format
  3. Use Transpose tool for that transpose tool symmetry on select one eye rotate
  4. Paint layers mask is useful for big areas
  5. Hi More in Cavity function could help ? the sculpt looks ok Menu view -> relief onlie -------------------------- the top surface is very glossy, only borders must be need more layers adding moss -green color- and dirty terrain -red color- only in low cavity zones to use photo references could help too http://hhh316.deviantart.com/art/Seamless-Rock-Face-Texture-271675185 http://galleryhip.com/seamless-moss-rock-texture.html http://fairiegoodmother.deviantart.com/art/Moss-Covered-Rock-Texture-2-91930332
  6. its your model inside the grid perimeter ? Is the scene scale correct ? Which measurement units are you using ?
  7. Import image as Mesh helps ? ----------------------------------- some tuts
  8. The realtime particle FX paint is based in PopcornFx technology. It could be added to 3DC runtime too, i suposse.
  9. Will you please try the last version ? http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10395&page=1
  10. http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15797&p=109950
  11. Hi Ken Move, please try this config
  12. if you select View > Relief only [1] the display show something ? Model Normals are flipping ok ? will you apply a default material at Modo before export it ? do you tested to import another model exported from Modo using the same procedure ? Will you export the same model using another file extension as .lwo .dae or fbx ?
  13. http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16203
  14. Into full screen mode (Alt + Enter), it won't let me change the name of layers confirmed. Popup is blocked UNDO issue confirmed
  15. lets change date and see whats happening i think its ok to wait until the next version release -with PBR included- so... a new challenge with any hardsurface theme will be -may be- more popular.
  16. Which are your specs and specifically your current problem ?
  17. http://3d-coat.com/download/ System requirements: OS: Windows 10, Linux Ubuntu CPU: 4.2 GHz or better RAM: 16Gb (32GB or more recommended) Video: Nvidia RTX or better with CUDA OGL support
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