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Everything posted by BeatKitano

  1. Needs work but it's doable (I ill also have to tinker with the hand and the scepter position to get her to stay up irl ^^). Also, today was Dragons day.
  2. Is it me or the sampler tool in paint room sometimes doesn't get the color under curser because the picking is offset ? I've to aim higher to get the right color. Nevermind.Looks like this one is the culprit. I don't understand how but in case someone is buggered by it:
  3. "Pinup". I may 3d print her if I get the result I want.
  4. Omg Andrew THANK YOU ! Not a big deal for some but it means a lot of for me: Paint room bucket is now "autopicking". It means you don't have to select the volume you want to paint on (surface model painting) before filling it up with base color. AND the paint doesn't make the layer selection go down to the lowest "used" layer :> It means you can now work just as you would in photoshop without loosing time picking volumes AND constantly adjusting layer selection \o/ One the other hand it doesn't keep the last layer selected per volume which means if: You select layer one on mesh A then select mesh B and select layer two then go back to mesh A: your selection is now layer two. Also, with the exception of the radius interference (sphere influence around backfacing polys) and some brush "dotting" along stroke, I must say: 3dcoat got better brush engine than zbrush. Good job here.
  5. Yep definitely a fun tool and with a few more pieces and adjustable settings (curve driven bevel for instance) and substracting pieces (not just cube but the selected piece) it could be totally rad.
  6. Wow constructor is quite unexpected an may be key to make some hard surface stuff without breaking much sweat. Nice job here, with a few more type of pieces this could become a new workflow.
  7. Use lasso or curves in e-panel and deactivate "ignore backface" you can now select the "line" you want to be mirrored on the other side (you've got to be careful to have the camera properly placed or you'll get it warped or faded)
  8. Tried, wanted to test constructor (I like the idea): crashed at first click. Retried: same. For enthusiasts indeed. Thanks for sharing anyway
  9. I mean we push voxels all day with scan data, even animation, with all that in place we don't need to use texture and use the voxels to store the paint channels (so no more uvs). The time and money lost on uving and painting on flat sheets is now spent on hardware where we can modify data (geometry and materials) in realtime. Uvs will disappear in most pipelines, it's just a question of when not how (ptex is another answer in the polygon world).
  10. As I see it Carlosan, and how painful it looked to make the v4 overhaul, there won't be a big change as that in v5. I'm not Andrew, but that's the second iteration already. I mean we could probably stick to the room concept with consolidation, reorganization, making the bridges solid and very userfriendly. Everything fits in the current rooms regardless of the tech evolution. The rooms are technicaly all encompassing, the techs can evolve but the concepts of retopo/sculpt/paint/uv are there in all 3d content pipeline (maybe uving is going soon, at work it's already gone for instance) but that's it.
  11. Then that's what I'm thinking: we don't need one room and one outliner for all. We need simpler/better bridges between said rooms. And shortcuts to simply switch between rooms. The idea with the outliner is to use all items as parts of a single project,removing the need to manage their type (the bridge parts of rooms). I say we don't need that we simply need to make the transition between rooms transparent. The result is the same, only the idea of being "boxed in" an UI mode is there, and with a little reorganization it could disappear.
  12. To Artman: That could be handled with auto showing/hiding panels depending on the selected item. But that thought is a bit scary too: having the UI "jump" and change when you select another part of your project... not sure. As a matter of fact: you either need constant going back and forth between different "room" to work on your project: and you'll have a jumpy ui that will make working in 3dc very unintuitive. Or you don't, and then room separation is definitely the smarter way. I'm like Artman at this point: I don't know. A few years back I was all behind the outliner idea. Now I'm a bit schyzophrenic and I'm not sure it's a good idea at all. But like Artman: I won't fight for an idea or another both could potentialy work, it all depends on the good will of Andrew: If he wants to take the time to totally rethink all the ui system or not. But that won't work if it's not a complete rethinking and just a patch job. That I'm sure.
  13. Problem is still the same (To AbnRanger): One outliner: different representation of the type of item (voxel model/surface model/perpixel painting model/microvertices painting model/surface painting model/retopo mesh/reference mesh) this is gonna be messy. If we go this road (and I'm not saying we shouldn't, I for a long time wanted to do just that but I'm not sure it's the right thing to do): we'll have to make clear representations, a lot of them, the outliner will be full VERY quickly, resulting in a loong list even with nesting system. I agree conversion are a problem you can't do multiple things at once easily sometimes. But honestly: if you want to produce fruits, you don't poor water in a pot, then put the plant, then poor the soild over it all and hope all goes well. Having freedom is great (painting on surface model serves no purpose but you can do it and have preview for instance), but you still need a process to make something. Imo the room are a way to make the steps clear. The "All-inclusive" outliner will only get in the way of understanding the principe of 3d content production and will not make the task any easier for the more advanced users. What needs to be done is make all the room more cohesive, Javis did a good job on the semantics, I think this should continue on the ui item themselves and their place in the rooms.
  14. You've shifted my ways of thinking here. Never have thought this way. In a sense I agree: I would probably do different layout too... defeating the purpose of a "single room" concept... Imo if you think it this way what needs to be done is work on the cohesiveness of the interface and their modular panel: lessen the "feeling" of separated spaces by making those room connected by default by showing the usefull item in each one. Not having to call "panels from another room" (for instance the not so well named voxtree)
  15. Hmm I wouldn't follow those settings. Not because I don't trust Carlosan's words, but because there's a parameter more important than all of those and it can't be words: the depth curve. Basicaly the depth curve with a low depth and rapid2 can become either a regular flatten, or a trim dynamic (normal treshold before changing flattening plane), which is not it's intended use at all . This shows you how much tweaking you can do to have the tools you want. Short answer: you've got something very similar for each of those brushes, but not out of the box, at least not of the default 3dcoat tools. Artman's presets (available in a fresh install in preset panel) are the most versatile toolset you can have right now. I suggest you install the recent beta builds (last one seems very reliable sculpting-wise) and fine tune his presets to your liking (but they're pretty much spot on from the get go, you only have to touch certain value to change their effectiveness depending on the way you like to work, meaning: harder or more "controled"/finer)
  16. Apply overrides enter means that when in surface mode and using a tool that need validation (smoother/angulator..) pressing enter doesn't "remesh" the object but validate the current tool. It's VERY useful cause you can work much more quickly that way. For instance using smoother by applying patches works wonders to make a mesh super-clean. This is 3dcoat equivalent of polish in Zbrush except you control the bounds while polish is a general tool (unless you mask areas).
  17. I had a lot of issues downloading the build (even on gdrive) I had to redownload like 5-6 times each time failing toward the end. Strange. Anyway: Preset fixed ! Yay. At first I thought it wasn't the case only the last time I tried to lock everything to symmstore and saved the preset file. Make sure you update all your presets without it,unless you want to. It should be off by default, I can't confirm but I think it was on by default. Validation on enter is a small thing but for me it's a big change: I can finaly OVER ABUSE smoother It was so tedious before that I was mainly using smooth and powerful smooth. So BIG thanks for that Other than that all looks good here (not tried flattenclay though). Oh just one question: It may be related to navigation settings or something like that but I can't find it: If I use a curve and press enter to validate: I get a small zoom effect each time as if 3dc was trying to reframe. A bug or... ? On the other side: I don't understand the tapering function. Would love to have a little explaination on this one.
  18. Second time download is aborted on a more secure program. Network Or server is giving something corrupted... fishy.
  19. Download failed on my end. I get this problem often these days coming from China/Russia so this may be a network issue Artman.
  20. Just a question: does restoring preset saved/updated with the buggy builds will affect the software once again ?
  21. No more shwing after a while with the voxels holes... (this discussion is getting weirder by the minute )
  22. I tried, and to NOT reassure you: your safe file backup won't help. It simply doesn't work even after clearing single instance *.txt files and preset.xml files in userfolders. Something get written elsewhere (or maybe even in the scene file ?) and you can't bypass it. Until this bug is fixed I'm out of 3dcoat (even going back doesn't help) which is a pitty since I restarted doing pure sculpt recently (fully posed/asymmetrical models old school style) and would have loved to be able to do this in a freeform software (dynamesh in zbrush is not as good).
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