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Mighty Pea

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  1. @Andrew ShpaginThe fill tool currently doesn't use these settings to vary hue, brightness and saturation: Could this be added? Also, could these other settings be added to Brush Presets? Currently they aren't
  2. This tooltip refers to the mask being 'chosen', but how do you select between the layer and its mask? If I select the mask (which is on another layer), it still ends up on the layer's regular RGB channels Edit: Ah, I understand now. I'll leave this and explain for anyone else who might wonder: you need to select the _name_ of the mask.
  3. 3DCoatGL64_Vk7MzdBxSC.mp4 Issue I just ran into, the layer names in the Clip Mask section don't reflect the actual layer names. I'm sending the file to support. This is still in 2024.16 because we're finishing up a project and the deadline's close, so I won't take any risks with updating software. Somehow things got in a detached state, but renaming 'Paint' to 'Painting' and then to something else fixes the issue.
  4. The dividing lines in the context menu highlight when hovered, and seem to execute the function that's listed right underneath when clicked (in this case 'Fill Entire Layer') Seems to me they shouldn't highlight at all, and also shouldn't run any function when clicked.
  5. I understand that, but I feel like I'm just shouting into the wind. So, my bug is 'under consideration' now. That's language more appropriate for a feature request, but fine. As I've submitted a file where it's 100% reproducable for me though, I'd like to know: Did you test it, can you preproduce? I've been submitting bugs for 15 years, and have over that time managed to help track down some of the more egregious ones like a broken Undo. To then be met with a dismissive email that says 'you gotta paint _on_ the layer silly' just doesn't feel like you've got your support system in order...
  6. You did just now yes, but... it's confusing. You're saying this: The point being, I'm trying to paint into the mask, not the layer! Am I misunderstanding you? I want to paint into the mask, and on some layers (and only some), it tells me 'you're attempting to paint over an invisible layer'. Which, yes... I am, it's a mask, it's not directly visible!
  7. For the sake of starting a discussion about it: Deleting a layer that's clipped by another also deletes the clip layer. This seems crazy to me, especially in light of the absense of any visual indicator (as there is in Photoshop). I don't think this should ever happen, especially when the layer being deleted isn't even the clip layer itself, it's a layer _referencing_ the clip layer. This is a recipe for disaster, there should never be silent deletion of data that wasn't specifically requested. my email also had a second bugreport in it, namely that I regularly get the message ' 'you're attempting to paint over an invisible layer when attempting to paint on a (visible) layer's mask. This also happened in the file I sent you, and should hopefully be reproducable on your end in order to fix it.
  8. I sent a two bug reports with a file to support, but haven't heard back. One's pretty bad, where deleting one layer also deletes other layers, so I'd at least like to hear if a: the file was received, and b: if it can be reproduced on your end!
  9. 3dcoat still doesn't store this setting in Brush presets, please add it!
  10. @ElemenoSubstance Painter also uses grayscale masks, as... everything I can think of does. I may be missing your point, in which case I'm sorry. The solution here could be to have, as Photoshop does, a different set of colours remembered for mask painting and regular painting. Brush presets can store colours though ,so the mask colours would need to be ommitted.
  11. This dialog (and others) remember their last used settings. While this is useful, I'd love to have a big 'Reset' button so I didn't have to go through each box and enter their right number.
  12. I do still want alt-clicking on a mask to display _only_ the mask.
  13. Yeah, the only difference here is that Painter has a separate memory for brush colour, and in 3DCoat you're painting with red and green, whose rgb values get converted to a grayscale value.
  14. Can you explain what you mean by this? It sounds like something's going wrong on your end, layer masks work well here. Can you record a small video to show this off?
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