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Everything posted by cnob

  1. Nur zur Info, es geht auch per ganz normaler Banküberweisung. Habe ich damals bei V3 gemacht und ging auch beim V4 Update wunderbar. Dauert nur eben zwei bis drei Tage länger, bis man den Key bekommt.
  2. I was about to post this here on the forum too. This is just great. Im so happy that I decided for 3DC, someone can really feel that something IS happening here. Welcome!
  3. Perfect, I almost forgot about my post here, cause I started working on a new model. euxaristo michali + thank you phil
  4. Hi guys, please excuse this but I cannot find the Tinker Objects in my 3DC. Do I have to download them somewhere? Already searched the forum, but couldn't find anything. Thanks, cnob To be a little more precise, I've found a tab with Tinker Objects in 3DC but these are not as many like in the video on 3D-coat Homepage.
  5. I know the result is not exactly the same. It just came to my mind because it was happening whithin the baking progress too, and you also got some of those black artifacts on your texture.
  6. Well, that looks pretty similar to the artifacts I got a few weeks ago. http://www.3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=4566 But I was baking from Voxel to low-poly-model (per pixel painting). There was also the problem with the freezing of the progress bar, just wasnt sure if it is because of my computer or a "bug". Just posted this as a little refresher, maybe it helps Andrew to solve this problem easier.
  7. Ok, ich denke wir müssen etwas weiter vorne anfangen. Um eine displacementmap zu erstellen musst du zuerst eine UVmap für das polygonmodel erstellen. Wie das funktioniert, erfährst du im Tutorialsbereich.(Keine Sorge, du brauchst keine herausragenden Englischkenntnisse um das Tutorial zu verstehen.) Kurz: Keine UVs = Keine Displacementmap (und auch keine anderen Texturen) Eine UVmap ist im Prinzip nur eine 2D Abwicklung von deinem 3D Objekt. Stell dir vor, du willst aus einem Blatt Papier ein Haus falten. Das Haus ist dein 3D Objekt (die Säule) und das Blatt Papier die UVmap. 3Dcoat braucht die Informationen der UVmap um aus den 3D Daten eine Textur zu erstellen.(Genau wie jedes andere 3D Programm auch) Vielleicht solltest du dir auch mal Tutorials angucken, die sich mit der Erstellung von UVmaps in C4D beschäftigen, nur für den Fall, dass du das Prinzip einer UVmap noch nicht kennst. Sobald du die UVmap für deine Säule erstellt hast, brauchst du eigentlich nur noch den Schritten zu folgen, die ich zuvor beschrieben habe. Wenn weitere Fragen bestehen, frag einfach, wir waren alle mal an dem Punkt an dem du gerade festhängst. Nur noch eine kleine Bitte, versuch deine Fragen immer so genau wie nur möglich zu stellen. Es ist äußerst schwierig für andere anhand einer Aussage wie z.B. "es funktioniert nicht" festzustellen was das Problem ist. Viel Erfolg.
  8. Hi Einfach im Voxtree einen Rechtsklick auf den entsprechenden Layer machen und quadrangulate for pixel painting wählen, oder quadrangulate and paint. Letzteres sollte für den anschließenden Export einer Displacement map, bessere Ergebnisse liefern. Anschließend wechselst du in den Paint Bereich (oben links) und dort wählst du dann Textures -> Export -> Displacement. Jetzt musst du nur noch den Speicherort für die map auswählen. Hat es denn generell nicht funktioniert mit dem Export der Displacement map, oder war das Displacement in C4D nicht sichtbar? Ich bin kein C4D nutzer, aber wenn der Export der Textur funktioniert hat und diese auch anständig aussieht, musst du evtl. mal die Einstellungen für deine Displacement map in C4D überprüfen.
  9. Well, I think the quality could depend on many things. It could be your UV layout or the texture resolution(Im not talking about the resolution of the picture you want to use) you've chosen. But to get an image to work as a material, there's no need to copy it to the images folder where all the basic 3DC images are. You just have to click on the folder icon inside the material tab, and browse the picture you want to use. For a basic "projection" of that picture onto your model, just load a picture for color and leave depth and specular empty.
  10. Of course thats possible. You can try it with the "image along spline tool" or just load the image into the color channel of a new material, click the material and start painting.
  11. Thanks for the tip mate. Sadly 3DC only seems to save the distortion information, not the actual size and position. I hope this request will get some attention, cause I think it will be a quite handy feature. I also had the idea to load the mask directly into the material, like it is with Depth, Color and Specular.
  12. Hi there, I ran into some kind of cheesy problem today. I created a material (actually its just a little sign) that I wanted to paint on a model. But somehow its not working the way I expected it. The material was created of those two files: And I wanted to use this file as a mask for the material: As you can see, all images are at 1178x612. The problem is that I can only twaek the size of the material OR the mask... Why isnt there a possibility to connect the mask to the material? It would make it much easier for me, to paint this little sign on the model, wherever I want.
  13. Hi guys, Im pretty sure that somebody else already had this idea, but it kinda stucks in my head now and Im wondering what others think of it. What if I could connect that device to my PC and use it for motion capturing, for my own 3D Projects??? I know it's not a professional tool, but what if it works? greetings Fabian
  14. Sure I noticed that, Im using it too. But the thing is, that my blender 2.5 Alpha 0 crashes after 7-10 million polys and my PC is a little stronger than the one he's using. That's why I guess that he's maybe using a newer build of the 2.5 alpha 0.
  15. I think it must be a newer version of the blender alpha 0. Cause I really wonder how he's doing that, with his graphicscard. Also there are some buttons on the multires-modifyer tab, Im missing in my version.
  16. Funny, I was thinking almost the same yesterday. I totally agree with that, a bugfree 3D-Coat will be worthier for all of us than any new features.
  17. Hi everybody. Im not sure if this is a bug, or if Im doing something wrong. But if it is a bug, I think it's more than necessary that it's gonna be fixed. Take a look at my previous post here: http://www.3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=4566 As I wrote before, I've tried it once with a simple sphear and all maps have been generated without artifacts. This time I tried to bake maps from a different more complex character. (Voxel surface mode again) And that's what I get: As you can see, black artifacts again. They always appear at exactly the same place. I also tried different shaders and new created UV sets - but still no success.
  18. Ok, I found out how it works. Anyway I think there's still a little bug inside. This is how I did it: 1.Created voxel object. 2.Retopo 3.UV Voxelobject in surface mode! 4.Quadrangulate for per pixel painting. Box pops up that asks you, if you want to convert to voxels or stay in surface mode. -> choose "Cancel" Box pops up again! -> choose "remain surface" The rest works like before.
  19. Has anyone seen my last post, on the previous page? Or do you guys now all just care about christmas, god and money!? Would be nice if somebody could help me out with that, wanna go on with my work. Or should I've posted that in the bug/question department?
  20. Did I get something wrong? I thought it would be possible now, to bake a normalmap, directly from surface mode. After detailing my model I clicked "quadrangulate for per pixel painting". 3DC asked me if I want to stay in surface mode, or convert to voxels. If I choose to stay in surface mode, nothing happens! Is it a bug, am I just stupid, or is this how it's meant to be?
  21. Hi folks. I've just received a message from Andrew. He's planning to implement the function to create multiple UV sets again. He said that he's just not sure when it will be. I just thought this might be interesting for others too. cheers
  22. Is it already implemented in 3.1.16, or am I doing something wrong?
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