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Community Answers

  1. Hello -- support@3dcoat.com -- -- support@pilgway.com -- Answer your emails, for God's sake! Thank !
  2. Hi Carlosan, Hum!? unfortunately this does not work.
  3. Thank you for your answer Elemeno, But I explained myself wrong. I can't select another object, when an object is hidden and selected in the sculpt tree.
  4. Hi everyone, I have a question about the selection with the "transform" tool 1) I can't select an object in the working area when I am on a selected object, but hide. I am obliged to be on a visible object to select an object in the working area, "with the transform tool". 2) How to find a lost tool ? I lost the pick tool LOL To find a lost tool without making a complete reset of course. 3) Can we freeze the windows of the interface. It's really annoying these things that move all the time. Thanks for your help Peace.
  5. Hi Alex I don't know, you put me in doubt, I have a permanent license. This shouldn't happen with a permanent license, should it?
  6. Finally, I uninstalled and reinstalled the previous version 2022.34 and I am no longer in the learning version. However, I would like someone to explain to me the correct steps to follow so that I don't make the same mistake next time. Thank you
  7. Hi carlosan, I think you did not understand my friend, 3dcoat remains in learning mode, it does not take, it seems, my license.
  8. Bonjour, I have just updated the last version of 3dcoat, and I notice that it is still in "learning" is this normal? there is always the startup panel at the docking station and nothing works: neither the login nor the "Load license". What should I do ? Merci
  9. Bonjour, Could someone test a file that I can't open anymore? It's important, it's for work. Thanks a lot. https://we.tl/t-8Gsssujv7p
  10. HArrGggg !!! That's what I thought, this is unacceptable (no I'm kidding... a little). Thanks for the tip Carlosan .
  11. Ho, sorry! Voxel mode ClayEngine/Base Clay
  12. Hello, I'm desperately looking for the "invert Tool" key in the "Tool options" panel of the Clay brush, but I don't see it anywhere and I don't want to use the "ctrl" keyboard shortcut. Could someone please enlighten me? Thanks
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