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  1. Well with latest version you can hit 0 polies At least I can not make it work on ubuntu 22.04, have disappearing viewport issue when in sculpt mode.
  2. On PopOS, that is based on Ubuntu 22.04LTS, I have version 2024.06 working fine. Latest version has issues and it is not workable. I am slowly moving my sculpting work to Blender, and prob will stop upgrading 3DCoat. Blender just works flawlessly on Linux.
  3. Go into 3DCoat folder and execute 'ldd 3dcoat', paste output here.
  4. You probably just missing some library. Or need to symlink. Do you get any errors?
  5. I am testing it with PopOS and gnome so i think it has nothing to do with DE or Window manager. Also it work on painting room but breaks on sculpting
  6. On PopOS 22.04, X11, Nvidia card with latest drivers, also latest 3Dcoat, has issue that when switching to Sculpt mode it triggers bug that all floating windows get hidden unless I click and hold Alt key. Also objects also get hidden. Impossible to work with. Does not happen with 2024.06. Screencast from 11-03-2024 01:05:53 PM.webm
  7. I am not sure that 3Dcoat supports Wayland, did you under X11? I am working with it on daily basis on PopOS, which is based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. But yes, in nutshell, it works better and more stable under Windows than on Linux, which I can say for every 3D app I use. Maybe Blender is exception.
  8. Well adding new render engine does not make it full DCC app. I think idea behind it is to preview, in much better way, model you work on. Or concept artist to render model in better quality than what they have now and use that render in PS for example. I do not think that idea is to make 3DCoat layout app. There are many things it misses to be something like that, not just render engine.
  9. Well we do not have info you have, but I do not see why would anyone be against it, especially if price is not being changed.
  10. Is something like this possible with 3dCoat? It really does not need to be procedural. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7182841768009166849?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
  11. Using latest Linux version. I think something is messed up with scene, it bakes shader color but not painting I did. Also now none of the layers I painted are working, hiding/unhiding does nothing. And if I convert voxel to surface it loses paints too and show only shader. Worst thing is that I saved this scene at some point when I was trying and have only broken scene... Well will have to repaint retopo mesh directly than.
  12. I have Voxel object that I also painted. Now I want to export it as mesh. Did Autoretopo and Decimation, and I got retopo mesh. Now want to bake, beside normal map, colors too. If I do Bake with Normal map it just bakes Normal map. I also tried right click on Voxel and bake Color from Visible Volumes but nothing happens. What is the correct workflow and is this possible at all ?
  13. Honestly, 3DCoat is beside Houdini, only app that I gladly upgraded this year.
  14. Would like to suggest to support Krita like you do Photoshop. So 3DCoat export .kra files. It is free app and I found painting to be better experience than in PS. Nothing crucial but would like this to happen at some point, if there is time for it.
  15. Switching to PopOS fixed it. Which is strange cause both are 22.04 LTS. Probably was a problem on my side. Would not like for 3DCoat to follow VfX platfrom, those are way behind and work for studios, not for daily driver machine. Ubuntu LTS is great midpoint. Also why not using Flatpak, if there are resources for something like that?
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