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Posts posted by syunikiso

  1. Hi guys!

    I work sculpting collectibles for 3D printing. I've been using Zbrush and Blender for the most part since 2016, and I mess up with 3DCoat since I got it in steam at v4.0.


    The thing is that ZB's subscription is getting out of hand and I would like to try to achieve the same level of quality/amount of detail in 3DCoat and hopefully migrate definetly.

    With that said, you can have a look of what I do here: https://www.artstation.com/lucasbezerra .

    I know my way around sculpting basics in 3DCoat, but I'm worried about correct tiling of textures (on fabrics, for example), and making the mesh hollow before exporting (no bubbles or intersecting geometry). I've been using character creator to pose characters previously sculpted in T Pose, but I'm used to sculpt already posed figures, so I wouldn't need a Transpose Master equivalent. 

    Any directions (download links, pdfs, etc) would be very helpful. I'm willing to sculpt a personal project to see how it looks in the end.


    Thanks in advance!

    Captura de tela 2024-10-07 145917.png

    Captura de tela 2024-10-07 150130.png

  2. Here's the heads I did for this project (so far). They were rendered in Blender.

    1. The first blocking. 


    2. Messing with expressions.


    3. More expressions. (I know, it looks bad. I ordered the anatomy for sculptors book about expressions. It should arrive soon)


    4. And even more expressions (this one was sent and reproved by the client). 


    5. First attempt on the hair, reproved.


    6. Second attempt on hair, reproved.


    And the latest is the one in the beginning of the thread. Still trying to figure out how to proceed here, but this thread helped me a lot with this, so thank you! ^_^


    • Like 1
  3. Hello!

    The result of the printing of the version that I did turned out very bad. Not only the hair didn't work, the head itself wasn't very good in the given scale. 

    While trying to figure out my next step, I was looking at my earlier attempts and processes for the head. I want to share them with you. 

    But, before that, I would like to ask something.

    I'm trying to put high frequency detail in a model but the way that 3DCoat presents the results for me is making me confused. Here's how it looks with a cavity shader:


    I can't even see the real shape of the alphas (there are shapes and directions in the alpha, not only a random noise). 

    When I put a shader w/o cavity it looks like this:


    Very different. And when I render with a SSS material in Blender, it looks like this:


    I know this one is smaller, but what I want to show is that I had no idea how it would appear beforehand. I just found out when rendering and it actually doesn't look good. 

    To add more pointers, here's how I'm doing the detailing:

    1. I subdivide the area with the subdivide tool. 

    2. I apply the corresponding alpha for each area of the face. This part is hard, because: 

    a. 3DCoat doesn't seem to handle well a big quantity of polygons

    b. Because of the shader issue I can't really see what I'm doing; if the scale of the alpha is correct, if the shape is correct, etc. 

    If you guys have any suggestions to help with that, I would appreciate :rofl:


  4. Hi there!

    I started this project during the Middle Ages and found it lying around in my backup folder. 

    Decided to try to finish it, but first there are a few things to solve. First, I believe that his hands are too small. Second, this symbol on his belt will be tricky to bake in the future, so maybe I should fill the open areas before moving on. 

    Clothes need work too. This hair in front of the armor will also cause problems and I'm not sure it will work well aesthetically speaking.

    I believe I also should add wear and tear and maybe tinker with the armor shapes a bit. 

    What do you guys think?









    • Like 3
  5. With the help of you guys I manage to advance a little in the project. 

    I'm trying to check if it has any flaws before finishing it to print and moving to retopology. 

    Please let me know what you guys think:





    I still need to put the text on both sides, but I'm thinking that other than that it's ok. 

    I'm not really into guns tbh, I'm doing this one just to test workflows and whatnot :rofl:

    • Like 1
  6. So I started another project. This is going to be a Batman, much like Miller's Batman if I manage to finish it. 

    When I open my Projects folder it feels like this: 


    Jokes aside, here's what I have so far...for now is just a sketch:






    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, sprayer said:

    Affected settings for scattering  some of them in import window and some in brush options, there is spacing and other staff for jittering, what important is radius(scale)

    with jitter position it works more or less



    What's with that emoji lol :rofl:


    Yup! I think that a mix of everything you guys taught me will allow me to finish this one! (and the brushes I got as well :D)

    Thank you once again.

    • Like 2
  8. 11 hours ago, poeboi said:

    no problem!
    The trick I think will be creating one "curl" model that's an adequate approximation of a curl of hair and placing multiples, making them distinct enough. The one I did in the example is obviously not very appealing it was just for demonstration purpose

    As a bonus, here's two more ways to place the curl/model in case it's easier

    1. using "Import" tool, and using "on brush" lets you place it with your brush instead and changing some parameters
    2. using the entire curl as the model to bend, and bend along curves you place on the head. You can do multiple curves in one go as well by the way, (select all curves, model, and bend) but you lose some control and it can also take up too much memory


    There are videos :o


    I can just say thank you :D:good:

    Actually I got the brushes from Michael. Greeeat stuff! However I believe I'll try to make some myself. I need to learn more about the program...

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, sprayer said:

    Yes i am also thought to model strand and scatter, but it looks like scattering (on brush) in 2021 is broken, it smudge the model during drawing, in 4.9 it work but radius jittering not working.
    Can you check this guys?

    I wasn't even 100% aware of these options lol 

    But I'll probably mess with them in this piece. If so, I'll let you know how it went :good:

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 hours ago, poeboi said:

    @syunikiso Here is my proposed solution, this is a bit of a quick and scuffed example, you should be able to make more elaborate result with this but just to present the idea. All steps included in .zip file but here are the highlights:


    Create a vaguely "hair contour" shape suitable for bending

    We're then going to create some curves from the edges of this spiral


    fix the "hair shape" so it's pointy, before we bend it
    also use smooth curve deform tool to make the curve more organic 


    Bend it along curve, adjust accordingly with parameters of bend tool


    Subdivide so it's smoother
    This will be "one iteration" of a curl that we can use multiple times, store it in meshes panel


    Having stored that curl to the meshes panel, and using the "primitives" tool with it (the curl) as the "primitive" in sculpt workspace gives us these controllers that we can use to easily place it and change it's shape somewhat with the handles


    And so you place and deform a lot of these poly curves like that

    Again, very quick example, the curl came out a bit scuffed but you can make a mor elborate contour and curate it much more etc

    hope it can help, didn't have a lot of time on my hands righ now

    curlhair_steps(quick example).zip 13.85 MB · 0 downloads

    One of the problems about me is that I'm a 3DCoat noob. I couldn't even have this idea considering my skill level in the software :blush:

    Amazing stuff man, thank you very much for taking the time to do that, I'll definitively tinker with the file you gave and try to create more strands to work with.  :rofl:

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, poeboi said:

    I have an idea however you said miniature, does client intend to want it 3d-printed?
    Because not sure if the solution I have in mind would work particularly well for that :( honestly I struggle to envision how one could get particularly better results suitable for printing than what you have


    Dude. Same here. I'm struggling to think of a way to sculpt a more elaborated version of this hair since it will be only 7mm tall. 

    In any case I comissioned a few brushes for michaelgdrs (he's an user of this forum and has a rich gumroad page) expecting to add some variation to what I already have. If this don't work I don't know what I'm going to do lol 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 24 minutes ago, Yousung said:


    Among the Brush Engine Modifiers, there is a 'Rotate' that has an effect similar to Swirl Clay.

    I hope that it will help you to make curly hair.

    Hey Yousung, 

    Thank you for teaching me this feature! I wasn't aware of it. 

    However, it looks like it won't be enough if I try to sculpt directly. I believe I'll need something like individual strand meshes to be placed separately, although I'm not really sure it'll work. In any case I'll tinker with the rotate function to see if I get better results

  13. Hi guys,

    I'm sculpting a miniature for a client and he asked for the character to have curly hair.

    I tried this:





    After all, the head is going to be 7mm tall. 

    However he didn't like it and asked for something like this:


    Which honestly I have no idea how to sculpt it. Do you have any suggestions on how to do it in 3DCoat?


  14. 2 hours ago, sprayer said:

    For first issue, try to import via png format, also invert image

    for second, you can use stencil patterns for rectangle lasso with freeze area or closed spline


    I downloaded another logo from the internet, in the PNG format. 

    It worked! :D

    Then I used stencils for the texture and it also worked! This is just a quick test, but now that I have the project STL ready I can move to the game version.


    Thank you very much for the help!

    • Like 1
  15. Hello

    I don't think that the problem is with the subdivisions. Here in this image you can see that it's so subdivided that you almost can't see the polys in wireframe.



    As you can see, the brush behaves as it doesn't have any depth. This happens with every brush, and this way I can't "stamp" the surface.


    For the pattern, how you it so uniform and without seems? I thought we could use the Noise tool and load the texture to be applied, but this did not work for me. 




    In this case I used this option for the brush:




    I'll test the first issue by using another texture with the Beretta logo, but the second option I sitll can't figure out how to proceed. 




  16. Halloo!

    I'm modelling this beretta pistol both for 3D Print and for games. However, for the first one I'm facing some problems.

    One of them is: I can't put the Beretta "logo" or the text that's imprinted on the gun. I tried to import them as textures and apply as alphas with the Draw brush, but nothing happens. I noticed that it seems as there's no strength in the brush, but there's no way to crank it up either. 



    The second issue is that I need to apply a texture on the grip area. Like this:


    I'm trying to use the Noise option. I tried loading the texture and selecting the texture but there are no images to load and there's no difference selecting the texture. 


    Maybe my workflow is wrong? If so, how I would perform both tasks?



  17. Hi guys,

    Thank you very much for your efforts. 

    Using Carlosan's scene, I got these results:


    With "No shadow" turned off:


    With "No Shadows" turned on:



    Which is exactly what I'm trying to achieve, but then the shadows of the other objects cease to exist.

    Are there ways to use the "No Shadows" option just in one object in the painting room?


  18. On 11/19/2021 at 7:01 AM, Carlosan said:

    Paint room > Layer > Blending mode

    Change Standard Blend, 3DC use a general shader system.

    Shader surfaces cant be assigned by mesh so no glass or transparent nodes are available by Material. 

    Sorry man, I didn't get it :( You mean change the blend mode for any other option? It didn't seem to work, actually. 

    What I should do exactly? The glass work when it has nothing inside the mesh, but get this black spot in the blue area of the eyeball. If I change the blending mode it will make the glass "transparent"?

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