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Silas Merlin

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  1. To me autosave is unuseable precisely because you can't really work while it is doing autosave, unless maybe if you disable auto-zipping. While your solution of locking the interface while autosave is in progress would prevent the possibility of causing a crash and losing work, the forced period of inactivity would still be very frustrating in my opinion. In addition, I think it would be better if 3d-Coat would dynamically look for an appropriate time to do the autosave. For example, when an autosave is due, it could wait for a while to see if the user is actively working, and not perform the autosave unless the user stops interacting with the software for several seconds. If this does not happen soon, 3d-Coat could issue a prompt saying it is time to do an autosave with two choices "yes", and "remind me later". Currently the two compromises are to either disable auto-zipping, or to disable autosave entirely.
  2. sorry, I should have said from the start, don't use the template. Just sculpt on a horizontal surface. Surface mode or Voxel mode, whichever you prefer. There is a video somewhere, with voice iirc, explaining. an official video. but maybe I dreamt it. All I could find is this one :
  3. Use "translation symmetry", and at the end "export along Y".
  4. when exporting GLTF the metalic factor is set to 0, always. people are having trouble with that importing to Second Life. Is there a way to change the metalic factor at/before export ? Moreover, Second Life refuses the GLTF if "embedded" is not ticked at export.
  5. edges are so thin on retopo mesh, I guess it is not a problem for people with good eyes on a regular monitor, but I can't imagine that it is not a problem for people on 4k monitors ?
  6. I am on 2022.58 so maybe this has been fixed now : In retopo room the "sharp edges" tool ignores symmetry in mesh menu, Apply symmetry to current layer not only ignores but removes sharp edges. Only the "mark as sharp" and "clear sharp" correctly work with symmetry.
  7. There is one thing we can do, but it is very cumbersome and the sculpt mesh is no longer linked with the retopo : -save a copy of your retopo mesh to polymodels panel. -subdivide model a couple of times in retopo room (without smoothing) -use the "sculpt mesh" option to generate the sculpt mesh with subdivision and smoothing -unlink the sculpt mesh -delete retopo mesh -replace retopo mesh with saved copy from polymodels panel.
  8. when baking color in 3d-coat there seems to always be loss of data, the result is more blurry than the original. I don't mind, but the person I work with does, so I rarely have the opportunity to do that when working with that person. That is why we retexture in the photogrammetry software. otherwise there would be two options : 1. bake from vertex paint or volumetric paint 2. bake from an instance of 3d-coat that has the original scan loaded in paint room, and use the Textures>Texture baking tool to bake to the final cleaned up mesh exported to disk.
  9. I don't know if it matters but here are my settings I don't do the scanning myself, I send the resulting mesh from paint room to the person who does. There are only two small issues in my experience : -the person who does the scanning has his software set up to z-up coordinates so I have to remember to set that up every time. -sometimes my scene loses the z-up coordinates for some unknown reason, so I have to check that the coordinate system is correct after I export. I get the texture back and fix texturing errors, and paint untextured areas.
  10. import mesh with texture in paint room. you can also reimport the albedo as displacement to fake detail, because the next step will not take the normal map into account. go to bake menu and take subdivided mesh to sculpt room. 3d-coat will automatically calculate the number of vertices needed to carry the amount of information in the textures. if that number is above 21 milliion it causes a crash on my machine, so I always lower it to 21 million. Once in sculpt room you can turn the mesh to voxels. Before that you proabely delete paint object and imported textures (this won't delete the vertex color which is on layer 1. If the mesh you are working in is a 3d scan, it is best to keep mesh size and orientation and coordinate system so that you can take your cleaned up mesh back to the photogrammetry software for retexture at the end. (use the volumetric paint only as a reference, not for baking, unless you don't need to output large textures). that's my advice for what it's worth.
  11. Here are my notes from past few weeks/months. I have not been reading this thread anymore, so, I am sorry if some of the following issues have been discussed/addressed already : General issues : Possible problem with "z-up coordinate system", sometimes a project will lose it. Not sure when it happens. possible problem with "treat retopo objects as materials" with "treat materials as separate textures" ticked off. After painting the mesh, if you "update paint mesh with retopo mesh", the painting vanishes. Issues in Sculpt room : IMPORTANT : Voxel mode : "Airbrush" tool, when you left click on voxel object, it causes 3d-coat to freeze for ever. Windows 10 recent builds. Vertex color vanishes when you decimate, and then comes back later (for example with clean surface). Cut off tool in rectangle stroke mode will cut off geometry that is behind the camera, which is an issue because it means you can't use cut off tool in certain situations without first hiding what is going to be behind. If you move a sculpt mesh with "conform retopo mesh" ticked on, and then you undo your action, only the sculpt mesh action is undone. the retopo remains in place. retopo tools : when you are generating the sculpt mesh from retopo room and you save your file, when you reopen the file the generate sculpt mesh box is unticked and the sculpt mesh is now unlinked, which is confusing. ticking the box again does seem to restore the file to the state it was before saving. In any case, "generate sculpt mesh" does work well as it is, however, there is one conflict : Let us say you have in your voxtree an object of the same name as the retopo object you are going to work on. That vox layer contains your high poly or reference. You do not want to lose it. Yet, when you tick "generate sculpt mesh", the mesh in that layer is instantly deleted to be replaced by the generated mesh. I think there are two solutions : -When ticking the generate sculpt mesh box, issue a warning that the original mesh is about to be deleted. -When ticking the generate sculpt mesh box, rename the original layer and create a new one. sometimes when you undo the generated sculpt mesh vanishes When moving vertices with Add/split tool, the generated mesh is not updated on immediately. You have to left click somewhere or switch tools and back for the mesh to update. This is annoying. after using select/transform tool two or three times, it suddenly becomes impossible to select a new vertex. You have to switch tools to make it work again. It is annoying that select/transform tool does not remember stroke mode, it always reverts to rectangle stroke mode. Select tool does not remember stroke mode either, instead, it picks up the stroke mode of the tool you used just before. with edge loops tool it is no longer possible to drag select islands in the uv preview panel, you have to hold SHIFT and click to select more than one island. rectangle mode no longer works on the uv preview panel. Minor issue : Object transform mode does not move the gizmo, only the selection. Feature requests : "Act as vox hide" for Plane tool the ability to unwrap/repack selected islands while leaving in place and respecting existing islands. A second version of "clean surface" which tries to respect straight edges. the ability to move a vertex by world coordinates in the scene the ability to make islands in the uv preview be more transparent, so as to be able to see through when using an actual texture as "custom checker" make the unwrap method automap uses available along with the regular unwrap methods in the left tool bar. (automap is able to unwrap crazy islands which available methods will not be able to unwrap properly, resulting in self intersection) when you save a .3b file that does not have a paint object and you reopen it, an empty object and an empty surface material are created. Once an actual object is baked or imported into the paint room, could this empty object and surface material be automatically deleted, please ?
  12. I know retopo room is not designed for anything above 50k, but... could this be improved ? I do have workarounds, but lately it has become very painful. Here is how you can see the problem : place two meshes on separate polygroups in retopo room with a total of polygons above 500k quads (or 1M tris), preferably on same uv-set Now, try to click on the polygroup that is not currently active : 3d-Coat becomes unresponsive, for many minutes. so, it is possible but it takes a lot of time. Now... try to rename a polygroup (by double clicking on it)... You may achieve to get the text field popup, but you will have to try several times and you have to wait several minutes every time.
  13. I have currently about 30 GB of free space on C: All the projects I have been working on have volumetric paint in them. I am not sure my problem is due to volumetric paint, but I am just assuming it is for no good reason other than this started with volumetric paint and I am using it always. As time goes by (few hours), the disk space shrinks. Eventually, 3d-Coat is unable to save a file. When I am lucky I get this warning, but it is not always the case. (I'm careful and double check before closing, so it's no big deal) In order to free up the space, I have to close the file, and then open a fresh instance of 3d-Coat and close it.
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