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  1. So? Do You know what could be the problem? Documentation says "Supported: Maya 2011+ (32/64)". On my friends computers Applink is working with Maya 2014.
  2. I'm sending config file. I'm using 3D-Coat 4.5.23. applinkMayaCoat.cfg
  3. Abn Ranger thank you for links. I found the solution: Before I move polygons from Retopo Room I have to go to: Retopo-> Remove N-Gones After that, polygons importing correctly!
  4. I just installed 3D-Coat AppLink for Maya. When I hit the button "Load plugin" in Maya I getting an error: loadPlugin("3dc_applink.py"); // pymel.internal.factories : MFnDagNode.model is deprecated // pymel.core : Updating pymel with pre-loaded plugins: DirectConnect, mayaHIK, AbcImport, tiffFloatReader, VectorRender, gpuCache, rotateHelper, Substance, MayaMuscle, AutodeskPacketFile, autoLoader, fbxmaya, matrixNodes, ik2Bsolver, modelingToolkit, OpenEXRLoader, ikSpringSolver, Mayatomr, AbcExport, ArubaTessellator, quatNodes, mayaCharacterization, OneClick, retargeterNodes, sceneAssembly // Warning: pymel.internal.factories : could not create a PyNode for manipulator type nexManip // // Error: line 1: UnicodeDecodeError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2014\bin\python27.zip\json\encoder.py line 384: utf8 // // Warning: line 1: Failed to run file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2014/bin/plug-ins/3dc_applink.py // # Error: pymel : Failed to get controlCommand list from 3dc_applink # # Error: pymel : Failed to get modelEditorCommand list from 3dc_applink # # Error: pymel : Failed to get command list from 3dc_applink # # Error: pymel : Failed to get constraintCommand list from 3dc_applink # # Error: pymel.core : Failed to get depend nodes list from 3dc_applink # // Error: line 1: (3dc_applink) // What is the reason for the error? ---- I'm using Maya 2014 SP3. I made install like below: Copy file "3dc_applink.py" from "plug-ins" folder ( depend on Maya version ) to ..\Maya20xx\bin\plug-ins Copy whole folders "icons", "shelves" to ..\My Documents\maya\20xx\prefs
  5. Hi, I'm new in 3D Coat and I have problem with importing mesh to sculpt room from retopo room. Please look at attached image. After importing, mesh does not look good. It should look the same as in retopo room. I export from Retopo room: Retopo-> Export and in Sculpt room: File-> Import Object Can You help me what I'm doing wrong?
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