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Wojtek Kapusta

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Everything posted by Wojtek Kapusta

  1. From the album: Wojtek Kapusta - finished works

    Sculpted in 3d-coat, rendered in Keyshot.
  2. It's some kind of Alien vs Predator tribute. The story of these pics has begun on Jama's 3D Concept Design course at learnsquared. Some time ago I made few Predator frames as a homework for one lesson. Accidentaly at the same time my friend Ernesto Martinez did his awesome Alien model for Jama's 3D Concept course too. We made a deal! We exchanged our models to prepare some Alien vs Predator themes! Recently I built some enviro and put characters into... all in 3d-coat. I had some fun with testing new marmoset toolbag 3 also. Plasma shot and little on-screen scratches done in Ps. At the end I combined all of the shots in one short frames sequence:
  3. Excellent work! I like this frame.
  4. Thanks! I used there some height maps as stencils for extrude tool.
  5. Wojtek Kapusta

    the Spoil

    From the album: Wojtek Kapusta - finished works

    Another shot of final scene of 'the Dispute' story. I spent some more time to find good shot and also worked more in Ps this time.
  6. Another shot for this scene. I used 3d as a base. Scupted and painted in 3dcoat, rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 2.
  7. ... and sad final of desert dispute
  8. From the album: Wojtek Kapusta - finished works

    quick work, helmet design, sculpting, texturing. I wanted to extract some emotions from this simple scene as well...
  9. some rather quick work, playing with smart materials and bump maps... 3dcoat is awesome tool
  10. Thanks, I'm trying to post here wips (some main steps or ideas) and some finished pieces too...
  11. Hi, I think there are more than one possibility for doing something similar you described, I would try this way... I prepared some simple example, hope it helps a little
  12. I have finished some short story I called "Moonlight Night"... c&c welcome... /it's part of Jama's "Intro to 3D Concept Design" course/
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