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  1. Thanks for the help, but still no dice. I'm using the latest version, at least it says so when I click check for updates. I've reinstalled the Wacom drivers. And I've tried Sergyi's solution as well, which scaled the interface to the 4k monitor better, but the brush still has the same issue. Edit: Yousung's solution works, but it also means a bunch of tiny things for everything else.
  2. I've opened a model and when I try and use tools on it like move or even a regular brush the brush is offset to some weird location and it messes everything up. The stroke mode all looks fine to me so I'm not sure what's going on. This is a file originally created in the older version of 3d coat but it happens with a brand new one too. The cursor crosshatch is where my pen is and the brush is off to one side and it sort of points in the direction of it.
  3. I assumed so. So I exported the voxel and tried it again in a new file and I had similar problems. Including the normal's not baking correctly. So I gave up and moved on.
  4. Seems to have fixed it. The previous baked set is now orientated correctly, but I tried rebaking it just to make sure and it also ends up correct. Thanks Carlosan. Edit: Nope it's broken again. Edit2: Seems to work again after going back to an earlier file.
  5. Every time I bake this model of a rock if changes the orientation of the baked set. Is there a way to make it stop doing that. It's unbelievably irritating. Checking the z-up coordinate box makes no difference. In addition every time I bake the rock ends up in a different orientation. Version 4.9.67 GL64
  6. They don't have a forum section specifically for the store, and they don't pay attention to this thread, I suggest that if you want them to see your suggestion you might have to post it as a topic.
  7. You should rename the thread, since it's obvious that the reason there is a z-brush preset is to make the program easy to use and intuitive to anyone who wants to pick it up, and also the rest of the thread with it's useful suggestions has absolutely nothing to do with the initial question.
  8. Perhaps because it seems to be drifting skywards? Or not dissipating as expected? Other than that I don't think smoke like matter is particularly odd in space. Thrusters used to expel particulate, that looked a lot like smoke. When you vent liquids into space they look like smoke, for a short duration.
  9. Yup. Another problem is accidentally dragging them off the bar when you are selecting them, there is no way to lock them in there.
  10. Oh I agree. Sometimes you paint a perfect selection but it's got the wrong gradient, or the gradient is in the wrong place, and you wish you could just smooth it out, and you try clicking that a dozen times and nothing happens. Figuring out how to do redo something you already did but with the added twist of this time you want the gradient correct is a PITA.
  11. Yeah it's best to avoid it entirely. Unless your object is really low resolution.
  12. Maybe. To be honest I'd either pleat the tops and flare the bottoms, or make them even looser at the tops of all those leg ring things. Just so it looks more deliberate.
  13. I think the graininess of that image was a deliberate choice on the part of it's creator/s. It looks like they wanted that stylization.
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