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Everything posted by Ctc_nick

  1. Beta .09 Cant wait to try. Unfortunately I have no Text in the UI, simliar to digman report. I tried deleting Unicode and Userprefs\Preferences Folder. Unicode has only one Font00.txt with the number 6389884 in it. My Language is set to English. Rollback to 08 with \Documents\3DCoat\data\AutoUpdater.exe from Explorer or Command Line worked fine. But weekend first!! Thank you.
  2. I can see it. And it works !!! ## @brief set the layer depth opacity # @param LayerID the layer identifier # @param Opacity the depth opacity def setLayerDepthOpacity (LayerID = int, Opacity = float) : ... ## @brief set the layer metalness opacity # @param LayerID the layer identifier # @param Opacity the metalness opacity def setLayerMetalnessOpacity (LayerID = int, Opacity = float) : ... ## @brief set the layer gloss/roughness opacity # @param LayerID the layer identifier # @param Opacity the gloss/roughness opacity def setLayerGlossOpacity (LayerID = int, Opacity = float) : ... Thank you
  3. Heeey! I love the new Font!! it is so much better. 1. When we make bigger Scripts, with several Modules in Python, at some point the Script does not Update the Functions and Classes running in 3DCoat. So you have to restart 3dCoat at every change. Can we have a Flush/Recompile Button for that? Something that cleanes the memory of the old script? 2. Would a SET python Console to TOP, and Hide Python Console Command be possible? All the Best and Thank You!
  4. 2024.07, maybe before Hello! Or should I say: Attention! Import Roughness ignores UVset selection. It overriddes all UVsets with last Import. Color, Metallic and Displace are okay. Edit: At least in Microvertex Mode. Hope you find it! Test Plane with subdivided Quads in Paint Room including 4 UV'S. To test, import Roughness and select one UV. ) Thank You! Problem Resolved in 0.8 THX
  5. Hello!! We can control Layer Color Opacity via Python and Core. That is fantastic! Can you please add the other channels? I need the Depth Channel Opacity, just the same way. Thank You and All the Best! setLayerDepth/setLayerMetal/setLayerRough coat.Scene.setActiveLayer(Layernum) coat.Scene.setLayerColorOpacity(LayerID = Layernum, Opacity = 0)
  6. Topic: Renew the Channel Select Function when Importing Textures I see now where the Problem is. When I select a color to import from, ae roughness from Channel select Blue. I would expect this: like in Krita, only the Blue channel. But selecting the Blue in Coat, gives this result (lower picture). That is problematic for "ARD/ORD" Textures (AO in Red, Roughness in Green, Displacement in Blue) Coat should only take the blue channel, when blue is selected. Okay this is png. Exr is all pitchblack.
  7. Hi! I just want to report that USD Polygroup Import/Export is working fine. In Paint Room: Texture Import and Layer Import of Roughness, Metallic.. everywhere the channel selector (RGB) (Mono Channels) is involved does not work for EXR Files. Also, Channel Selection for Displacement would be helpful! Thank You! green.exr blue.exr red.exr
  8. Hi @Gorbatovsky! Nice to hear from you. I use one mesh with several groups. Like in a normal model. I compared Coats handling of obj,fbx and usd Exporter and the corresponding Importer. Coats Obj export work like the original, FBX splits the mesh automatically at the seam to new meshes (separate). I would prefer that USD works like obj in that case.
  9. Hello! Coat 2024.05 (and earlier): USD File export of a Mesh with 2 or more Polygroups does not work. To test, just go to Mesh export in Retopo. After that, Import. The Problem occures at the vertices where the Polygroups touch. Splitting in 2 vertices does work, but that is not good because of the normals. Here is the Unreal Log (Import) with the same result: "faces contained too many repeated vertex indices" " 100.000000% of the normals from Mesh prim '/Scene' are invalid. This is at or above the threshold of '5%' , so normals will be discarded and fully recomputed. Can you please fix that? It would be so much more convenient compared to FBX because of the Shaders already setup. Hard Edges work BTW (the blue edges). Thank You and All the Best!
  10. Yes. Well, no not really. I had problems with opening my own 3dcoat files, on Windows, saved for safety. But then at the start of the Day I can't open them...crashes are not a good creative start. It recovers after a few attempts. I would really like to rely on Coat as Tool (as I Love it). This was the first time NO Blender was involved in the Unreal Pipeline, but to be honest, I have left Hair,Time and maybe a customer, but I was able to finish the Job.
  11. Hello, happy new year! Coat 2024.01 After I apply a custom stencil with rectangle mode and standard Brush the Image is gone (just gray), when reselecting the stencil. I have to reload to see what i am doing. ---------------- Edit: Okay I might not have been in Camera Mode, but in Cube Mapping Mode, then the Texture only appears under the Curser, like the Manual said . So, nevermind! A reset Projection button on the panel would be great and fine control (Its very Jumpy) and save positon/presets. All the Best!
  12. This is exactly what I meant! I translated the code to cpp, also working, but the "stage" variable is not counting up. How does it work here? #include <CoreAPI.h> using namespace coat; class MyClass : public VoxelExtension { public: MyClass() : Integer(0), stage(0), String("text") {} int Integer; int stage; coat::str String; // This function is called to update the stage void updateStage() { // UI updates process(); } void process() { stage += 1; if (stage == 5) { coat::ui::cmd("$MyClass::Integer"); } } const char* ui() { updateStage(); // Call the update function within the UI cycle return "Integer"; } SERIALIZE() { // NOHASH means that if you change values it does not influence the UI structure in dialog, so it will not be re-made if you change values // If you don't understand, just skip this notice, it is not so important) // But if you remove NOHASH dialog may flicker a bit when you change values NOHASH{ // the text string REG_AUTO(Integer); REG_AUTO(stage); REG_AUTO(String); FUNCTION_CALL(ui); } } }; EXPORT int main() { // Create an instance of MyClass MyClass p; p.ui(); // Trigger the coat::ui::cmd("$BaseClass::Integer") when the condition is met coat::dialog().ok().cancel().params(&p).text("").caption("Hello!") .onPress( // there we set the lambda that will be called when the user will press the Ok button [&](int button) { if (button == 1) { // Ok pressed ui::cmd("$MyClass::Integer"); } }).show(); return 0; } EXPORT_EXTENSION(MyClass) { // create the Console object MyClass* tog = new MyClass; // register the tool in the toolset VoxelExtension::Register(tog); ui::toRoom("Sculpt"); // no idea coat::ui::cmd(str("[extension]") + tog->GetID()); coat::ui::insertInToolset("Voxels", "Commands", "MyClass", ""); // activate the tool(not needed) // clc->Activate(); } Greetings!
  13. Hi! @Andrew Shpagin Thats so nice of you! I'll try that in a minute. Meanwhile I have made a CPP Extension registered as Tool, and then it has an ID which I could "Click" by script. Today I found out Coat39 is not able to compile CPP CoreAPI Scripts anymore, because "pybind11.h" is included into "coreAPI.h" but the files are missing. #include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
  14. HI. I just need to highlight/activate the Textfield (like doing automated mouseclick into the field by the script), so that i can directly start typing by keyboard. It is working for the Primitives Tool and others by: ui(*$SpherePrim::%$pz[206])<look at the asterisk; But this is not working for my Modal Dialog >UI: Found nothing by query `*$StringField::val[0]` Ive already tried Python Dialogs.py and a lot of other ways but with angelscript I had the most success. Why am I doing this? Im building a Remote Interface for all Hotmenues (programmed with platform.io, also Ukrainian btw). It works by just sending keyboard commands, no magic. But now im running out of keys assignments in 3Dcoat. So the plan is to directly send the command via text to coat instead of the assigned hotkey. I think the professionals do it over ports and direct communication, but I dont have that knowledge. Its more like a technical Art .. The console Script is already working, ill post that script under Scripts. Do you know how I can activate that field by script for keyboard input? It would also work with Python Modules like "input" or "tkinter". Thank you for your patience. All the Best
  15. Hello everybody! Edit: I have to point out, this is a question as well!! I cant find a way to activate a Textfield in my Script: The Script should do like a LMB click into the Textfield. It works with all inbuild Commands, but unfortunately not with my Script. Could somebody please help: >>>UI: Found nothing by query `*$StringField::val[0]`. How can i register that Field so UI does find it? I have created a Window with 2 String inputs. string Datafield1_ID = "string1"; string Datafield2_ID = "string2"; void main() { // prepare scene SculptRoom room; // settings window AddTranslation( "ID", "Text" ); AddStringInput( "Datafield1_ID", true); AddStringInput( "Datafield2_ID", true); bool ok = ModalDialogOkCancel( "Put some Text here", "Window" ); Now I would like to activate the input Field like this: UI ui; ui("*$StringField::val[0]"); // the asterisk does NOT work here //the asterisk does work for inbuild tools!! See example Download. The Error sais: "UI: Found nothing by query `*$StringField::val[0]`." How can i register that Field so UI does find it? For the inbuilt Tools it is working: ui( "Primitives" )( "Create sphere" )( "*$SpherePrim::%$px[206]" ); ui( "Primitives" )( "Create sphere" )( "*$SpherePrim::%$py[206]" ); ui( "Primitives" )( "Create sphere" )( "*$SpherePrim::%$pz[206]" )( "*Apply" ); Field PX, PY, PZ are activated one after another. For experimenting I include a working Script. But the question stays: How can I archive this in my Script I posted at the top? Thank You. All the Best! typein_Sphere.as
  16. @Andrew Shpagin It works! Now lets see how far we can get with can get with this. Thank you!
  17. Hello. I hope everybody is doing well!! I would like to ask why is the standalone Python in 3Dcoats Userfolder 32Bit, but the inbuild Python from Coat.exe works in 64Bit. Would it not be better to use only 64Bit Python? I would gladly appreciate any information. "DLL load failed while importing _ctypes: %1 is not a valid Win32-Application" Python tries to load a 32 Bit DLL in a 64Bit Python environment, but claims that it is not 32 Bit? . I already removed other Pythons from System Path. I will now try reinstall 3dcoat. Thank you, and all the Best!
  18. Hi! type N and have a look a the dimensions. It is probably just too big or too small to see, if you have the right polycount.
  19. Hey! Thank you for fixing the Asset Browser. Also Python is very welcome! I hope everybody is doing well.
  20. Hey thank you for your attention! No, that didnt't work. It does update when I restart. the Log says: cMeshIO::LoadMesh(): Loaded mesh file "C:\Program Files\3DCoat-2023\UserPrefs\Models\SculptModels\Ballo.obj". Thats not right, its stored under C:\Users\...\Documents\3DCoat\UserPrefs\Models\SculptModels. I also found that not all default objects from the splines menu are loaded that are in Program Files\. Could you maybe look what your log says? It is in C:\Users\???\Documents\3DCoat\Log.txt. Does it work on your side? Anyway thank you.
  21. Coat 2023.19, Windows Hello! Sculptroom and Modellingroom Asset-browsers do not update, when adding Models. Greetings!
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