I'm using 3Dcoat since few month now (since the steam release).
Everything was running fine but now i've some problems who looks to be related to steam.
Did'nt find any info about this particular problem on the forum.
Every time i'm leaving 3d coat : steam crash and try to update itself when restarting. (every other steam apps do not act like this : only 3d coat).
Some 3DCoat mode do not work anymore like : 64 CUDAOGL or 64CUDADIRECTX or 64DIRECTX
I can't send any crash error log, when 3d coat crash i've a classic windows error message not a 3d coat or steam one.
I did'nt made any major changes on my pc since this problem : no new hardware, no new drivers.
i've already follow this steps.
Reinstall V3.7
Reinstall steam+v3.7
Reinstall nvidia drivers
Use check integrity option in steam app.
I think they're nothing related but i've V4 on my computer too using my steam key. The exact same mode are working without problem.
It's looks very strange to me.
Any idea how to fiw this ?
Some extra info :
GTX 570 (v.306.94)
Anyway, i'm enjoying a lot my 3D coat license, i've to post some picture in wip gallery soon :-)
thanks for you help.