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Found 5 results

  1. Hi guys and gals, I have issues with keeping 3dconnexion SpaceMouse settings for 3D-Coat. I'm still using 3DC 4.9 but I also have 3DC 2023 installed (different directory/drive), as I'm trying to make transition. For now, V4.9 is still more stable/reliable for me and it is heavily used in my workflow, so I would like to keep both installations. Anyways, thing is 3DC doesn't handle SpaceMouse settings correctly... it either work flawlessly in V4.9 and mess up 2023 settings or vice versa. I've been using SpaceMouse with 3DC for years and it worked great. Well, it still works great, but only with one instance of 3DCoat. Inside 3Dconnexion app, there are two 3DC instances listed( 3D-Coat and 3DCoat), but unfortunately only one keep parameters that I set up - if I change settings for 2023 version, it goes to defaults inside V4.9 and if I change settings in V4.9, it goes to defaults in 2023 version. Pretty weird and very annoying situation. Unfortunately, using V4 api in 2023 version doesn't work very well, not all parameters behave as the one set inside 3dconnexion app. Any idead what is going on and maybe some fix?
  2. Hi, just noticed a bit strange behaviour of 3dconnexion in 3DC - space mouse reacts different in normal view and ortho. In ortho it behaves as I've set it, in normal/perspective view it works very rapidly, way too fast. I know there was some changes for 3dconnexion, but is it a normal behaviour, or maybe some workaround/fix for this issue?
  3. I know that my question and opinion can be misinterpreted and even cause some controversy, but I would like to say anyway. Why do we have a navigation preset for ZBrush? I ask this because I can't understand why 3D-Coat has something that "advertises" or mentions a competing program like ZB. I do not see and until today that I know, at pixologic Zbrush, any navigation reference or anything else for 3D-Coat inside ZBrush. If there is something inside ZBrush with the name of 3D-Coat, please tell me and correct me. I understand that people who use ZBrush and start using 3D-Coat with ZB-like navigation will feel more comfortable, because of course they use ZBrush. But honestly I don't understand having something with reference to another program like ZB-Like inside 3D-Coat, maybe someone please can explain it to me. After all, 3D-Coat is another program and 3D-Coat's navigation is very easy to use and much better. I would love to have a camera navigation preset that simulates 3D-connexion Space Navigator, that would be much more useful and important than having a Preset for ZB-like. Just my opinion.
  4. So using a 3D Connexion Spacemouse, something very very strange happens. The camera revolves around some mysterious point in space far ahead of me, rather than my actual position as its kind of meant to. I've gone through the settings of both it and 3DCoat but I have no idea how to fix this. I've included a video of expected behavior vs 3DCoat's behavior as an example. Please help. I'm starting out with your software, but this quite literally makes sculpting close to impossible.
  5. Help, someone uses with mac os , spacenavigator 3d connexion ? I can not configure the two buttons, with command Shift ( smoothing ) and command Ctrl ( Invert ) . Driver installed 3DxWareMac_v10-2-1 with mountain Lion . As you use the two buttons left and right ?. Zoom pan tilt and rotation it's okay . Andrea
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