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Found 12 results

  1. All environment pieces & level I did for The Burning Descent VR, for RyseUp Studios are here, the game run under Unreal Engine 4. I also helped on other fileds such as VFX art ( a little but super fun moments ! ), ConceptArt, Animation ( rigging & posing only for special purpose ) and Character's textures. I used 3DCoat for mostly everything except for stencils/Brushes creation ( PS ) with custom smartmaterials ( same used on SWR project =) ), ZBrush for all of those canyon rocks ^^ 3dsMax for all Lowpoly's and plenty of highpolys ( mostly when not organic ) MightyBake for baking. Special thanks to Anthony Daneluzzi, Fantin Gislette, Alexandre Cheremetieff, Jonathan Belot, Laurent Dessart, Guillaume Zannoni, Maxime Teppe, Coralie Bruchon, Adrien Chenet, Milen Ivanov, and evryone who helped bringing this game to life ! I really enjoyed working with all of you and I hope we'll keep teaming'up like that in the future =) The Burning Descent is a VR Game made@ RyseUp Studios in Lyon Full project here ( + viewers of each asset and some scene ) : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ryzzm
  2. Hi all ! Here's some stuff I worked on for The Burning Descent, an upcoming VR Game made @ RyseUp Studios, Lyon ( FR ). I worked on Coralie Bruchon's Baked 3D Models directly and only on 3DCoat ( still a GREAT pleasure to work on this software, I ♥ you guys for giving us this source of inspiration and good feelings =') ), with sutff I already used on StarWars - Redemption ( such as brushes, smartmaterials, deveopped along StarWarsRedemption's evolution ). I had to unify their look with the Environment I was responsible off during the whole prod, so here we go guys ! Thor'Axe - ( High/Low/Uvs/Bake ) was made by the talented artist Coralie Bruchon ( https://www.artstation.com/artist/longsharp ). Anthony Daneluzzi made his weapons from A to Z, and I did the Chest + all PBR textures/Rig/Posing mostly with 3DCoat/Akeytsu. Full Project's here : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/eyV9w Reyna - ( High/Low/Uvs/Bake ) was made by the talented artist Coralie Bruchon ( https://www.artstation.com/artist/longsharp ). I did the Guitar/Skull + all PBR textures/Rig/Posing mostly with 3DCoat/Akeytsu. Full project's here : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/yGZ6O SenPai'n - ( High/Low/Uvs/Bake ) was made by the talented artist Coralie Bruchon ( https://www.artstation.com/artist/longsharp ). Anthony Daneluzzi made his weapons from A to Z, and I did the PBR textures/Rig/Posing mostly with 3DCoat/Akeytsu. Full project's here : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/qzZER More stuff coming soon ! =)
  3. artofcharly

    View 1

    From the album: The Forester

    Hello, everyone! This is WIP P11 and I finished the character. Now will start to rig him and setup the pose. All sculpt was done in 3d-Coat In the video, I show the process of adjusting the skin and hair in the new Corona Render 1.7, as well as the retopology of some objects in 3d-Soat, texturing in the Substance Painter and setting up materials in the Corona render. Show using the textures for scuffs and dirt from the site Poliigon, as well as creating chains using the script BraidedHair. Combing the hair and fur in Ornatrix. Rendered on the Forrender.com farm. ( 2*Xeon e5 2670 56Gb RAM) The noise threshold was originally set at 5%, as the developers themselves advise for Denoiser. But later I realized that I'd better render a little longer and bring the threshold to 2-3%, instead of using Denoiser. He did not like me very much. Still, the eye is pleasant more natural photo noise, rather than a smoothed picture. Especially if you put a threshold of 3-4% - the noise is almost invisible in 1:1.
  4. Hi Guys, I've recently started learning fusion360 and I've figured out a workflow to export the mesh from there to 3dsMax and convert into an FBX. The problem I'm having is when I import the FBX to 3dCoat nothing shows up. Substance Painter has no issues so I'm wondering if it's just that 3dCoat doesn't read FBX files? ver: 4.7.06 ps: I can import OBJ files just fine, I would just rather have my object separated as it is in my FBX file
  5. 3dsmax & Vray Workflow with 3ds max: QUESTIONS & Answers HD Video with QUESTIONS to 3D Coat, Linear Workflow and re-producing Vray Shaders inside 3dsmax. My website on which I am going to post all my progress and document step by step a workaround and solution: http://www.bernhardrieder.com/3d-coat/ Questions I hope I am going to get answered : What Gamma values do have the exported texture maps from 3d coat ? What texture map should be used in which slot of a Vray Shader ? Thanks a lot for any little help, hints, tips and tricks ! Happy Pixeling
  6. From the album: KRISS Super Vector Russian Mafia

    SubD modelling:3ds max Texturing: 3D-Coat 4.5 Rendering: Marmoset Fullsize: http://www.devmod.net/#!kriss/csoh

    © devmod.net

  7. From the album: KRISS Super Vector Russian Mafia

    SubD modelling:3ds max Texturing: 3D-Coat 4.5 Rendering: Marmoset Fullsize: http://www.devmod.net/#!kriss/csoh

    © devmod.net

  8. From the album: KRISS Super Vector Russian Mafia

    SubD modelling:3ds max Texturing: 3D-Coat 4.5 Rendering: Marmoset Fullsize: http://www.devmod.net/#!kriss/csoh

    © devmod.net

  9. From the album: KRISS Super Vector Russian Mafia

    SubD modelling:3ds max Texturing: 3D-Coat 4.5 Rendering: Marmoset Fullsize: http://www.devmod.net/#!kriss/csoh

    © devmod.net

  10. From the album: KRISS Super Vector Russian Mafia

    SubD modelling:3ds max Texturing: 3D-Coat 4.5 Rendering: Marmoset Fullsize: http://www.devmod.net/#!kriss/csoh

    © devmod.net

  11. So I am trying exporting normalmaps from 3dcoat for 3dsmax. Does someone have working settings? Cant seem to get nice normal maps. Always look blurry compared to the render in 3dcoat, and direction seems also odd. Tried swapping y-z, but nothing happened. Are there any special settings for 3dsmax normal export?
  12. From the album: Fantome artwork

    Model done in 3D coat and 3dsmax. Textures are done in DDO and 3D coat, rendered in Marmoset toolbag.
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