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  1. I have a new MacBook Pro 2017 (meets system specifications and running Sierra OS), but 3D Coat version 4.7.23 keeps crashing at startup. I installed version 4.5.xxx but these either crashed, froze, or gave me red-screens. What do I do? I already purchased a license. Thanks for any help! Andrew copy/pasted my error crash log here on Sierra OS, 3D Coat version 4.7.23 -- Loading Xml file "Xmls/Settings.xml"... Can't load file "Xmls/Settings.xml" ------------------------------------------------------------ OpenGL | Version: 4.1 ATI-1.51.8 OpenGL | Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. OpenGL | Renderer: AMD Radeon R9 M295X OpenGL Engine OpenGL | Supported features: OpenGL | Multitexture (fragment shader units: 16) OpenGL | Anisotropic filtering (level: 16) OpenGL | Texture Compression DXT OpenGL | Vertex Array Object OpenGL | Vertex Buffer Object OpenGL | Vertex Attributes (count: 16) OpenGL | Vertex Uniform Vectors (count: 1024) OpenGL | OpenGL Shading Language OpenGL | Frame Buffer Object (max size: 16384 X 16384) OpenGL | MRT (targets: OpenGL | Extensions (46) : GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shading_language_include GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_APPLE_client_storage GL_APPLE_container_object_shareable GL_APPLE_flush_render GL_APPLE_object_purgeable GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_APPLE_row_bytes GL_APPLE_texture_range GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_NV_texture_barrier ------------------------------------------------------------ Registering vertex formats... 3Dconnexion framework found cMeshIO::AddCodec(): Added "Obj" mesh codec. cMeshIO::AddCodec(): Added "Lwo" mesh codec. cMeshIO::AddCodec(): Added "Fbx" mesh codec. cMeshIO::AddCodec(): Added "Stl" mesh codec. cMeshIO::AddCodec(): Added "Ply" mesh codec. cMeshIO::AddCodec(): Added "dae" mesh codec. cMeshIO::AddCodec(): Added "wrl" mesh codec. cMeshIO::LoadMesh(): Can't open file "/private/var/folders/6g/ndg4srq16qg4j6j6vy118pph0000gp/T/AppTranslocation/9A9A5B2B-721A-40D2-B2C2-362D17CFCEA1/d/ToolsPresets//Sphere.obj". cMeshIO::LoadMesh(): Can't open file "/private/var/folders/6g/ndg4srq16qg4j6j6vy118pph0000gp/T/AppTranslocation/9A9A5B2B-721A-40D2-B2C2-362D17CFCEA1/d/ToolsPresets//Ring.obj". cMeshIO::LoadMesh(): Can't open file "/private/var/folders/6g/ndg4srq16qg4j6j6vy118pph0000gp/T/AppTranslocation/9A9A5B2B-721A-40D2-B2C2-362D17CFCEA1/d/ToolsPresets//Cube.obj". cMeshIO::LoadMesh(): Can't open file "/private/var/folders/6g/ndg4srq16qg4j6j6vy118pph0000gp/T/AppTranslocation/9A9A5B2B-721A-40D2-B2C2-362D17CFCEA1/d/ToolsPresets//Sector.obj". cMeshIO::LoadMesh(): Can't open file "/private/var/folders/6g/ndg4srq16qg4j6j6vy118pph0000gp/T/AppTranslocation/9A9A5B2B-721A-40D2-B2C2-362D17CFCEA1/d/ToolsPresets//Cone.obj". cMeshIO::LoadMesh(): Can't open file "/private/var/folders/6g/ndg4srq16qg4j6j6vy118pph0000gp/T/AppTranslocation/9A9A5B2B-721A-40D2-B2C2-362D17CFCEA1/d/ToolsPresets//Cylinder.obj". cMeshIO::LoadMesh(): Can't open file "/private/var/folders/6g/ndg4srq16qg4j6j6vy118pph0000gp/T/AppTranslocation/9A9A5B2B-721A-40D2-B2C2-362D17CFCEA1/d/ToolsPresets/icosa240.obj". Added "TIF" image codec. Added "TIFF" image codec. Added "EXR" image codec. Added "HDR" image codec. - Loading font "Calibri 11"... Can't load file "Fonts/Calibri 11.cFont" - Loading font "Calibri 16"... Can't load file "Fonts/Calibri 16.cFont" - Loading font "Calibri B24"... Can't load file "Fonts/Calibri B24.cFont" - Loading font "Tahoma 8"... Can't load file "Fonts/Tahoma 8.cFont" - Loading font "Tahoma 8"... Can't load file "Fonts/Tahoma 8.cFont" - Loading font "Tahoma 8"... Can't load file "Fonts/Tahoma 8.cFont" - Loading font "Tahoma 8"... Can't load file "Fonts/Tahoma 8.cFont" - Loading font "Tahoma 8"... Can't load file "Fonts/Tahoma 8.cFont" - Loading font "Tahoma 8"... Can't load file "Fonts/Tahoma 8.cFont" - Loading font "Tahoma 8"... Can't load file "Fonts/Tahoma 8.cFont" - Loading font "Tahoma B8"... Can't load file "Fonts/Tahoma B8.cFont" - Loading font "Tahoma 8"... Can't load file "Fonts/Tahoma 8.cFont" Can't load image file "Textures/WindowsStandard/ToolBar.bmp" - Loading font "Tahoma 8"... Can't load file "Fonts/Tahoma 8.cFont" - Loading font "Tahoma 8"... Can't load file "Fonts/Tahoma 8.cFont" Version : 3D-COAT 4.7.23(GL64) Can't load file "Shaders/hud2t.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/hud2t.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/hud2t.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/hud_smooth.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/hud_smooth.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/hud_smooth.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/hud.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/hud.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/hud.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/LinesPointsUI.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/LinesPointsUI.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/LinesPointsUI.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Colored.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/Colored.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/Colored.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/RenderSystem.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/RenderSystem.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/RenderSystem.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/RenderSystem.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/RenderSystem.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/RenderSystem.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/text2.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/text2.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/text2.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/obj_sel.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/obj_render_color.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/obj_render_color.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/obj_render_color.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/obj_render_normals.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/obj_render_normals.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/obj_render_normals.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/obj_render_mrt.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/obj_render_mrt.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/obj_render_mrt.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/tex_preview.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/tex_preview.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/tex_preview.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/tex_preview_nrm.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/tex_preview_nrm.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/tex_preview_nrm.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/tex_preview_alpha.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/tex_preview_alpha.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/tex_preview_alpha.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/tex_preview_all.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/tex_preview_all.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/tex_preview_all.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/obj_preview_pen2.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/obj_preview_pen2.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/obj_preview_pen2.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/inrect.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/inrect.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/inrect.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/obj_preview_pen2.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/obj_preview_pen2.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/obj_preview_pen2.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/preview_rect.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/preview_rect.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/preview_rect.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/draw_pic_over_curve.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/draw_pic_over_curve.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/draw_pic_over_curve.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/draw_pic_over_curve.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/draw_pic_over_curve.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/draw_pic_over_curve.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/preview_fill.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/preview_fill.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/preview_fill.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/uv.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/uv.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/uv.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/wires.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/wires.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/wires.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/wires.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/wires.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/wires.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/sphere.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/sphere.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/sphere.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/obj_preview_pen.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/obj_preview_pen.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/obj_preview_pen.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/CurrentMcubes/mcubes.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/CurrentMcubes/mcubes.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/CurrentMcubes/mcubes.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/sphere.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/sphere.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/sphere.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/mpreview.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/mpreview.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/mpreview.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/mpreview1.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/mpreview1.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/mpreview1.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Font.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/Font.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/Font.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/mcubes_rt.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/mcubes_rt.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/mcubes_rt.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/mcubes_nrm.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/mcubes_nrm.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/mcubes_nrm.glsl" AppLink search path registered: /Users/Andrew1/AppLinks/3D-Coat/Exchange/ AppLink search path registered: /Users/Andrew1/3D-CoatV4/Exchange/ AppLink search path registered: /Users/Andrew1/3D-CoatV3/Exchange/ AppLink search path registered: /Users/Andrew1/3D-CoatV47/Exchange/ Can't load file "Shaders/LinesPointsUI.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/LinesPointsUI.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/LinesPointsUI.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Colored.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/Colored.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/Colored.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/RenderSystem.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/RenderSystem.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/RenderSystem.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/RenderSystem.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/Low/RenderSystem.glsl" Can't load file "Shaders/VeryLow/RenderSystem.glsl" Can't load image file "Levels/Uv/Uv_d" Crash occured. Trying to save object...
  2. In the olden days, I distinctly remember being able to pick a texture, it would appear as an overlay on the screen, and I could 'iron' it onto a surface by dragging a brush around on the surface. You know, like this: Can you still do that? If so, um... how? -Chilton
  3. Hello! I am having an issue with our floating licenses of 3D Coat. 4.5.40 and 4.7 are crashing on startup while 4.5.23 runs fine. On startup, the interface just quits BOOM. I get the load screen, then the interface window comes up briefly, then it shuts off. Machine specs are: iMacs Retina 5k 27 inch late 2015 3.2 Ghz Intel i5 16 GB Ram 1867 MHz DDR3 AMD Radeon R9 M390 2048 MB I have attached the crash report. Excelsior! Eric Kunzendorf Jacksonville University ekunzen@ju.edu 3DCoatCrashReport.txt
  4. 3D-Coat 4.7 released! Please see release notes: http://3dcoat.com/v47/ Download at http://3dcoat.com/download/ If you have found any problem, please post to
  5. 3D-Coat 64-bit Of course V4 beta testing was started long time ago in 4.5 thread. Now we will continue it here. Google drive mirror Windows [4.7.37]: 3D-Coat 64-bit macOS [4.7.37]: http://www.3d-coat.com/~sergyi/3D-CoatV4-7-37.dmg Ensure to check "System Preferences > Security & Privacy > click the "lock" > select "App Store and identified developers" (when only "App Store" is selected error message is displayed "3D-Coat" can't be opened because it was not downloaded from the App Store) On "Retina" displays uncheck "3D-Coat > Geometry > Incremental Render" Linux [4.7.37]: http://www.3d-coat.com/~sergyi/3D-CoatV4-7-37.tar.gz How to create shortcut Updated to 4.7 Do NOT use beta builds in production if build is not marked as [STABLE]. Keep backups of scenes, presets and materials. Changes: 26.08.2017 4.7.37 [beta] - Possibility to assign fixed bump to smart material, independent from pen radius and depth. - Fixed different problems in retopo primitives. - Fixed breaking UV-s in Intrude/Shell (retopo modeling tools) - Fixed a lot of problems relater to material attaching, including crashes, undo, memory leaks, correct resizing of smart material. - If there are too many folders in materials/stencils etc, they will be represented as droplist. - Re-attaching material if you select other material over layer with attachment. - Correct displacement visualisation in ppp approach. - Correct displacement import, scaling coefficient correctly used. - Warning about missing cache to avoid loosing cached volumes. 07.08.2017 4.7.36 [beta] - Fixed problem of Smart material editor. - Snapping with SHIFT - navigation to 45 degrees instead of 90 degrees. - Pressing CTRL in UV preview window (in UV room) shows selected islands cycled to neighbour UV tiles. - Possibility to store camera position in preset - Gizmo appears even if one point of the transform cage selected 26.07.2017 4.7.35 [beta] - Custom render size restored in render room. - Fill with gradient noise problem fixed - Preventing duplicate split rings. 25.07.2017 4.7.34 [beta] - square alphas complete support, even older ones will act correctly. - possibility to change font size in Preferences->Theme. 4K monitors support. Font will be automatically changed to big size on large resolution. - "File->Import multiple objects" to import multiple objects in diferent ways. - Fixed memory leaks during materuals to layers attaching - Checkbox in Underccuts/bas relief to limit effect below the plane. - Import AO with channel picking - Problem of laggy rotation of symmetry plane in General mode fixed. Picking point 2 is also fixed. - Select all in tweak room - Possibility to switch between 2 modes during navigation - around Y and free rotation. See navigation panel. 15.06.2017 4.7.32 [beta] - square alphas distortions fixed. In some cases alphas require reimporting. Square alphas derived from 3D models supported as well. - fixed different little problems like rotate along motion and stamp. 10.06.2017 4.7.31 [beta] - better support of square alphas. Less clipped at edges. - All tools are correctly compatible with layers attacments. - merge down, apply blending are working correctly with "Replace depth" and materials attaching. 9.06.2017 4.7.30 [beta] - Possibility to change resolution of texture, attached materials will be automatically resmpled. - a lot of problems related to attached materials fixed - correctly updated material ball in layer attachment preview. - square alphas support. - Problems of paste UV fixed. 11.05.2017 4.7.29 [beta] - Copy / Paste / Copy reference / To materials library in RMB menu. - Fixed problem of non-deletable layers - Find Sun button in parameters of additional lights in Render room. - "ReplaceDepth" may be masked by other layer. - Fixed problem of sliders. - Fixed problem of lag in retopo tool - Faster painting over layers with attached materials. - Fill whole layer with material dropped to history. - Support of materials references (instances) - Fixed problem of tiled import and treating materials as UV sets. - Find Sun button in parameters of additional lights in Render room. 5.05.2017 4.7.28 [beta] - fixed many reported issues about smart materials attaching - Fixed UI flickering in curve edit window - Retopo via decimation in RMB menu - Divide blending corrected - Render room flickering fixed - Fill tool controls visible 29.04.2017 4.7.27 [beta] - Important! Possibility to attach materials to layers. - Important! History of materials usage over layer. All materials that was applied to layer are stored in history together with all settings. - Important! Depth blending along stroke. - fixed different problems related to bake scan depth - possibility to render scene directly in Renderman - additional options for masking in Angulator tool. - "Divide" layer blending for the light compensation. - Bigger resolution for Model->Alpha, little tapering to avoid jags. - possibility to bake ligh in light baking tool separately for each object in scene. 10.03.2017 4.7.26 [beta] - Retopo->Bake->Baking scan settings - fixed crash, save/load available, symmetry works. - Fixed problem of slow switching between tools after long time. - Update islands issue resolved too. 8.03.2017 4.7.25 [beta] - Retopo->Bake->Baking scan settings gon very important addition. You may paint baking depth with brush. - Autopo problem fixed - if no mesh generated, hidden retopo mesh will not be corrupted. 8.02.2017 4.7.24 [stable] - Textures->Calculate curvature got important update. Now you may mix loacl curvature (usual) and long-range smoothed curvature (sampling based). It allows to get much better quality for Smart Materials usage because many things depend on cavity quality. - Transform tool in paint room got "Scale around center" option. - Connector with PS works correctly with layers folders. - Tweak room's selection now visible (there was longstanding problem). 25.1.2017 4.7.23 [stable] - Pose gizmo: undo returns gizmo to correct place, nunerical input works correctly. - Import for ppp rare hang problem fixed. 23.1.2017 4.7.22 - Import tiles as UV sets fixed problem with negative tiles - Warning about incorrest scene scale. - Polished, improved retopo primitives - curve / line drawing problems corrected. 9.1.2017 4.7.20 - Line tool fixed (Line in E-panel) 28.12.2016 4.7.19 - fixed problems related to "Lines/curve chunk" drawing mode in E panel (line was invisible). - Critical fix. Correct curves correction in export dialog. - Possibility to drag sphere primitive by connector line (like cube and transform gizmo). 22.12.2016 4.7.18 - fixed several instabilities, including crash when switching from paint to render room that happens in 4.7.17 - Retopo primitives polished, new primitives included. UI in primitives polished. - Free form primitives from RtpModels palette working correctly in Retopo room. - Transform gizmo may be moved using not only arrows, but connector lines as well. - Fixed smooth over seams problem in multi-UV scene. 5.12.2016 4.7.17 - Proxy slider. Windows->Proxy slider allows to change proxy density on the fly. - Correct inverted mask preview in cube/cylinder/etc mapping modes. - Edit in external editor padding problems fixed - PSD edit in PS padding width increased in correspondence with settings - A lot of new shaders for concept disign (not for baking). - Fixed buggy merely visible glow around the stroke with gloss/metallness - Instant Light preset included 20.11.2016 4.7.16 - Spline points are in 3D in almost all cases (except manual detouching). It means you may rotate curve in 3D even if points are outside the model. - Export Depth along Y problem fixed, now sader baked more correctly, transform of object correctly treated for shader baking, painted color correctly blended with shader. - Borderline for VoxExtrude etc visible again - right align of read-only numerical controls - A lot of polishing in retopo primitives 11.11.2016 4.7.14 - Export Depth along Y correcly exports PBR compatible result. Shader will be baked to the textures as well. - Fixed crash in primitives tool - Possibility to overwrite depth of current layer over bottom ones, see layers options - see Replace depth and Layer height - Gizmo in Bas-relief visible again 3.11.2016 4.7.13 - Video hints! The example The list of controls covered by video hints will be updated automatically online. - Retopo cube primitive has correct topology, without zero-sized bevel. - Correct freeze with conditions - Correct icons for retopo primitives 1.11.2016 4.7.12 - New primitives in retopo room - cylinder, torus, cube, ellipse, spiral. - Layer picker fixed (does not pick invisible, AO, normalmap layers) - Numerical values in gizmos are moving ojects as well (for pose/transform). It was broken in 4.7.11 - Draw spline stroke in a single pass, each next stroke in strokes bunch uses initial normals and surface placement. - Whole spline movements works correctly with 2d/3d snapping. - more safe fbx export for non-english user name 29.09.2016 4.7.11 [beta] - Primitives for retopo room. This is rather template than complete toolset. Only one primitive present there, list will be essentially extended in next update. - Coat tool. This is non-destructive and precise version of VoxLayer. This is important step, it opens family of nondestructive tools in 3D-Coat. - Imput decreased (the time between human's action and visual feedback on the screen). - Enable VoXRay in surface tools, Backface culling will be turned off in VoXRay tool. - Correct normals sampling usage in Live Clay based tools. - Fixed crash related to extrusion using "Initial vertex normals". - Everywhere in primitives edit boxes replaced with sliders. - Better quality for 3D lasso selection - Undo for renaming layer - a lot if small stability fixes. 30.08.2016 4.7.10 (stable) - Unify UV command to drop all faces to the current UV set - "Editt points" in Lathe tool shows coordinates in more logical way. - Correct stencil mapping and preview, there was problems with object scale and preview - Warning shown if texture in smart material missing - Correct preview for stencil/materials in navigation mode for cylinder/sphere mapping. - Correct UnhideAll command in UV/retopo room (was not working in Mark Seams mode) - Cone primitive got "USe sector" option compatible with bevel. - correct Ptex export with LWO files using Export menu. - Seed value for smart material noise 17.08.2016 4.7.09(stable) - Stencil painting with lasso corresponds to preview - Extrusion with 3D Spline supports stencils and works in voxel mode as well - "Retopo->Apply symmetry to current layer" really applies symmetry to current retopo group only - Export normalmaps without gamma correction (even if specified in export constructor) to avoid confusion with normalmaps rendering - Click to place issue solved 15.08.2016 4.7.08 (stable) - Top/bottom/left/right views adopted to industry standard. - Extrude with 3D lasso (choose 3D lasso in any brush in surface mode). Edge shape follows brush shape. - Better visibility of selected retopo faces. - Reference images quick access. - Added "Click To Place" actions to all new primitives. - Better look of wireframe for Ptex "Increase resolution" tool. - Correct export with Export constructor with MV/Ptex approach. 1.08.2016 4.7.07 (stable) - Still image gizmo got pivot/rotation controls. - Stencils/materials gizmo got possibility to move rotation/scale pivot. RMB over material navigation gizmo will reset corresponding position/scale/rotation. - Fixed crash in unwrap (zero squared triangles) - Possibility to assign hotkeys to rooms switching. - Disable auto-deleting point in retopo on almost straight line. - Save/Load camera stores camera/stencil/material correctly. - Correct preview of smart material's textures when you are navigating with material navigation buttons. - Freeze/pose bugs related to undo + brushing fixed. - Fixed snapping of invisible vertices problem when mesh imported in retopo room. - Retopo->Bake->Bake normalmaps with dithering option for better noralmap baking. - Added the NGon primitive with outsider fillet. - Disable "Vertical sync" in OpenGL to avoid FPS dropdown for OpenGL builds. - Edit "Colors" in retopo updates colors over mesh immediately after choosing color, not afetr OK pressed. 4.07.2016 4.7.05 (beta, close to stable) - completely transparent pixels on exported color textures will be black instead of grey. 4.07.2016 4.7.04 (beta) - Antialiasing tuned to work correctly for text, rectangular fill. - Share item/folder works correctly for smart materials - sliders adjustment tweaked to be more convenient - Retopo->Select path works correctly - shaders/panoramas/export presets adjusted for better correspondence with standarts - upload to Sketchfab corrected. Pay attention that if after upload you are getting "Upload screenshot" instead of model - click "Change API key" in upload dialog and re-enter the key. 28.06.2016 4.7.03 [beta] - Mouse wheel may be used to switch droplists items and to adjust sliders. - Undo in primitives when sliders used to adjust values - set of crashes fixed - selecting of faces from other uv sets fixed 18.06.2016 4.7.01 [beta] - fixed crash 18.06.2016 4.7.00 [beta] - Migration master adopted for 4.5->4.7 transition. - Folders for Shaders! You may organize shaders in more convenient way! - Large amount of presets for rendering in different applications and offline renders. - Measure tool allows to measure angles between lines. - Sliders in almost all primitive numerical controls. - Draw on plane supported in clone/split/cut & clone. - Fixed problem related to "On palne" mode in Sculpt room - depth of drawing was shown not exactly. - Retopo->Clone will clone faces ino new retopo group - Older bas-relief functionality restored - Bas-relief squashing coefficient works as expected + density control. - Numerical input in "Import" tool. - Clicking on faces from different UV set will select current UV set in retopo/uv room. - Other UV sets are shown in retopo room as well, you may operate over vertices/faces not only in current set/group but in other sets/grups as well. - Symmetry options panel got "Pick from bound Box" button - "Pick symmetry center from the bound box of the current object. Axis directions will remain unchanged."
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