Funny thing...I used to bananas when I got a new version of ZBrush and while I'm happy they're working to improve it more, the announcement of 4R6 with ZRemesher didn't really hit home with me. I use 3D Coat for all of my retopo work and don't see ZBrush being a better alternative. It's OK in a pinch, but 3D Coat has had most of this functionality for a while, as far as I'm concerned. I would say that Autotopo is a tool I almost never use now, but I do use strokes pretty often. In ZBrush I had experience with QRemesher, Decimator, etc., but I'm just not all that excited. I wish they had done more with projection, shaders, the auto-updater, and paint layers in ZBrush. Even the auto-updater is a joke, as all it does is install the new version in a new directory and copy certain files from the previous install. This takes up TONS of room on the drive and is very archaic. I still use both apps, but I've quickly become a die hard 3D Coat user.