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Found 7 results

  1. From the album: Wojtek Kapusta - finished works

    Concept of sci-fi interior, data/research center. It's about technology that helps to break another barriers and gives a hope... This piece will be used as a promo art of incoming coders' event. Done from scratch in 3dcoat, except standard daz3d figures used. Keyshot rendered and Photoshop overpainted.

    © Wojtek Kapusta

  2. hello, I´ve done some sculpting and exported the object to obj/fbx and iomported it into another 3D app (MODO). The issue is, objects imported from 3D Coat seem to be not "centered" at 0,0,0 in my modo-scene. Objects have a little offset (dont know why) - is there a way to force objects to be centered in 3D Coat? Like origin/pivot is at coordinate 0,0,0 in the scene? Kind Regards
  3. So ive been working on a project for a couple days and just using 3d coat normaly with the camera orbit orbiting around where i last pressed 'alt lmb' but today when i opened the project on a different computer the orbiting pivot is now in the center and is un movable by pressing 'alt lmb'. I've looked in the settings and everything is default and normal. im very clueless why this would randomly happen on this computer that i know has never changed the axis settings. Im not sure if itts jujst a glitch or what.
  4. Every time i import an .obj to 3DC in any way! Import > .obj or File > New > Vocel Sculpting/Surface Sculpting The .obj appears off center and it really bothers me! I tried a lot before coming here, but i cant quite get it to work.
  5. Thought I asked this before. Not sure......If I have an object out of rotation by accident, I would like to rotate it back along the axis. For ex., a rectangles origin is all 0,0,0 from the "main objects axis" but the rotation has the ends of the rectangle crossing the axis instead of dead center down the line.....
  6. How can I center by joining 2 object along the x plane in symmetry? I find when merging objects that my symmetry plane is not centered and is slighty off from rotating, flipping 180 deg. etc. If I happened to move my x symmetry plane with tab. How do I know if my 2 objects are really centered from the x middle(symmetry), left(object) and right(object)? Or sometimes the symmetry will be at 0 and the left and right identical object will be off. Do I have have to separate the objects and input the coordinates in the transform. Or is there a quicker way when merging in symmertry? Thinking right now...To bound center of the two objects and then transform the left and right coordin...anything quicker?
  7. Hey folks. Is there a way to extrude a circle from dead center of a voxel mesh? I've been trying to do this by hand with the circle spline and thinking I'm better off doing this in Max first.
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