I have a few questions that have been puzzling me for several days now:
Retopo Room: How to hide a wire-frame that lies on back faces? If you look at the first image, you can clearly see that the wire-frame is still visible even though it should be obscured by polygons in the foreground. It doesn't matter how transparent I set the retopo mesh to be.
Render Room: Is it possible to move the DOF plane or scale it? When there's a large model to be rendered, the DOF plane appears to small. This means I cannot accurately set my camera focus on the eyes for example (see: second image). Also, if only a part of the model is to be rendered (with the rest of it hidden), like a head, then after closing up on it, you can't even tell how the focus is set because the DOF plane is completely out of sight.
Render Room: How do I set a centre of rotation for turntable renders? Is it always at zero world coordinates? Is it possible to set it to model's centre of mass or to a custom location?
Can anyone help?