Iam in a situation were i have to sell what's possible.
So i sell my License of 3D Coat Version 3Pro.When you bought it from me then they need your Name and E-Mail to complete the transfer,after that you will be able to download it from your account for PC/Mac,32 or 64 Bit (it will be Version 3.7)
If you want to upgrade to version 4 then you can do so on the 3D Coat Website.
I want 190,- US Dollar for it (via Paypal),you can upgrade for 99,- Dollar to version 4,this means you pay 289,- US Dollar for 3D Coat V4 Pro instead of 379,- US Dollar.
If you are interested,have the money and want to help me out....then here is the chance to get a perfect sculpting and UV mapping Tool for a very good price.
Have all a great week