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Found 10 results

  1. Hello, here's a little tip. It might be something that's plainly obvious to a lot but this only recently occurred to me after years of using the software. This is an approach to getting an effect in the vein of "Elastic Deform" from Blender sculpt tools; big deformations, and doesn't break the surface even though the resolution is big. It's helpful if you need to make significant changes on the object's silhouette, or otherwise. The summary is: Use a separate mesh as a guide for the strokes, irrespective of the mesh you are sculpting on, and simply using the Move tool. The steps are as follows: 1. Create a mesh to be the "guide" for the brush. I use a cube, since it is convenient for constraining strokes to the multiple axes on the cube's surface sides. 2. Change the "guide" mesh's shader to be see-through with the opacity slider, so you can see what's going on around it. Freeze the surface of the cube to prevent it from being deformed as well. 3. Pick the Move tool. Make sure "Through all volumes" setting is on (top bar check box) 4. To reposition or rotate the cube, use the screen space gizmo control hotkeys. The "Navigation Control" (default hotkey: N) can also be handy to reposition or rotate it. 5. Unghost; unfreeze; unhide only the sculpt meshes you want to work on. 6. Stay on the "guide" mesh you created. Stroke with the move tool. Observe the move tool now works outside the bounds of the sculpt and is locked to "guide" surface, facilitates big but precise deformation of the sculpt mesh, without breaking surface too much. Bonus step: Can of course also mask parts of the sculpt mesh, the move tool then allows you to have great control over an extrusion like effect. Video demo: 3Dcoatgl64 Soft Deform Tip.m4v Hope this can be of help to somebody. Even though it is such a trivial little method, it has made a significant difference in my workflow. I'm the type to much prefer to move the points into place and then fix, instead of applying a lot of compounding sculpt strokes to get to where I need to be.
  2. ok so I have some questions! 1 .)Why does the move brush create this weird stretching effect? On the right side of this image I have used the move brush twice, if you notice the outside of the edge on the sphere is smooth and the inside is stretched. 2.) Is there any way to fix this from happening with the move brush itself? 3.) how to get good smoothing results? on the left side of the image I have merged a cylinder to a sphere and I have used the smooth brush to smooth the connecting crease. I find that the smooth brush is not strong, or powerful enough to smooth sometimes. 4.) Can you recommend any techniques for both of these issues? I'm mostly working with human anatomy sculpts and seperating or attaching limbs. thanks!
  3. Применение move tool к объекту ломает его. И воздействие на объект оказывается больше чем выбран размер кисти. При этом применение его на другой объект работает нормально. И fallouf тоже нормальный. совсем другого размера. Как такое может быть? Вот ссылка на файл https://www.dropbox.com/s/zkbedz3arp07841/knife.3b?dl=0
  4. I apologize at the beginning because the question maybe too silly... After importing scans of persons into Retopo Room to create some cutting patterns I have sometimes bad scan areas, for example a fillet in the crotch (where I didnt collect data with the scanner). If I want to remove/smooth that fillet in Retopo whats the best way to do it? If I manipulate in Paint Room, the mesh stays the same, only the underlying body is modified... but I only need the mesh for my purpose.
  5. When using move tool in retopo room, I think it used to show a red dot if it's merging verts when they get close to each others. I'm using 3D-COAT 4.7 now and it doesn't show me the red dot. I still works fine and merges the verts, but red dot was useful since it tells if it's merging the verts or not. Is this a bug? Or it has been changed some where in updates. Thank you.
  6. I'm currently using the Move tool in Retopo room and every time I move a vert,edge, or face it seems to move it in screen-space which becoming annoying. It moves within or too far outside of my Reference mesh. I have to keep on moving the camera around the selection to get it where I have to move. I've tried with Auto Snap with all three options but that only works sometimes. Is there a way to lock the movement to an axis like x,y, or z within the Move tool? I've also tried using the Select tool but that seems to be slow in selection. If I select a couple of edges then use the Transform tool to move in an axis, but then want to add more edges or remove edges from my selection I have to hit Esc key to return to Select and then hit Tranform to continue moving. Seems like if even that process was seamless that it would go much faster. For example, just combining the ability to select subobjects and use the Transform tool or with the Move tool holding shift,ctrl-shift,alt-shift to lock the movement of the subobjects to an axis. Thanks
  7. I'm using 4.5b12 and when I rotate, no matter whether or not I have Leave rotated axis, I still can't get an object to spin but leave the axis where it was...trying to get a part of the model to line up with the axis. I know I haven't used 3DC in a while, but I didn't think I was gone that long.
  8. So I decided to give the sculpting tools a shot so that I can fairly compare 3D Coat to my existing workflow to determine if it justifies the cost to purchase and have run into a few problems trying to replicate my previous workflow. I am wanting to find out how I can achieve the same results I get in Sculptris when I use the Grab tool. I found a tool in 3D Coat called Move, but it only grabs 1 pixel and drags this.. kind of works more like the Pinch tool from Sculptris. If anyone knows the name/way to use the right tool to achieve the same result please advise. EDIT I also have seen a Pointers counter at the bottom of the 3D Coat program and every time my cursor is over my model, it starts to rapidly count down. It was at -7000 a little ago and is now all the way to -12000. As this number decreases.. I am seeing my memory getting chewed up. this can't be good right? DOUBLE EDIT The larger the brush size the faster it decreases, the smaller the brush size the slower it decreases. I'm not clicking just hovering my cursor over the model with the Move tool selected. TRIPLE EDIT Is there a way to change how much detail is added or removed when you are sculpting. In Sculptris I was able to adjust the tessellation level so that it would either work without adding any new polygons or it would add extreme quantities of them. Using this method I was able to control the polycount in areas where high detail was not required. I'm just trying to determine how to achieve this same result inside of 3D Coat.
  9. Is there a way to move the symmetry plane in the Voxel room? I have an object that, for some reason, has it's symmetry plane way off into space.
  10. Yesterday, I decided to make better use of my new (faster) drive by moving Windows 7 (along with my programs) onto it. For this, I used Acronis True image Home 2011. Everythying seemed to work great until I tried to launch 3D Coat (Student), at whichpoint, I was greeted by the following message: I still have my original windows drive atm, but I intend to format it and continue to use the new drive. How do I deactivate 3D Coat on my old drive, so that I can continue using it with my new(ish) setup? I intend to change in my laptop (with my other student 3D Coat install) in the next week or two, so any help woul be appreciated.
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