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  1. Using Maya 2020.4 and 3DC 2021.0.2 (New Release). I tested exporting to FBX and OBJ from the paint room to open in Maya. I get proper textures but the geometry is garbled up badly. I made a voxel to surface geo and exported straight from sculpt room with some decimation and that exports fine to fbx and obj. But from the paint room for some reason it's a mess. Haven't changed but a few hotkeys in 3dc 2021. This is using the export constructor btw. I can send the 3DC and Maya files if needed to support but they are a bit bigger than the allowed 44mb.
  2. Hi! So, I've been struggling for some time now. I'm making characters in DAZ and I want to import one into 3DC and to be specific: I want to get him into the scene and then slize his face off. What's the exact workflow here? Wich room do I import him into? Wich settings? Can you keep the maps while doing this? Wich tool do I use to cut a part of him away? Is it possible to export this guy with the MTL file still intact to render in other software? I want to get him back into DAZ for rendering! Right now I'm drag/dropping him into 3DC, choose import for per-pixel painting, but when I press Sculpt he disappears. And in the other rooms i can't find a function like "Cut off" in the sculpt room. When I pick import for vertex painting/big reference his maps look super weird, like low-res or something.
  3. Hello, I have a problem with the import of a file in the UV Room. When I import it as an FBX nothing appears (shift+A doesn't make it appear either). However, when I import it as an OBJ some faces simply disappear! The file is a pro boolean collapsed to an editable poly (mentioning it because it might be important) from 3dsmax 2020. I have tried changing the FBX to 2012, 2018, 2014... and to ASCII from Binary but nothing seems to work. BTW I am using 4.9.05. Can someone please help? Thanks!
  4. Hello ! I have this problem at importing a mesh. In rhino is ok shaped and I export it as obj or stl. This is the model in rhino. This happens when I import is as OBJ... mesh is changed... new polygons appears but the details are kept like the initial model. Only mesh is in addition. Why ? AND this is when I import as STL... NO addition but the details are hardly affected and the mesh looks awful.. After the RES+ for STL imported it looks like this... What can I do ? I want to import a clean model for surface detail modelling ? Can anyone help me ? Thank you !
  5. Hey all, I have some questions about UV mapping. The video below sums up many of them. What I'm really after is a way to import multiple objects as one OBJ, then separate them into separate OBJs each with their own UV Map. Is this easy to do? TIA.
  6. Hi, Is there a way to instruct 3D-Coat to explicitly triangulate a mesh exported from the retopo room? I need this because I want to use the model in Unreal Engine 4 and Substance Painter, and both use different algorithms for triangulation. I've tried triangulating the exported model in Blender, but that just made it "blocky". Cheers, Dave
  7. Not sure if this is the proper place for this post as I'm not a 3DC pro nor intermediate and I'm not totally a 3DC noob. I've textured a model in 3DC's native format in the paint room. It has no UV mapping. I did not convert it to an OBJ and import it into the paint room. I am using 3DC's native file format with the intent of doing a 3DC render then import into Photoshop or ArtRage to paint over. I textured in the paint room using pbr shaders and also used 3DC's bridge to the external editor (in my case Photoshop CC 2017). After I finished texturing I decided I would export to an OBJ to use in Daz Studio or Vue Complete. However when I re-import the OBJ into 3DC there are no textures (pbr shaders or Photoshop). In the folder where I exported the model is only the OBJ and associated MTL file. Is there any way of texturing a native 3DC model in the paint room and exporting to OBJ with texturing applied? I thinking it's not possible but just curious if if can be done. Cheers & many thanks... Ken PS: Just getting back into 3DCoat as I spend most of the summer with my Nikon DSLRs shooting well over 6,000 raw photos or landscapes, classic cars, hot rods and scenes. Most of my time has been in Lightroom CC 2017 & Photoshop CC 2017. So now a little rusty in 3DCoat, Silo3D & Moi3D.
  8. There's a problem, and it's not blender because it did now happen in other program to. 3D-Coat is exporting the Object as OBJ with a wrong scale. In blender i need to scale it down from 1.0 to 0.01 to get the orginal scale back. The otehr program is more problematic with scaling it down. Why is 3D-coat inflating the object when you export it as OBJ ? Not tried FBX because that seems a pain with 3D-Coat and blender. And where can i set in 3D-coat the correct export setting ? If i can tell 3D-Coat to expert with scale 0.01 things would work better.
  9. Hi All-- Hope all are well....incredibly grateful if you can tell me how to accomplish this...and ASAP I'm building out some models in SILO3D--and I'm using 3DCoat for UVing so far. I absolutely love it. Here's my trouble: I've marked up my mesh in the OBJ (silo) w/ some simple Materials....then I head over after UVing (3dcoat) to substance painter where I replace those simple MATs w/ glorious procedural ones. Problem is when I hit "APPLY" in the UV room----my material names all get nerfed back to vanilla (all one color, one same mat). What do I need to do in 3DCOAT so this doesn't happen? I imagine I need to tell it something in the paint room etc before I hit APPLY UVs. I'm on a tight deadline so this will hugely help my workflow. Thanks so much--and if you wanna call and walk me thru it I'll definitely return the favor. Roger
  10. Hi Can anyone explain what is happening here? I sculpted and retopoed a car that looks ok in 3d Coat but is horrid on export to Simlab and Daz Studio. This is the paint object in 3d coat This is the mesh This is in Simlab without Normal map This is in Simlab with normal map Daz without normal map Daz with normal map
  11. Need a bit of help creating a voxel model from this OBJ. Can someone please give me some advice? Here's a link to the OBJ. Thanks! https://altuit.cloud/web/atrash/4-6lbBC_CollapseForVoxel.obj
  12. Hi everyone! First of all, I want to specify I've checked several tutorials to see if I was doing something wrong, but it doesn't look so. I'm doing exactly the same things I've seen working on tutorials (and they're the most obvious and first things I did too) but I can't export a multiple part object in anyway. It just export it as blank. So I'm guessing this is a bug or I'm just missing something really big this time! I attach some screenshots here to let you see exactly what I'm doing:
  13. I'm working on a robot which I modeled in Groboto and Hexagon. The head is composed of several smaller objects (head, nose, ear, eyes, antenna, etc) which can all be imported as separate objects in Wings3D, Hexagon, Silo, Vue Complete or 3D Coat. So far I've uv mapped & painted the head, nose and ear as separate objects 3DC. UV Mapping in 3DC is a very enjoyable endeavor. In the paint room I also created some details with normal maps. Here's the head
  14. Hi folks, I have got a question with regard to the import of .obj's or fbx for that matter. When I import my mesh into the voxel room I get all these lines and holes in my mesh (see in attached image) and sometimes its just a little bit but sometimes (like today) its a hell of a lot and need to get to the bottom on the issue. any idea? Cheers Folks. ^^
  15. Ok, so being fearly new to 3D coat, there are a lot of basic things that elude me. Like how to apply or swap a simple material? So I've been working pretty back in forth on my UV's for an item i am painting right now. What I want to do is simply import the new version of my UVs and continue painting with the layers and material I already have in my scene. However, I can't seam to figure out any straight forward way of going this. The only way I have been able to do is so fare is by starting a new scene with my new obj, import all my photoshop layers (which is not acting weird now that I've started using layer group folders *see this question thread for details on that*) So ya! Basically what this question boils down to is: how do I update a mesh(obj) that I modified in a 3rd party program (Maya) back into 3D coat and have it use my existing material and paint layers! Thanks a bunch!
  16. Hi friends, I imported a scaned model (from photogrammetry), I painted it with several layers, and now I would like to export model to OBJ and a simple texture 8K resolution (JPEG or PNG...) to use in a scene for animation with Cinema 4D. I tryied different option to export color textures and I have only a 256x256 pix PSD with all color layers but empty. 3D-Coat is so complex and with so so many options that do a simple task like this it's no easy for ocasional users like me. Thanks in advance!
  17. See attached: I want to import each of the 3 Cinema4D objects as separate meshes into the paint room. I basically want them each on their own layer, as in Cinema4D. I've run out of internet searches, ideas and patience. I've accepted that I have to export each mesh separately and I've sorted out everything on the C4D end. The videos I've watched about isolating contiguous polygons, etc.. all apply to the vox tree/sculpt room and none of those features seem to be available in the paint room. ...unless there is another way to quickly isolate meshes in order to apply smart materials to each in turn. Please let me know.
  18. hi all, I'm totally new to the program 3D-Coat, although more than 20 years I routinely using professional 3D programs, like Form-Z, Cinema 4D, and others. SInce a year ago I’m developing the technique of photogrammetry, especially in the field of cultural heritage. (look some models here: https://sketchfab.com/calidos/models) I currently have the project done on virtual simulations of medieval polychrome stone. I tried the program C4D Body Paint (Maxon) and the possibilities of Z-Brush, but when I see the possibilities of 3D-Coat I was done and I quickly acquired a license. But now I've gone into developing the actual simple project I am totally lost. Although I have tried dozens of tutorials on the web truth is that when I go to work, even with simple things, I lose at once, and I have to start again. Things as simple as importing a model and rotate it and import the original texture, become a nightmare. Obviously my guilt for my initial low level, but never would have thought that a program so difficult to enter. Finally, let the concrete steps if someone can give me a helping hand. What I get is the following: 1. I have created a model with Photoscan (1 million polygons and 4K texture). The model is not a solid, it is a complex surface. (See pictures) 2. I exported the model from Photoscan to OBJ + MTL + JPEG. It size 72MB. 3. I would like to import the model with texture in 3D-Coat, turn it in position accurately and repair some holes and gaps. 4. then I would like paint the model in different layers with flat colors and some gold parts. 5. finally export everything to C4D to animate results. I understand that the program allows extraordinary things, and my aim should be incredibly easy. Belive or not I spent a month trying to do this and I’m totally frustrated. Many thanks forward for your understanding and help. Josep www.calidos.cat
  19. So, I posted her last week with a problem, it was remedied when I updated my 3D coat, but now a new problem has arisen! Basically, I retopo'd a high poly mesh, and exported the Low poly mesh, uv'd it, but when I bring it into any other 3d application (or 3d coat itself) it's completely blank? I've made objs in different 3d programs and when I export them from the retopo room it just deletes the contents.. is this a bug?
  20. Hi, Guys. I'm experiencing some problems here on my workflow. I have a model separeted in various objects. Each one have its proper UVs and everything is on place, no UDIM (despite using UDIM would be good. But when I do import with Importing Titles as UV Sets all my UVs are stacked on each other). When I import OBJ file to PPP workflow, 3D Coat shows this screen. T The problem is: I have 12 objects with UVs but it only shows 6 UV sets on the importing options. When I click OK, suddenly 3D Coat shows 6 UV sets and 6 surface materials (of 12 objects) and the result is some UVs stacked on each other, also my UV names are not the same as I created, as you can see on the image: When I try to import a FBX file instead of a OBJ file, it shows ALL of my UVs on the importing screen and PRESERVING the UVS names, which is really good. However, the problem with FBX importing is this. While all my UVs are absolutely perfect, the model itself isn't as you can see on the image. If I try to subdivide de model on importing screen, the result is: Some additional info: Tested with 3D Coat 4.5.19 (trough Steam) and 4.5.29. UVs are created on MODO 902. Thanks in advance.
  21. I am dead in the water on a client's project and have tried everything I can think of. I am getting bad smoothing on import. I've tried OBJ, FBX, and LOW formats. Has anyone else run into this? Does anyone have any solutions? I've made sure that the "OBJ Write Normals" box is checked in LW Preferences. I think that I am not getting a vertex normals map on import. I'd love to hear that I'm overlooking something obvious. Tech specs- I'm using LightWave 10.1 and the 3DC 4.5.19
  22. Hello, last week I installed 3D-Coat. There are three things I hope 3D-Coat can do for me. 1) Freehand sculpting. Found it, it is fun to use. 2) Merging scanned files (.stl, .obj, .ply) to one object (recreating the original object from scanned faces of the object) 3) And last obvious if previous is possible; Edditing large .stl files as mesh. But also rescaling the mesh Probably it is simpel, but since I have looked into many other 3D software for other reasons I'm overwhelmed by keywords. Is there an introduction tutorial for point 2 and 3 ? Keywords which I should look up in in the manual? Thanks
  23. To all 3DC'ers! I am new to 3DC and I have been trying to solve an issue with sculpting and texturing a model that I would like your help with. I have a .OBJ file of a sculpture that has been captured by a 3D Scanner and has a UV map/texture. The problem is that, the model has some defects, both texture and geometry that require correction. I have managed to correct the geometry defects and I have also managed to correct the textures and export the model out of 3DC. I can do these operations INDIVIDUALLY but I cannot seem to bake the new texture on the modified (Voxelised) geometry. Could you please help correct my noob mistake or if this is a known issue/limitation then please feel free to put my mind at ease. My workflow (based on tutorials and searching the forums): 1: File > Import > import for voxelising (select the .OBJ) 2: Make modifications to geometry using clay tools and live clay etc. 3: To the Retopo room 4: Retopo menu > import - select the same file as original import to get Retopo mesh - (no UV edits as the texture already has UV mapped textures) 5: Retopo Menu > Merge NM 6: To Paint Room 7: Import Texture > import normal map 8: Back to Retopo 9: Bake scan settings and Bake 10: Back to paint Room for export and the model shows the Voxel sculpted edits and the texture (albeit with wierd layers - most of the time the texture is a bronze colour!) Please help!!! Endless hours trying to solve this and I am stuck. I appreciate your comments and help, thanks in advance. Ash
  24. 3DC v4.0.7B(gl) Windows XP3 okay... disregarding tiny details, such as i haven't shown the eyebrows/lashes in the retopo, and i haven't actually finished massaging the retopo into place... why does this retopo export as this obj? symmetry is on (X). i selected the retopo layer i was working on, and did file: export retopo mesh. i basically followed the tutorial vid, the one with the ant and the head, where imoprted meshes are used to glom onto the voxel retopo base. you transform the mesh to get it approximately the right dimensions, use the brush to move bits into place, then turn on autosnap to closest-along-normal and bump it into place with the smooth and brush tools. that actually went fairly well. and then it exports this asymmetrical monstrosity. also, it seems to have lost 6 vertices and 13 faces, which i kinda need. while i'm here.... this head mesh i'm using has several materials (skin, inner mouth, eyebrows, etc.). they come in under different retopo groups. is there a way i can work on several of these groups all at once, without having to merge them together? i can't seem to shift-select or ctrl-select several 'layers.' not even to export them all without merging them. i would really like to do that. :/ if i have to merge them, okay, but is there a way i can have them keep their materials? they blend all into one material when i merge them and export. why me? am i asking the impossible?
  25. 3D Coat 4.0.04B(GL) 32bit trying to follow the steps/methodology outlined in this thread: http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14408 ... i was actually having more luck in the previous beta version... TL;DR: Why does selecting a Surface Sculpt tool make my mesh disappear totally? Also, why does converting it from voxel to surface make huge chunks of the model disappear? How can Bloodsong import an OBJ and sculpt on it? 1: new scene retopo room import reference mesh, select obj file. Problem: the obj comes in with a texture, but the texture is upside down. how can i flip the texture, or just not display it? 2: retopo menu: use current low poly mesh. gets rid of the texture view, anyhow! 3: voxel room merge tool pick from retopo; the object appears Problem: hitting 'Enter' to commit at this point causes huge chunks of the mesh to go missing. 4: avoid hitting 'enter,' just click the V in the layers to change to S mode. this seems to work fine. the voxel sculpt tools at the top of the toolbar turn into surface sculpt tools. select the first tool. Problem: this causes the entire object to vanish. 4a: to avoid object disappearance, just close the merge tool, and hit enter to 'commit' the object. a darker grey duplicate object is created, but the bright white starter object is still there. there doesn't seem to be a way to get rid of it. what am i doing wrong? what am i failing to understand, here?
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