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  1. Hi everyone. I have 3 video series on Udemy.com. All at half price thru end of January. They have about 950 total students and out of 80 reviews I have an average 4.5 out of 5 stars. I'm quite proud of that rating. I taught Coat for the last 4 or so in my classes at an art school where I direct the animation program. I love this program - the biggest secret in 3D lol. Here are the links and coupon codes if you're interested. Peace. Scott Coupon Code: SCULPT2017 https://www.udemy.com/3dcoatquickstart/ Coupon Code: RETOPO2017 https://www.udemy.com/retopology/ Coupon Code: HARD2017 https://www.udemy.com/3d-coat-robots/
  2. Hey, My paint objects after Retopoing a Voxel Sculpt isn't creating a model when I move into the Paint Room. A Paint Object is created in the Paint Object window, but there's no model displayed in the display window (Other than the Voxel Sculpt which isn't a Paint Object). It's odd, I've exported the OBJ from Retopo and when I open it in other programs, the polygon/triangle count will be displayed, but no model is visible with no way for me to edit it. I've also tried exporting the voxel sculpt as an OBJ, with the same result. An ghost model, that has a UV map and a polygon count but no visible or editable mesh. Any Ideas? I've created new projects and haven't run across this issue again. It's only one of my projects causing this issue. Any help would be awesome, Thanks.
  3. Hello i`m new to 3d coat. Does anyone know what to do when I want to go from the retopo the Uv room? because when i retopologized my voxelsculpt and want to go over to the uv room everything dissapears and when i press on "new UV set" it crashes. thanks ahead!
  4. I've been going through the YouTube videos related to retopology, and for several of the Add Geometry tools, and the Edit Geometry Move tool (with component mode=Vertices), there is reference to welding behavior when RDRAG'ing verts over verts. The videos show a red dot showing when the verts are close enough to snap and weld. I'm not seeing that red dot in any context, and don't have the sense the welds are occurring. Using 4.7.06. I'm defaulting to the OGL version, but tried the DX one as well, but same thing. Tried with and without Auto Snap ON. Is this a known issue, or might I have some setting "wrong" which is causing the failure?
  5. Hey, In the retopo room , when you press SPACEBAR it brings up the quick select toolbox... in this there are quick access slots #1-8. firstly... this is an absolute stroke of genius...!! secondly.... it doesn't seem to work. I just watched a video tutorial so I know i'm using it correctly but nothing happens when i press the hotkeys.... also clicking on the icon in the quick select area doesn't work. is this a bug?
  6. Hi, all! After creating and unwrapping a UV map, I can see the UV preview in the Retopo room-- but when I switch to the UV room, there's nothing there...can someone help? Thanks! Bryan
  7. I'm using the 3dcoat demo and I imported a model to retopo. I've been working on it for a while now but the vertices of the fingers, which I want to adjust, are "in" the finger. Because of this I can't select them. Am I doing something wrong? How do I select the vertices that have slipped inside the model?
  8. Watching some of the topo tutorials and it is mentioned when using symmentry setting, one must topologize on the positive side of the axis. How can I tell whether I'm on the positive or negative side of the X, Y or Z axis? Cheers Ken
  9. Hello, I'm currently on the trial version of 3D Coat, seeing if it's right for me (I say that just in case there's some limitations in the trail version unbeknownst to me). I currently have a relatively basic obj. file (a bell post) that I've retopo'd. I now want to update the model in the paint room with the retopo mesh, and then afterwards bake normals. Every time I bake though, 3D Coat crashes. Every time. Any hints on what could be going wrong? I'm on a GTX 780, 16gbs of RAM, so I'm not thinking the rig is the issue, but who knows. Thanks in advance everyone; besides these occasional technical hiccups, I'm enjoying learning this program.
  10. In this tutorial I show how to use manual retopology of an imported model (obj) and how to add smart materials for it:
  11. Hello. I am very new to 3d coat. I have already learned manual retopologisation (strokes and making polygons on imported surface) Could anyone suggest an automatic way of retopo of "flat" surfaces, that is not closed surfaces I have to retopo many many models like the one in image: thanks for any advice - it takes days and days to build this manually..
  12. Hi, I'm new to the program but love a lot of the painting features. I brought a low poly game mesh into the retopo room. I select a few faces on the base mesh then go to shell extrude. An extrusion is performed on those faces, but the rest of the base mesh disappears. Can someone tell me where it is? is the extruded shell now a separate object from the base mesh? Thanks!
  13. Hello dear community, wouldn't it be nice, if we have the possibility to cut entire loops in retopo? It would make things so much easier and save a lot of time.We could also use things lke face operators, that allow you to inset or bevel a retopo face during the process. Best wishes, Nicolas The Crocodile
  14. I watched the following videos which were recommended for a problem of mine: My problem is that after following the workflow from the video, my model in Retopo room is modified correctly concerning the mesh but the cutaway and modified pieces are still there. In the tutorial the head was immediately gone changing from Sculpt to Retopo room. It is kind of irritating if you want to introduce strokes like in the video.
  15. Hallo, ich habe folgendes Problem mit meinem Mesh. Ich weiß nicht wie ich die Symmetrie wieder herstellen kann und die Mittellinie des Meshes grade richten kann. Bei Blender wäre es Edge auswählen und s x 0 drücken. Leider habe ich noch nicht soviel Erfahrung mit 3DCoat, so dass ich jetzt mal fragen muss. Danke im Voraus und Gruß
  16. I apologize at the beginning because the question maybe too silly... After importing scans of persons into Retopo Room to create some cutting patterns I have sometimes bad scan areas, for example a fillet in the crotch (where I didnt collect data with the scanner). If I want to remove/smooth that fillet in Retopo whats the best way to do it? If I manipulate in Paint Room, the mesh stays the same, only the underlying body is modified... but I only need the mesh for my purpose.
  17. I imported a model for Autopo and it opens into Retopo room. Then I inserted my uv-cuts and unwrapped in Retopo room as well. When I change to UV-room there is no model visible though. I want to apply the "Cloth Relax" though which is not availabe in Retopo room. Is there a simple solution?
  18. When using move tool in retopo room, I think it used to show a red dot if it's merging verts when they get close to each others. I'm using 3D-COAT 4.7 now and it doesn't show me the red dot. I still works fine and merges the verts, but red dot was useful since it tells if it's merging the verts or not. Is this a bug? Or it has been changed some where in updates. Thank you.
  19. Hi All I am looking for some retopo pointers. Essentially, "how would you do this in 3D Coat?". I hoping someone might be kind enough to oblige, and share some wisdom. Issue 1 - Symmetry In the attached screenshot, you can see that I have already created geometry for a raised circle shape. The faces are Green. This circle shape lies on the symmetry line of my object. I used the strokes tool to do this, but I had symmetry and virtual mirror mode on at the time. Everything looked OK at first, but if I disabled symmetry and re-enabled it, things looked wrong (i.e. duplicated geometry). Weirdly, if I disabled and enabled virtual mirror mode, it looked OK again, until I disabled and re-enabled visibility of the object... I realise that's hard to follow, but it's almost like the view-port wasn't updating properly. It was very confusing. Basically - how would you retopo a circular object that lies on the line of symmetry of your object? Taking into account you want symmetry. Issue 2 - Inaccessible Geometry Also in the screenshot you can see that I am trying to retopo another part of the model with the strokes tool. I am struggling to do this, however, as I can't really get a loop around that inner protrusion. I am really missing a circular loop from the middle there, but I can't "get at it" properly to draw one. Basically - how do you deal with trying to retopo objects that have hard to get to places? That's it. Any tips or pointers are much appreciated.
  20. Is there a way to select overlapping faces? I accidently made a copy of the mesh in the same layer without realizing it. Now some of the parts are welded with the copied mesh. Selecting a face and growing that selection is not working. If I try to export that mesh to clean it up in 3ds max for example, 3d coat crashes. Looks like 3d coat doesn't like the overlapping faces. Thanks
  21. I'm using the quads tool but every time I draw a new quad it gives the quads a new color and green color seam where they connect. Any idea if this is a setting that can be turned off? In my Retopo Objects panel, all the quads are being drawn in the same layer. I do know that if I have two meshes in the same layer and are not connected they have different colors but I know this is not the case with the new quads that are being drawn. I seems like as I draw new quads and adds new UVs to it? and that is why it gets a new color. Thanks
  22. I just finished this zbrush sculpt and struggle with 3DCoat. I did the retopo of a part of this mesh and began to work on the UVs just to make an XNormal test. As most of the UV tools also exist in the retopo room, I defined my seams from there. But I tried every way I could figure out to export the mesh with UVs defined but when I open it from ZBrush, Max or any other app, there are : no UVs... I put the scene with seams from the retopo room in the link below if someone could help me to understand my mistakes or explain the way to export properly the mesh WITH UVs from the retopo room. DOWNLOAD retopo with seams marked in the RETOPO ROOM here : http://mcassar.free.fr/3DCoat/Metal Chest Part1 UVs from Retopo Room.3b As it wasn't working in the retopo room for me, and I also couldn't figure a way to get the mesh with seams from the retopo room in the UV room ... Well I imported the mesh and did all the seams again in UVs room this time. But it's the same ! When I export the .obj, it's got no UVs defined. I'm facing a wall there and would love to finish this mesh quickly. Understand how to do that would accelerate my workflow big time as UV unwrapping in 3DCoat is so damn cleverly thought, coded, and fast. DOWNLOAD retopo with seams marked in the UV ROOM here : http://mcassar.free.fr/3DCoat/Metal Chest Part1 UVs from UVs Room.3b Thanks a LOT in advance to anyone who could help me understand what I do wrong here P.S : I precise (I just think about that) that I did a quarter of the retopo in 3DCoat then Used 3DSMax symmetry twice, in X and Y, put an edit poly on top of the stack, collapsed it then imported it in 3DCoat. Maybe that's the issue ?
  23. I have created a very simple retopo mesh and auto unwrapped it in the retopo workspace but I wish to send it to the uv workspace but cant figure it out. Help!
  24. So I retop'd a mesh and I want to be able to bring it back into sculpting so I can refine it a bit more, how is this possible! Please and thank you!!! I've been struggling to do this!
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