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  1. Hi there ! This is my new work "Earth Dragon". Maybe Vox Sculpt, Retopo, Paint in 3D-Coat, and Render in UDK. I like snake brush drawing, but instead retopology is very hard..... Thanks.
  2. Andrew, Is there any way we can just add a shell or thicken to a retopo? I keep running into a problem whereby I want to retopo a thin mesh and the opposing verts keep snapping to each other in various places, making it super frustrating and near-impossible for me to retopo the thin mesh.
  3. New Retopology training available from my webstore HERE We look at all the basic tools including Autopo tool and then work through 3 project based workshops covering a wide variety of topics. Teaser from the 'Wrench' project Teaser from the 'Game Face' project You can use the Coupon code of 3DCOATFORUM to qualify for a £6.99 discount from the store price. Hope you like
  4. I was working on a project overnight that turned out rather well after I manually retopo'd it. I was adding further details, afterwards to rebake, but had to go to sleep. I awoke to have 3DC crash. I tried to import my retopo mesh that I had exported from 3DC last night into the scene to reuse and found that it was considerably smaller than my Voxel sculpt. I've been trying to manually scale it back, but I'm finding myself having to spend a lot of time messing with this. Is there a shrink wrap function in 3DC that I don't know about? If so I could simply make it bigger than my Voxel and do it.
  5. I'm trying to retopo a hand, manually. However, I'm having a heck of a time getting it to grab vertices I want to move. Yes, I'm using the Move vertices tool and I'm also setting the selection from Auto to Vertices. Any tips?
  6. Hi there. I'm new in Retopo, trying to do some tests before I buy a few licenses for a project. I wanted to ask 1)how do you merge two vertices together, and 2) is there a way to extend an edge inwards or outwards? Thanks
  7. Instead of having to repeatedly hitting the Relax button, it would be great if there was a Relax Start and a Relax Stop button. Hitting Relax Start would automatically continuously relax the retopo points until Relax Stop is pressed. This is the way the Relax tool in the 3DS Max UVW editor works and it's really fast and handy. Bony
  8. I did the autopo and I got this green mesh. I want to see the topology but i cant separate the voxel model from the topology or get the green polygons to go away and leave just the lines so i can see it better... What do I do? (by the way this model is for a Halloween model set)
  9. I am especially delighted with the excellent predictability of the Strokes tool. With earlier attempts in older builds, it often failed to deliver and now it works like a champ! Thank you, Andrew!
  10. Hello guys, I just want to know if it's a bug or if it's me. I can't merge vertices in the Retopo room, from what i read on the forum i'm just suppose to move the vertex onto another one(that's become red). There's a special stuff to do , to make it works ? Because it doesn't worked here. Cheers, Pixo
  11. Hey everyone, we're Mixamo. We just put together a great tutorial on how to use Mixamo and 3D Coat for amazing results. It's now easier than ever before to get animation on your 3D Coat characters using our Auto-Rigging and Animation services! Let us know what you think. Cheers, -Mixamo
  12. Hi, just stumble upon this rather unknown but simply great software and watched some tutorials wich included auto-retopo to painting , but couldn't really find any that explained the way from manual-retopo to start painting and ofc UV. Can someone pls tell me some very short step by step in this process (the final output is going to be a low poly model with an NM going into LW11) e.g 1 Creating high poly model in Voxel-> 2 Manual retopo, turn to low-poly model-> 3 UV? 4 Bake? 5 Painting?
  13. Decreasing the density of a voxel/obj curve by 8 still exports to LW with an insane poly count. How do I manage this? Thanks. M
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