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Found 16 results

  1. I have had experience with sculpting in blender, but wanted to try 3dcoat after hearing about its voxel features. Right now i only have the demo but havent tried it for long. Im a little confused with the brush layout. im not sure what the difference is to clay engine, voxel tools and claydraw. Is voxel sculpting always enabled with all these tools or do they work differently and seperately? Where do the surface tools come in? Ive been planning on getting the new suface laptop studio with 11th gen icore 7 with 32 gb of ram. With how much power 3d software needs, will that be enough, especially for high amount of details and sculpting full body characters and objects? because 3dcoat has voxels, do i still need to use subdivide, retopology and remesh when sculpting, or can it be completely voxel sculpting with none of those options?
  2. I'm starting to get a bit more familiarised with how 3dcoat works. I'm just wondering, how does one duplicate an object from the paint room? Let's say I've already sculpted an object in the sculpt room, bring it to the retopology room to retopologise it, and then bake it to paint. One way I figured out is to bring the retop mesh to the sculpt room and duplicate it in the sculpt room, but what if I just made a small change, for example, add a hole to one part of it. Is there a way to copy the same retop mesh and keep the same uv maps without having to retopologise the new duplicated mesh?
  3. Hi everyone, I am currently having problems with the sculpt room, I can only sculpt on the volume that has the mesh on it, if I create a new volume and try to sculpt, nothing happens :/ I honestly have no idea what is happening, pleaseee help! Here is the file, let me know if anyone can sculpt on a new volume! Thank you for any replies! Dagger deco sculpt.3b
  4. I use stencils in sculpt room to add physical details to my surfaces. The stencil remains a 2d feature while working on the 3d object. It would be really convenient to have a stencil that wrapped around the object and locked its place in relation to the object (feature named perhaps "conforming stencil"). If you rotate the object, then the wrap-around stencil moves perfectly with it. It might take several different stencils to to cover an object, so a next step would be to somehow calibrate multiple stencils to continue matching each other and the object. If we could get something like that, then it might be possible to create an new kind of sculpt tool which would apply the stencil a uniform height (in or out) so the detail is more uniform. This stencil idea could be implemented, perhaps, by "unrolling" the surface (like in Rhino). Of course using the conforming stencil in the paint room would be desired as well. Thanks.
  5. Hi! Hey everyone... Could someone please confirm a possible error? My version of 3D-Coat is 4.8.18 and I tested it with the GL and DX. I'm trying to use the Curve Stroke in the Sculpt Room in conjunction with any brush (freeze, Clay or others brushes) and it's not working. The percentage of the calculation appears when the tool is applied and as a result nothing happens. Now, when I went to the Paint Room, I chose the Stroke Curve and it worked correctly. I did the same test on the previous version of 3D-Coat 4.7 and the Stroke Curve worked perfectly on the Sculpt Room and Paint Room. Does Curve Stroke in the latest version of 3D-Coat not working in Sculpt Room? Thank you for your attention.
  6. Hey everyone, I think I've figured out a possible bug when I'm in Surface Mode in the Sculpt room. When I use the Clone Tool and Cut And Clone Tool on surface mode, simply any mesh that was not selected is deleted or mysteriously disappears. Both tools work perfectly in Voxels Mode, but unfortunately in Surface Mode something very strange is happening and the tools do not work as they should. In the video below I demonstrate this possible bug in the Clone Tool and Cut and Clone Tool in Surface Mode.
  7. I would like to ask if there would be a way to use the Freeze (mask) in Voxels Mode in the Sculpt Room. I know that Freeze is used in the Pose Tool, Vox Extrude, Vox Layer ... Is it possible to use the Freeze with the Move Brush and the other sculpting Brushes in Voxels mode? Or some masking technique for sculpting tools on Voxels? Thank you
  8. Hey Everyone... I saw some old videos (from Raul Fernandez) about the Copy Clay tool from Surface Mode - Sculpt Room. In the videos, Raul Fernandez showed that when you copied some part of the mesh or when you load an object saved in a folder, a preview of the copy would appear in the brush before you even applied the tool. 1) I'm trying to use Copy Clay, but I'm not having this same preview of the copy in the brush before applying the tool. Is there something wrong or is there no longer a preview of the copy in the brush? 2) Please, could anyone explain all features of the the Copy Clay Tool (not only for me, but for everyone here in the community)? I could not find explanation in the manual or video about this tool. I already thank you for your attention.
  9. Добрый день, Я активный пользователь 3D coat и на днях у меня возник такой вопрос. Можно ли добавить в Скульпт рум модель с уже готовой рвзверткой чтобы потом расклонировать её повсюду с помощью Instancer? Интересуюсь вот почему. Я собираю сцену из модульнных объектов (домики, заборчики) прямо в 3д коат , затем экспортирую её целиком во внешний рендер. Я знаю что я могу процессить каждую модель отдельно, сделать развертки и экспортировать в рендерер по частям, собирая сцену там. Но хочется работать над дизайном сцены в 1м пакете, не прерывая поток. Плюс ко всему, не хочется ретопать всю сцену, а только по 1му экзепляру объекта, с последующей автоматической подменой всех инстансов в сцене. Предположим такой пайплайн. 1. Моделим несколько домиков в скульпт руме 2. ретопаем их и разворачиваем в ретопо руме 3. забираем развернутые модельки в скульпт рум обратно 4. заменяем воксельные объекты на лоу/мид поли из ретопо рума. 5. экспортим всю сцену в рендерер, настраиваем материалы. Такой пайплайн позволит не только ускорить процесс сборки сцены, но и ползволит улучить качество. Если есть способы это сделать сейчас, буду рад если кто-то мне расскажет. спасибо!
  10. Poly Remove sometimes fails to remove some polygons although they appear to be selected(sometimes it fails to select too). Cut Out while it usually works, I later found out was cutting not only forwards into the background, but also backwards behind the camera where I later noticed I'd damaged the mesh quite badly(I've tried playing with settings here but not had much luck). So far the best way I've found is to use freeze tool to select polygons and hide them, then "Geometry->Delete hidden" Is there a better way?
  11. I've noticed that a mesh I was repairing(exported from zbrush), was getting destructive damage to it a fair distance away from where I was using the reconstruct tool targeted area(mask/freeze). Usually this was being used to repair some holes or poorly triangulated areas. Is this to be expected? Is there something I can do to minimize the damage the tool can do unexpectedly? There seems to be a few tools that behave like this, especially Cut Off surprised me, it's not clear from a glance which tools can affect the surface elsewhere from where I am using the brush/rectangle. I'd very much like something like Cut Off and Reconstruct where I can define some bounding/radius limit.
  12. I had at some point found out Close Hole has options(beyond "Through All Volumes") but it took me a while to figure out how I got that "Tool Options" panel. I found out that enabling the "On Plane" checkbox(next to "Through All Volumes") on the "Cut Off" tool brings this panel up for "Close Hole" but it doesn't have this option flag itself...is this a bug? It's been useful to change settings as it seems to allow me to not damage other parts of my mesh(environment) accidentally(it would affect triangles considerably further away from the area I selected/brushed...although triangles would often delete themselves(or perhaps visibility was just toggled) on triangles nearby still, even though they're out of the target area.
  13. Koji is sharing some PBR shaders at Koji shader pack and Koji PBR custom User site
  14. Hi! Really enjoying 3Dcoat, but I'm having two issues in the sculpt room that I can't seem to get rid of, but which are probably easy to fix if one knows how One is that resampling the mesh seems to cause it to break a few brush or smoothing strokes later. This happens quite often in surface mode, but I can't seem to find out exactly what causes it. It does not seem to respect symmetry either, which is weird. Screencapture: https://www.dropbox.com/s/02vzompckb5zknc/ice_video_20160228-121701.webm screenshots: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/content_link/rdmh23KUtYgmD1nmvBUql8kSBhdYipYbPMeNScMccPY5kXfGQgAMzg1K8GjLm34l/file https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/content_link/PHQ6Y95PIfyJUFVixksBICxjLV1Bzact8DKt7AwDJPQ1jZ9TNpaMywaqHKmc127H/file The other one is that I can't seem to reposition the light Screencapture: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gyzfh5wc1p320ax/ice_video_20160228-131758.webm Any help would be appreciated!
  15. Do any tricks exist for transforming selected point groups of a curve (created with a Curve tool)? I had to alter my sculpture a bit, and now need to move this knot into a new position without touching the rest of the points. However, I can't figure out how. I don't want to type-in new point positions into Edit Points window - that would be too much of a guesswork and trial and error. There must be a simpler way of doing it.
  16. Hello 3D coat community could you tell me which tools i need to use to get the sort of fine line detailing around the panels in the picture i have posted. Could i get the detailing that thin and sharp using curve pen tools if so which tool or tools would you suggest? Thanks IO.
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