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Hi there ! This is my new work "Earth Dragon". Maybe Vox Sculpt, Retopo, Paint in 3D-Coat, and Render in UDK. I like snake brush drawing, but instead retopology is very hard..... Thanks.
This is my first time using a sculpting program and to be honest i am just a little overwhelmed by the amount of tools there are. Out of curiosity what are your 5 most commonly used sculpting tools. Why would you select those tools over others, and what type of object would you use them on. (hard surface, organic)
Just a starter project as a new user of 3d coat. A fantastic tool. Can't wait for a stable V4.
OK folks. I've got a problem I can't seem to repair, with close holes, fill, smooth or otherwise. I created this part of my sculpt in the Voxel room using Curves. However, the resulting joint, here got all ripped up upon committing the curves. I can't fix it. Any advice?
Hello guys, There's a special reason for the users to have 2 differents tools to do the same things ? I'm probably wrong but i'm wondering why do we have "Hide" and "SurfHide" tools ? Can't we just have Hide as a general tool, that would work the same for surface and voxel ? I probably miss something. I'm asking that cause is one of the tool that i'm using the more and i don't really like to have 2 hotkeys for the same user function. Especially if you consider that you should that care what's surface and what is voxel,it breaks the workflow. Another example, if you have many layers some with voxels and some with surfaces, you'll not be able to hide through all volumes just because the hide tools are specific. Thank you, Pixo
Hello everyone! Here is a sculpture I have been working on for a bit. Can you guess where this guy is from? Feel free to critique .